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Thank you everyone for your support on my text last post! It meant a lot to me reading everyone's replies and seeing just how many people understood what I was going through. At first I was a bit anxious to talk about it, I thought people would be pissed off at me but I couldn't have been more wrong. So again, before I get into the meat of this post - thank you so much to everyone who left a kind comment. I appreciate it a lot!

Annnyyywaaysss! I'm making this post to announce that I'm officially back! However, I've decided to make some changes to the way my patreon is run to hopefully alleviate some of the stress I was feeling when It came to animating.

There's now only ONE tier. It is $5, yes - a bit expensive but It is an "all in one" tier, so you're really getting all that I have to offer in that specific tier.

Here's the break down of what you can expect for the new tier:

βœ” Early Access to Machinima Animations
- This one is a no brainer. You'll get access to my animations designed for machinima THREE weeks ahead of the public.

βœ” Early Access to Wicked Whims Animations
- The same thing as above, but for my wicked whims animations. You'll get access to wicked whims animations THREE weeks ahead of everyone else. As of right now, I won't be prioritizing this very highly. That may change in the future, but for now most of my content will be designed for directors to use in their machinima projects.

βœ” Access to Personal Animations (Made for my series)
- These are animations that will NOT be made public because they'll be animations that were designed specifically for my series or for my own personal use. They will be released after every episode of the series (or movie) it is used in. 

βœ” See WIPS and Clips of Animations and other projects
- This one is also kind of a no brainer. I'll post pictures of animations I'm working as well as previews of those animations. I might also share sneak peeks of my upcoming machinima projects, if you're interested in that. 

βœ” (Occasional) Voting Power for Next Animation Pack
-Sometimes I will post polls giving supporters the option of choosing which animation pack I will work on next, as well as what ideas they like best for what will go in it.

Annnnnddd that's it for the changes! I'll be dropping an animation pack on May 1st so be on the look out for that one πŸ˜‰πŸ’•