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Some exciting news! I haven't told this to many people yet, but I quit my job!

I submitted a resignation letter at the end of the last month. It was a long time coming. I'm an IT support specialist by profession and have been with the same shitty company for the last 3 years. It is a funding/financing company which I find incredibly not interesting. I was really unhappy for quite some time and towards the end, I really hated it there mainly because of the company itself and a weasel supervisor, and the day I put down my papers was one of the happiest moments in my life.

I have a 3-month notice period which means that I am officially free at the end of February. But! I stopped working last week and will continue to receive my salary until the end of my period. That is a nice thing you can work out with your employer in Germany.

After that, I am on my own. I already opened a small business for YouTube and now I need to apply for work permits, tax... and other typical German bureaucratic stuff. Not looking forward to that.

Bit of a backstory, prior to this job, I worked for a news agency in Berlin for 6 months, and before that, I was living and working in Santa Barbara, California. I'm originally from Serbia and I went to CA on a student exchange program, landed a job in IT and stayed there for a few years.

Santa Barbara is my favorite place on earth and I had, what I now consider, an ultimate gig. I was maintaining the IT infrastructure in an oceanfront, 5-star luxury resort: Bacara Resort & Spa. The picture above is with my best friend taken during business hours, lol.

Putting the incredible workplace on the side, the IT director I worked with is one of the nicest human beings I ever met in my life. I learned a lot from him and we are still friends to this day. Lots of fond memories there and that's where this crazy adventure with BMWs began. I was buying cheap broken bimmers, fixing them up and flipping them. They are stupid cheap and easy to sell there.

My work contract was coming to an end and my girlfriend, at the time, was studying in Germany. I had a choice of staying in the US, but break up with her or come to Germany and be with her. As you can conclude, I chose the latter. One of the hardest decisions I had to make, living in Santa Barbara is my dream and I was so used to that life. The first few months in Deutschland I was a nervous mess, but I landed a new job quickly and fast forward to now, things worked out wonderfully. I'm still with her and now I get to do what has become my dream job, travel and save BMWs, and make videos about it. Something that makes me incredibly happy and fulfilled.

Anyway, I never properly introduced myself in the videos as I always wanted them to be about cars, but the damn thing grew so quickly and that's my story. We'll see how this journey goes, YouTube revenue is a roller coaster, but I'll try to pump out more videos often and hopefully get some sponsors aboard.

The support from you good folks is much appreciated and will go a long way! Hopefully, the channel grows even more and results in a lot more junk getting saved.

Ramble over. I actually bought another dead car yesterday and then today, a subscriber offered me a free car. That left me speechless. I'll share that in the next post.

Thank you all for being here!




Congratulations! Your videos are just the best and look forward to seeing more of them - well done!


Wow, you can be proud! Always follow your heart. Thanks you for your openness and I wish you all the best!


Im happy that you are happy! (also more videos yeeee!)


Just a lovely story. Doing what you always want to do and be so informative and entertaining is great. I wish you a very peaceful safe and happy Christmas and I look forward to more videos.


Such a nice story. Follow your heart and your dreams, and you'll be happy in the end! Glad to be able to help you out with some 'stable' income during the first period of your YouTube business. Keep them cooooooming up!


I knew there was an interesting story in there somewhere!


Congratulations man! Can't wait for the things to come!


That's awesome news. I hope it works out for you (so I doubled my contribution to help) Good luck Sretan!


You’re the man!! I’m here to support you! I’m going to set up an M539 “fund” for eventually buying one of the future projects from you lol. Really nice to know your background, and good luck with going into this full time!!!!


Santa Barbara is prettttyyyyy nice, but as a car fanatic (and journalist) living in Southern California, I would love living in Germany for a few years at least to experience it properly. Congratulations on getting out of a crappy work situation and I'm looking forward to what you do with the channel next.


Great story man! You have lived and interesting life and you’re still so young, lots to look forward to! Keep up the good work!


I watch youtube for 8 years now and this is the first time in my life that i want to support someone i guess i can call it love. Buy the way love your sense of humor. Probably humor and total professionalism is the core of your show. Keep it simple sir

John McCormick

Congratulations on being a quitter! Really it's not good to have to stick around a toxic work environment that erodes your happiness.


What a story man! Glad to be here from the beginning. You’ll make it, no worries. Your formula works.


Great to hear you left your "wonderfull" old job haha. Your passion definitely lies in fixing these old bimmers 👌

Pedro Teixeira

It’s interesting how some of the most difficult decisions we take in life end up being the most meaningful ones. This particular decision ended up touching quite a lot of people and in particular those that actually decided to take the next step after “like” and directly support you in some form of fashion. I wish you the very best.

Pedro Teixeira

One question: did your weasel supervisor know that you are an YouTube star? I wonder if he subscribes to your channel!? 🤣


It's cool to see someone so passionate about his hobby going all in to transform it into his job. You are a real inspiration. I wish you all the best.


I wanna say no. :D I was never close to him, I just did my job and kept to myself. He was one of those who know basics of IT, but can't actually fix a damn thing and yet excellent at putting blame on someone else. A lot of good people left because of that.


