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Wanted to give you a little behind scenes. I'm attempting to rescue this 1991 E31 850i from Spain. It's been off the road for 12+ years, doesn't run and somehow ended up with a shady car dealer. A big issue with the car is that there are no documents, all important papers that are needed for export are lost.
But even bigger issue is that the seller is a complete idiot. The ad didn't have any pictures and his description was that the car is in "perfect condition" (what?!). It then took few days to get these crappy photos. He claimed it's his family car (inheritance) and that he'll send me owners ID (Spanish DNI) which I need to further verify car's status in Spain and that I can export it. I've been trying to buy it for over a week now and despite asking several times for owner's DNI, he would ignore my messages.
He finally responded this morning and told me he doesn't have that and that the car is only sold for parts.

I have VIN and license plates of the car and I pulled few favors with friends who have people that work in Spanish police to get more information about the car and that it's not stolen or whatever else. I'm still waiting to hear back on that.

I told the moron seller I'd buy the car without any documents, in Germany as long as I have sales contract and I can prove that the car is not stolen, I can apply for German registration and papers. It's extremely complicated process but doable. Since then, bastard ignored me completely. My friend even tried calling but no answer.

My guess is that he found the car, bought it for cheap or something and trying to make a quick buck, but has 0 documentation for it. I'm just beyond frustrated, I badly want to save that poor E31, it's complete and in original condition and it would be a sin to tear it for parts or crush it. I'm not giving up yet, but it's not looking good and my hopes are pretty low at this point. I'll keep you posted in any case!

My friend finally reached the seller and he told him in very impolite manner that the car is sold. So that's that, sadly it got away. Bummer.
In other news, I'm negotiating another one that subscriber offered me. It's in south of Spain and roughest E31 I've seen so far. If I buy it, it'll be the worst condition car I ever bought. I'll keep you posted!




I think you really like the V12s of this era Sreten...


Oh wow I think its even the same colour as mine. Hope you meet with success:)


Damn, what a complete idiot, moron and what a bastard.


Good luck, fingers crossed 🤞


Good Luck Streten. Hope to see it in your care and being brought back to it King of Autobahn slendour!


What is it with interesting cars having moronic sellers? Hope you can rescue this one friend. That V12 deserves one last roar...

Pedro Teixeira

I do hope you get it! or another one that a decent price that you can then bring to life on your channel. Good luck!


Fingers crossed, guess if it was easy everybody would be doing it!


Hmm this sounds extremely dodgy to me, hope you get a result, but the lack of paperwork and avoiding of questions would have me walking away. Oh and is it just me or does it look like the front has been in the sea?

John McCormick

If you are willing to lose all the money you put into it if it turns out to be a dud or something else comes up then it's worth a shot. It is a beautiful model.


Sounds very suspicious. Does the guy have the original keys. If no then walk away.


Fingers crossed, hope you'll finally buy this beauty and restore it .


Oh wow... that 8-Series deserves better. Best of luck!


I wouldn't start working on it until I'm sure I could get the papers sorted. It's cheap and I could always get my money back if it turns out not to be possible. But still no progress on this.


Sounds like you were asking too many questions before buying this dodgy car. I think the seller was hoping for someone clueless. Good riddance probably, too many red flags and alarm bells reading that experience.


Well don't rush it, if it's that bad although something tells me you want the challenge 😆💪


Hope this time it will be happy ending. I have a question - i've checked european market of e31 and e39 m5 , and a lot of this cars comes from Spain - what is the main reason of that ? Maybe Spanish people were rich these days when these BMW were NEW from factory ? Anyway fingers crossed for this e31 and waiting for new movies. Best Regards.


You have to see it that way: If the Car is in worse condition, the outcoming content is better (for us). (:


I think you dodged a bullet there


I am living in Spain , Alicante , if you need help around my city about some car , I can help you , just message me.


How frustrating. And a shame the seller couldn't manage to at least be civil throughout the communications. Some people are dicks, lol.