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$5/mo Bonus patrons and above can log in and enjoy the update on homestuck2.com/bonus! Our Benefactor and above Patrons will receive our panel sketches and update commentary later this week to thank them for their generous support. Thank you to everyone, and happy holidays! 



I love this so much!! Time to read problem sleuth I guess. Swifer and Cliper, the best! Jasprosesprite - sexiest cat alive, no personal boundaries... I like Homestuck everyone


jake wandering off: I think i will cause problems on purpose


Hello gamers

Laura Castrillón

I am glad that Earth C Meat isn´t suffering the same fate as Earth C Candy. Or at least make things more interesting. I also believe in Jane's redemption...   (Although technically Jane Meat hasn't done anything bad yet)


i dunno if its intentional, but pages 17&18 use the standard layout instead of the ps2 layout! but eeeee im so excited to see where this story goes <:~)


Heard there is Problem Sleuth^2 in bonus materials so I really needed to see it myself and I wasn't let down! I'm super excited of this and what's going to happen next in Midnight City! I really love black and white art too and that last panel is super epic plus page 14 Midnight City rain is super sweet!


He is B A C K and looks way cooler than he has any right to be! Lovin these bonus chapters


Any word on if we are still getting the Dec commentary post?


jasprose is hot actually

Kayla Ryan

It would be awesome if these bonus upd8s were made available for everyone. like you could have them be early access for patrons and then at a later date release them for everyone to read.


what is homestuck


Buddy. We're STILL looking for a cogent definition. "Any work tangentially related to the canon of Andrew Hussie which addresses topics of narrative and/or canonicity" might be the closest thing we get. And even that's sketchy as fuck.


Now this is the plot that I became a member of this fecal matter film to read.


then again that'd make bard quest and problem sleuth "homestuck" which I'm not comfortable with. have we considered a more simple definition? I suggest "fucked"? or we could put the definition in as "good question-


I would say her campaign just in and of itself counts as 'something bad', but also she can't exactly fully shoulder the blame for that given Ult! Dirk's involvement, both in literal and meta-narrative terms.