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Normally I post my updates to my discord, but I forget that I should also probably put them here since some of you guys aren't apart of that...But basically I'll give a rundown of what's been going on lately and why I haven't been so active. 

I've been a lot more depressed and uninspired for these last two or three months. I'm not even sure how long it's been I've been kind of disassociating and losing track of time.  Because of that, I've kind of avoided being in the sims community altogether though I tend to pop up here and there responding to people and whatnot.  But lately I've been trying to get my life together and be more productive. It just sucks that some things have happened that are hindering that.

What's the problem, you might ask? Well, I'll fill you in. It's not mental health related or anything (I know I have a pattern for that and I'm trying to work on it). But instead, I found out recently that my power supply unit for my computer hasn't been functioning as it should. I don't know when the problem started, but I noticed it last week.

The fans on the PSU aren't spinning, which, under high loads can lead to overheating and the computer shutting off. Basically I can't go in game to film for animation packs or work on my series or do anything intensive like that.

I'm working on replacing the PSU, but It could take one-three weeks from now. Depends on how shipping is since the holidays are coming up. Now, I can animate still without my computer failing so I have been doing that! Just can't release anything yet.

Another problem that just popped up is I got sick again. I don't know what with yet as of the time I'm writing this post, but the symptoms point towards a virus. I'm unsure if it is covid related or not, so I can't say for certain until I visit the doctors but I've got chills ,headache, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, body ache, fatigue and sore throat. It sucks, but we'll see.

TLDR: I've been gone because of mental health issues, a failing PSU, and I'm sick again. I am trying my best to work on animating again, but it's unclear when I'll be able to release anything. 


Expressive Girl

I wish you inspiration for new projects!


Good news! The Covid, Flu, and Strep test came back negative so it just seems like I have a really bad cold, which still sucks but isn't the end of the world. I've got a couples animation pack lined up and ordered a new PSU so I should be making my return soon :D