The only problem I had there was with the crazy low-speed limit which resulted in a good amount of speeding tickets. Otherwise, rust-free cars, always sunny, cheap cars, cheerful people, SMOG is a joke compared to TUV... but yeah, Germany is a totally different scene and would be a nice experience for you. Just the Autobahn is pretty special on its own.

Steffen Hafsmo

This is really great news. Your channel is unique on the tube, and I'm certain you'll be able to make a good living this way as time passes. I'll increase my contribution as soon as I get a new job. :)


That was the best news of the day. I had to read it twice to believe :D Favorite Youtube channel .. I am really looking forward to the new videos and good luck !


Thank god for terrible managers. Without them we wouldn’t see someone so happy to be doing what they enjoy. I thank his awfulness for creating such a great channel.


Thanks for sharing your backstory a little bit. Do whatever makes you happy and what's best for you! Just curious, would you ever move back to the states if the opportunity presented itself? More BMW's to choose from and less rusty ones probably lol, guessing parts are cheaper in Germany though.


I recently went through similar workplace issues, ending in me being made redundant, having trained all his junior technicians to my level. Fun times. I am now a Primary Teaching student aged 45, lol. But I am happier than I have been in a long time and due to this have been there for my children throughout their youngest years. BRAVO! to you for the brave and loyal decisions you have made along your journey to get you to here! And enjoy the fruits of your dedication and labour Sreten! And Coooming up... Meeerry Christmas to you both!


I am so happy for you. I wish all the best and will continue to support you.


Thanks for sharing the story and plans. I promise to continue support your channel. Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2021. :o)


Yes, to Santa Barbara in a heartbeat. But, my girlfriend is very close to her family, she's from Macedonia and she wants to be able to make quick visits back home which from Germany is easy. For now, she's not open to CA but we'll see what the future brings. Germany has a great standard for living, but I don't like the language, hate the winter and the rules... there are so many rules. I always keep saying, if they ever introduce a speed limit on the Autobahn, it's time to move as that's my favorite thing here.


Thank you all so much for your nice comments and wishes! Means a lot to me.


Looking forward to even more excellent content. I wish you all the best and happy Christmas to you and all.


Congratulations man. I work in IT (unix admin) and it's stressful. Happy you're able to make the change. If you're ever in the tri state area come check out my six speed 08.


Wishing you all the best in your new career, I started my career in the tech industry in support, so I feel your pain! Best wishes for Christmas and looking forward to lots of new content 👍


Bravo Sreten , more than happy to support and follow your channel.


Congrats Sreten! Nothing worse than working at a job you hate... although I hope that now you're doing what you love, you won't lose the snark and sarcasm that we've all come to enjoy. ;-)


Congratulations! I just binged on all your previous videos. You make it look so easy and fun but I know there are hours of hard work to wrench and edit these videos! I can’t wait to watch more!


Exceptional. I'm in Nashville but have good friends and family from Santa Barbara all the way up to Santa Maria where my sister lives. With stops along the way in Solvang and Los Alamos for my mom. Beautiful area. Congratulations on the big job change. Great for you, great for your patrons!


Late to the party but congrats on finally making the big step! Also very cool of you to share some background to your story, it all makes a lot more sense now :) Here's to a great 2021 for your channel and future endeavors!


Thanks for sharing, Sreten. All the best of luck on this brave decision! Looking forward to follow your projects in 2021.


I wanted to make a small contribution to your continued success. Have really enjoyed your work on youtube. Well done

Charles R

Another first time patron here! Sreten you've made me fall in love with BMW engineering, wishing I had facilities to take one of these gorgeous beasts on one day, fantastic videos thank you so much and best of luck!


It’s amazing finding your real vocation and going for it. Congratulations Sreten! My best wishes and thanks for sharing with us.


Sreten, I am doubly thrilled - first, for your "freedom", and, second, I get to watch more of your fascinating, heartwarming and highly educational videos! New Patreon member just now, wishing you the best life has to offer. I'm a former '98 750iL, Blk/Beige owner for 10 years. Loved that car. And, if I had seen your redo of the intake gaskets before I sold it, I would have done the job and still be driving it! At least I have the memories. Thanks for all you've done and will do!


Yooo! Just reading that cool Livestory of yours, becoming a patron was already worth it! I'm from Germany and love old BMWs as well. Its just wonderful to set yourself the goal to save old cars from getting scrapped. Combined with the incredible attention to detail and commitment, the nice humorous touch and editing, I think your channel will be successful and beloved. This is my first time becoming a patron but since you are doing something I would love to do myself, it's totally worth supporting. I kinda feel like you could need some help with all that stuff? Not questioning your skills, but you have to the work on the cars, the editing, buying new cars, going to shops, ordering parts and so on. If I would live nearby, I probably would've already asked to join your business after my apprenticeship, since I could help you with everything except most the mechanic stuff. Ordering parts, editing, organizing, and so on. I hope I could visit you some day with my baby, the E34 Limo in Diamantschwarz Metallic. Wünsche dir viel Glück und Erfolg!! ❤️