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$5/mo Bonus patrons and above can log in and enjoy the update on homestuck2.com/bonus! We've also made a news post, available to everyone, discussing our philosophy on these side stories. Our Benefactor and above Patrons will receive our panel sketches and update commentary this week to thank them for their generous support. Thank you to everyone for your support.



This is probably a dumb question what with the whole theme of canon being thrown out the window, but are the Bonus Tier side stories "canon" in the sense that they are in the same continuity of Homestuck^2, or are they entirely offshoot and wont matter in Homestuck^2?


any chance of a discord for patreons so we can discuss the bonus content?


According to the post mentioned up there, they're not essential to understanding the main story but might become relevant in the future, in which case there will be a summary of the events! Hope that helps!


I am starting to think what they mean by Canon out the window is literally Paradox space got ate by a black hole, that system of control has been removed. So a new reality could be formed. Rules rewritten


"January 20, 2021". Wow, really? Why? Shouldn't it be 5007 year? 2021 years since what, exactly? Some kind of troll/carapace/consort Jesus?


"the office was established as a successor to thr Quad-Kingdom Pact first negotiated by the Mayor"


Which one did he negotiate, the office, the Pact, or both?


The wording is pretty awkward in that article


More like they fast forwarded time in the flooded Alpha Earth so the water would recede, but since so much time had passed everyone just settled on starting the clock with the day of Obama's election or something. It would definitely make sense alongside them building an Obama Memorial White House.


Hm. Interesting... I wonder where this is going... also wrt the discussion here about "canon" as it's used in the story rn, it's pretty obvious to me that it's not really in the same sense that we use it IRL. The "Candy" timeline is "less canon" because it is predicated on not dealing with the underlying issue with reality, whereas "Meat" is "more canon" because some of its; inhabitants are attempting to solve the problem, the success or failure of will likely determine the fate of reality at large. It's basically a new, meta-textual evolution of the "alpha timeline" vs. "doomed timeline" concept from the original series following the liberation of the "Creators" from Skaia/Sburb's influence.


i really enjoyed this! i'm hoping that one of the bonuses will include the dnd disaster dirk mentioned. keep up the good work! <3


I wonder who did the CATNAPPING. Probably a spider themed troll! Or a bird themed troll? I can't think of a a theme for this act.


I think Jasprosesprite^2 is doing the catnapping


yo wheres follower count???? how we know if yall reach 2000???


A Patreon redesign seems to have moved the counter around the page, but our "Goals" box is still visible to all users on patreon.com/homestuck! - Kate