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Sorry it took so long!

Version 0.3.0 has been uploaded!

10/6 ver0.3.1 update.



It seems to work with Oculus Quest 2, but it seems to require a complicated procedure.

I will be purchasing Oculus Quest 2 in the near future and would like to support it so that I can launch Oculus Quest 2 by itself.

Change Log

-Add a escape from the stomach feature.

Keep holding the left hand of the girl who in the stomach.

If you let go of your hand during the process, it will fall off.

In the future I plan to change it so that help can be called for with items purchased in the shop(WIP).

-Esophageal expression.


-Add sound effect in esophageal.


(If you have any other good opinions, please let me know)

-The speed of the hand changes the pitch of the sound effect when it touches the tongue.

-Addition of crouching function.

-Smooth turn.

-Fixed the behavior of escape from the stomach.

-A version of Oculus Quest 2 that can be activated on its own.

-Add other stages such as ring retrieval, digestion promotion, etc. Recover the ring so that you don't die. Keep throwing food falling in the stomach into the gastric juices. (The stomach shakes and the gastric juice falls down and disturbs you.)

-Allow the player to enhance himself in the shop. (burp, gastric juice damage reduction, etc.)

-Additional task goals. Additional rewards for accomplishing tasks.

-Add other girl.

-Add a storyline.

-Upgrade the UI.

Pending(Considering if it can be done)

-Allow it to touch the esophagus.

Climb if possible.

-Stomach to be filled with acid


-burp variation

-Customize the girl's appearance


Sean Stevenson

Love the update!! When can we expect the next one to be out??


I am loving this game. I play without a vr headset currently and the game works perfectly. The character model is beautiful and very well done. I like what you have created and am looking forward to future plans. Some complements and ideas include: - I see you are already planning a scene where the player is caught in her mouth and licked around which I look forward too. Any mouthplay/tongueplay scenes I will love. - I like that if she gets hungry enough and you aren't feeding her she will just eat you if you are within range. What if you are in her mouth already when she picks food up herself you get swallowed too? Same thing when she activates an animation with larger food you gave her. Also her eye tracking is well done and satisfying to watch. - What if when she swallows food you are putting in her mouth at the back of her throat and you are in her mouth too she ends up licking and playing with you after swallowing, that could be one of the mouthplay scenes. - What if she eats you if you poke the back of her mouth too much with the tool to push food in, it upsets her after a certain amount of times. I noticed she makes a sound when you do that with the tool and I thought of this. - Saliva will be a challenge to make but adding various amounts of that would be cool, scenes where she spits on you/coats you in saliva/plays with you with her saliva, etc. - When the shop opens, a tool for light like a headlamp or something would be nice since it is hella dark in her throat lol. Apologies for the amount of text, if you need clarification on anything I will reply in a more simplified manner. Try not to overwork yourself or rush with updates and features, I enjoy this game and would like you to continue having the passion and drive to work on it!


Thanks for so many ideas! I'm looking for more mouth variations, more situations where get swallowed! As for saliva, it may be difficult to implement, but I'll think about it.