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This was posted to my discord as well, but I figured I'd post it here as well.

I'll be updating ALL of my rigs soon to correct bugs as well as give them an appearance overhaul (to look more simplistic for my older rigs). If you guys have discovered some bugs, or have any suggestions you'd like to make for any of my current and previous rigs, please let me know! It'll speed up the process significantly!  

List of my rigs:
*Melodine (Beta, Alpha, V1.1)
*Toddler IK Rig
*Fijiko *Nanashi (V1, V2, V3)
*Female IK Rig  

Bugs I am currently aware of:
*On Melodine V1.1 there is a glitch where the eye's rotation will freak out past a certain point. I know the fix for this and plan to add it into the next release.
*Fijiko's head has a bobbing issue, this is extremely prevalent on fast moving animations. In the past I kept it for stylistic choice but I will be updating the rig to correct this issue.  

Planned changes:
*Overhauling Nanashi's skin to be more simplistic to make it easier to see and animate certain elements (the eyes).
*Updating all relevant rigs to have less visually clunky designs.
*Adding new pose libraries to all rigs (Lip sync, expressions, ect).
*Updating All relevant rigs to be interchangeable or to have a male counterpart if it doesn't already have one.
*Updating all relevant rigs to support a mermaid and pregnant body type.
*Enabling the prop bone and adding a bone shape to represent it (cube).
*Updating Melodine to have a more appealing tongue mesh (Noir and Dark's realistic tongue).  

Planned new rig releases:
*Melodine Pets Rigs
*Melodine Toddler Rigs
*Melodine Child Rigs
*Melodine for Sims 3 (Alpha only)
*Pets IK Rigs

 Things you could suggest:
*Specific body shapes you'd like to see included by native.
*Specific changes to how the body moves. For example, on Meldoine the eyes don't follow the rig. If you think that's a very annoying feature, I can update it. Another example, on Meldodine V1.1, the shoulders move with the arms. I can also change it so that it doesn't.
*Specific requests on which rigs should be overhauled and for what reason.  

Things I cannot change:
*I cannot add adult versions to any other rig except Melodine and the Female IK rig (also toddler and child and pet rigs because...for obvious reasons). But as for the other rigs this is because of how complicated the setup is. It would take too long to replicate and modify it. And for this reason also, they will be unable to support tongues.
*I cannot add support for different height presets for any other rig except Melodine and the Female IK rig (for the same reasons above). I'm also unwilling to do it even for Melodine because it would take a long time, however if it is highly requested then I may try.

Leave your suggestions in the comments here or in my discord server in the help channel and I'll see if I can add it!



Hello, Do these rigs override the rig used with Wicked Whims??