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Hi, James here. We're gonna be tryin out something with these next few updates, so here is a preview track from the the first one. We needed a handful of tracks and since we aren't in the position where we can be paying people to do outsourced work on a short notice like this, it fell to me to write 'em. A lot of them are sort of loose concepts/sketches like this so I'll post a little bit about them here.

This one uses samples from one of my favorite songs "Ghost Town" by The Specials. It also has a few bits from "Ghost Mound" which is a song from Hiveswap that I didn't name. Obviously this is named after the Specials song, but it didn't sound anything like the song or have anything to do with it, which was annoying at the time. I never really mentioned it but I always sort of hated how the old lead writer made lyrics for those songs because they weren't very good and we don't get along.

Anyway, now the songs co-exist because of that. That is the only reason I added those samples in. It has nothing to do with the update, I just liked it. Or does it? It might? It doesn't. Or does it? Hmm. Damn.. does it?

Anyway, so this little exercise in sampling made it in. I would have liked to spend more time like mixing and extending it, but there were a bunch of other tracks I needed to do. I will be sharing those in the coming weeks as well. OK see you soon.



coincidentally a summer vibe ⛱️


Ghost town is my favorite song🤩