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Version 0.5.0 has been uploaded!


Add a stage  that player is licked instead of candy ball.

The previous version (0.4.5) will be released to the public.

2024/1/2 ver0.5.1 fix ring stage by reducing the effective range of the Climbing system



-Quest2 only(NO PC)-



Select the bottom stage on the title screen and ring the bell.

After a while she will let player out, but if player try to move, player will be swallowed.

Once player has been swallowed, player cannot climb up the esophagus and get out because it is interrupted by a newly swallowed candy ball on the way up.

Change Log

-Add a stage that player is licked instead of candy ball.

When player approach she, she put player in her mouth and let player out after a while.

If player try to move, will be swallowed.

If player climb up the esophagus, a new candy ball will be swallowed and player will be dropped again.

-NonVR mode to be able to climb up the esophagus as well.

Next update plan

-I want to make a tug of war. A girl tied to the end of a string has been swallowed, and the player pulls on the string to help.

If the string is not pulled tightly, the player will be swallowed together.


-Add UI to check hunger level (so that it follows the left hand)

-If develop possible, make a cake by combining foodstuff (cooking)

-Add other stages such as digestion promotion, etc. Keep throwing food falling in the stomach into the gastric juices. (The stomach shakes and the gastric juice falls down and disturbs you.)

-I want to use ray for UI.

-I want to seamlessly move from mouth to throat.

-Add a situation where a player is climbing up an esophagus and is disturbed by falling food.

-Allow the player to enhance himself in the shop. (burp, gastric juice damage reduction, etc.)

-Additional task goals. Additional rewards for accomplishing tasks.

-Add other girl.

-Add a storyline.

-Upgrade the UI.

Pending(Considering if it can be done)


-burp variation

-Customize the girl's appearance




Thanks, and happy new year

Kyle Harland

That looks like a different girl in the thumbnail

Kyle Harland

Oh and happy new year


Amazing work and happy new year!


New girl looks very cute! Happy New Year!

Kyle Harland

Also I tried the retrieve the ring level but I can't get her oesophagus to open back up I don't know if I'm missing something or if it's a bug as a result of the new stage

Kyle Harland

Does that work for the non VR version to ? I don't have a VR set up so I alway play with mouse and keyboard


I could not reproduce the problem, but it could be due to the fact that I enabled the Climbing system even in Non VR mode. So I updated the ring stage by reducing the effective range of the Climbing system! I think this made it easier to pry open. As a supplement, it is easier to pry it open by spreading it from side to side than by pulling it up and down.


I think so. I just tested it with a mouse and keyboard and was able to pry it open, so I think it's ok. The download URL has been updated.


Yes I did what I was talking about on normal PC. Left click and drag to pull. Right click is how you move the camera.

Kyle Harland

Hey I got it to work thanks for the tip I guess I must have just forgotten how that mechanic works


God bless us every one 🙏


Love the update, having seen a stage where you're supposed to lie still, it makes me think of another option. You could make a stage where you are kissing with your girlfriend, it starts with light kisses and a little licking before she slowly sucks you into her mouth. If you let her keep sucking on you like in the most recent stage, she eventually swallows you and you have to climb back out. Even better if she looks concerned and pets you a little after she spits you back out on her palm. Just my submission for a potential new stage in case you run out of ideas. Hardest part I think would be setting up the eyebrow movements to reflect emotion, I don't think you've done much of that before but I could be wrong.


Happy New Year HotSpring! If i am allowed to make a wish/request: Can you make a full tour? An intestines-section after the stomach with her well anus as an sort of escape ? Would be cool! Much love and the game is already awesome as it is! As i was playing *Ring retreaval* a moment ago i realised: You already have a sort of awesome intestines: Your esophagus model. Needs a view vilis, winging pathways, a few groaning and gurgle sounds and more of that contraction momement. :D


The new licking stage is absolutly phenomenal! I really love that cute giantess and its absolutly sensational! There is almost a phantom touch when you are pressed into her palate. A final touch would be a *wetness* layer for her mouth but other then that, cant wait for another round this evening. Thank you for making this game!


Good ideas! I think kissing is a good situation! Reflect emotion is poor and I would like to make better it.


I made the esophagus model myself, so I am glad to hear you say so! Thank you! But sorry, don't expect a full tour. I will consider it,


I am glad you are pleased! I made an update today that makes her mouth look wet! It also touches the moving tongue! Have fun!