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Second attempt of the Suggestion Box, and there will be a first precision from the first one.

So, as I seen last month, peoples were more to suggest their own ideas than asking for a common one. I'm fine with that, this is up to you. The thing I also seen is that most peoples posted their ideas like they would ask for a personal request, asking specific clothes, specific situations and/or specific poses. So I think the term of "situation" was a misspelling from my part, and I replaced by "keyword", who is rather more accurate that what I wanted to ask. I have no problems if you want a specific cloth on a character, but I prefer to keep the decision of how I'll place it in the composition (of course, I'll keep in mind if you don't want your character to do/have something in particular).

Remember that I keep freedom of what I choose as subject, keywords and background. But I do my best to stay fair and take a variety of choices to keep everyone's ideas.

Please copy/paste this model to tell me your suggestions:

TIER: (your tier level according your pledge)

Character: (you can take my own OCs or suggest one of yours with a ref pic, or a fanart)

Keyword(s): (pregnancy, giantess, huge breasts, inflation... Up to you)

Background: (a place that you think, optional if you don't have ideas)



I guess your suggestion box is similar as the weekly sketch rounds zdemian is doing (give me ideas what i could draw, maybe i draw it exactly as you imagine, maybe i use a few aspects of it, or there is a high chance that i won't use anything of it) -> So don't keep your hopes high that your "suggestion" is drawn as you imagine it.


TIER: Tier 3 Character: Fate Testatossa <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzFwm_rPshqienJ2SmxLcVNXMXM/view?usp=drivesdk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzFwm_rPshqienJ2SmxLcVNXMXM/view?usp=drivesdk</a> Keyword: pregnant/hyper pregnant huge breasts Background: N/a


Tier: 3 Character: Syvina <a href="http://marrazan.deviantart.com/art/Requ-Syvina-632928537" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://marrazan.deviantart.com/art/Requ-Syvina-632928537</a> Keyword: Pregnancy, Huge belly, Huge breasts, Lactation Background: With Thanksgiving around the corner, something like a feast setting or a kitchen Also good change for the directions, makes it much more clear what you're looking for.


This is why I only ask the minimum necessary for the characters and how I have to draw them. If someone ask me a complex situation or pose, is there few hope that I'll follow it. The different thing from what zdemian is doing is that I take from 1 to 3 characters and I mix them in a common situation.


I'm not supposed be able to see this, aren't I?


TIER: Tier 1 Character: Keerlyna, Joanna van Basten (<a href="http://janus-006.deviantart.com/art/Joanna-van-Basten-reference-620966409)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://janus-006.deviantart.com/art/Joanna-van-Basten-reference-620966409)</a> Keyword(s): Pregnancy, huge breasts Background: A temple dedicated to fertility and pregnancy


Your link for Joanna van Basten have a ")" at the end who make it don't work :o


TIER: Tier 2 Character: Caitlin <a href="http://marrazan.deviantart.com/art/CM-Syx-s-Outfitting-Orbit-586892526" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://marrazan.deviantart.com/art/CM-Syx-s-Outfitting-Orbit-586892526</a> Keywords: Hyper Pregnancy, Huge Breasts, Huge Ass Background: Caitlin trying out hot apple cider of her own making from a cask, only to find she's made it too spicy - though her babies like it.


TIER: Tier 3 Character: Irina Jolka <a href="http://marrazan.deviantart.com/art/Maiesta-RPG-Irina-Jolka-10-06-16-638553762" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://marrazan.deviantart.com/art/Maiesta-RPG-Irina-Jolka-10-06-16-638553762</a> Keyword: Pregnant Background: Anything works. (I just really want to see more of her XD)


TIER: Tier 2 Character: My OC Aria - <a href="http://fav.me/d8ocdzf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://fav.me/d8ocdzf</a> Keyword(s): Inflation, Boobloons, Huge Breasts, Huge Ass, Hourglass Background: Dressing room, changing area for bath/springs.


TIER: 1 Character: Eniko Ironhide, because I don't have any other characters with ref pics. Working on fixing that though, so hopefully I'll be able to request somebody else next month. Ref pic: <a href="http://marrazan.deviantart.com/art/Requ-Eniko-634914963" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://marrazan.deviantart.com/art/Requ-Eniko-634914963</a> Keyword(s): Pregnancy, Lactation, Huge Breasts. Plus anything else you wanna add that fits the situation.


Tier: 1! Character: Felicia from Fire Emblem Fates! (again because she's an absolute CUTIE) Ref: <a href="http://40.media.tumblr.com/3ff6aebf677912a2b046874eaf873c83/tumblr_nz404g8O2u1uydz1xo1_1280.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://40.media.tumblr.com/3ff6aebf677912a2b046874eaf873c83/tumblr_nz404g8O2u1uydz1xo1_1280.png</a> Keywords!: Pregnant, embarassed, birthing!


TIER: Tier 2 Character: My Scarlett in this armor <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/suggestion-box-2-7031156">https://www.patreon.com/posts/suggestion-box-2-7031156</a> "one on right" Keyword(s): Pregnancy, Lactation, Huge Breasts


Tier 2: My characther Iris ( <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wk6mj1h1rrykffc/AAAcTOqczOJtzWRXt7buV8NZa?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wk6mj1h1rrykffc/AAAcTOqczOJtzWRXt7buV8NZa?dl=0</a> ) Keywords: Lactation, Huge breasts, plus everything else that fits with others situation (Pregnacy, other expansions etc), MAD SCIENCE! Background: Laboratory, one of chararathers performing experiments on others (as well as herself?) for the sake of expanding science