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Hey again, everyone.

Currently, TS4 Gallery is down due updates, bug fixes, and maintenance (still). The link below is a direct link from in-game that talks about the upcoming updates, or things to expect in the game.  As soon as I am able, I will post the characters I create onto the gallery. And don't worry, I will still continue making CC and posting it all here for you to DL should you want to create/dress up your own or have it ready when the time comes available. 

I know it kinda sucks, but unfortunately, it's out of my hands as we are now at the mercy of The Sims team time frame. They did happen to mention that when the gallery returns, nothing will be changed. Meaning, all things uploaded to the gallery will still be there, etc. Also, they are fixing the feature of already being logged in 'Online' instead of constantly having to do it manually, which I must admit, is kinda nice. Did anyone else find that annoying? Or was it just me? lol :P

But, anywho. I guess we now play the waiting game. Despite all that, hoping this message finds you all well, and that you are having an amazing day/night/week!  Feel free to message me direct here should you have any questions. ^^

Here is the aforementioned info:


For updates on twitter: https://twitter.com/thesimsdirect

Take care for now, and I'll be back tomorrow with a brand new post. ^^

Much love <3

-Jaime ^^



Seems like it was true! Now when I login, everything is right online. ^^ Is it working that way for you now too?


Yes :-) Like you before, everytime I started The Sims 4 and I wanted to go online I had to select connect to go online every time even when I was already online? it was so damn annoying!!! thank god it's finally fixed!