Patreon changes - Pleges update (Patreon)
Well, I seen that many of you have given their opinion about my will to change my pledges system, on DA or here. And in general, you're favorable to a change. So in some part, what I feared the most wasn't a reason. The thing I didn't planned was the fact thatmy pledges will change much more drastically than expected.
There is the list of the new pledges:
- Support - $2 +Full access to the gallery. Get early access to all the new content, commissions, WiP, requests and all...
- TIER 1 Suggest - $10 +All features of $2 Pledge. +Access to the TIER 1 Suggest (explained below).
- TIER 2 Suggest - $20 +All features of $2 Pledge. +Access to the TIER 2 Suggest
(explained below) +10% off on commissions.
- TIER 3 Suggest - $30 +All features of $2 Pledge. +Access to the TIER 3 Suggest (explained below) +20% off on commissions.
- Fellow pledge - $50 (2 slots for now) +All features of $2 Pledge. +Personal reward of 1 simple shade character+ simple background -OR- 2 color sketches characters + background -OR- 1 sketch comic page of 3-5 panels.
- Fever pledge! - $100 (2 slots) +All features of $2 Pledge. +Personal reward of 1 full color character+ simple background -OR- 1 colored comic page of 3-5 panels.
What are the suggest tiers? Each month, peoples will propose a character in a situation. By default, I'll propose my official OCs but you still can propose your own OC or a fanart. The situation can be whatever you want (pregnancy, huge breasts, giantess, inflation...) along that respect my "Do and Won't do" list. Available on my commissions prices sheet. I'll pick from 1 to 3 characters and 1 to 3 situations that I'll mix together in a composition. Peoples in TIER 1 will get a sketch, TIER 2 will get a color sketch and TIER 3 will get a simple shade.
Private stream.Yeah I'll do that! As a bonus. Once a month, I'll set up a private stream where all my $10 patrons and upper can join. During this stream, I'll make a doodle sketches canvas where I'll draw your requests in live. One request per people. Also, of course, you think that if I can't make everyone's drawing at once. So I call of your fair play to let peoples who didn't got anything to be priors. Just consider this stream as a "bonus", is not a part of your pledge level.
These pledges will be available during last week of September, on Monday or Tuesday. So you'll have the time to change your pledge according the new ones. I only hope this new system will not make too much peoples angry because they expected a request. But requests must be a "reward", not an "order". See the difference?
Indeed, you can still post your reactions about that. I'll be glad to answer to your questions.
That's all folks, wish you a good day and hope to get some feedback :)
PS: I've opened a Discord server to keep contact and make direct chat. If you have one, the Patreon bot will add you automatically.