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EDIT : slots have been selected. Thanks to everyone for your propositions, there were a lot of interesting choices. Keep in mind that not being taken doesn't mean your commission is bad, I just had to make a choice :)

I'll hold a public commission stream on this Saturday. The process will be the same than private streams (will come back next month btw), I'll post 3 slots that will be dedicated to Patreon and every patrons have a price discount.

Price for patrons = $10
Price for non-patrons = $20

- Sketches only
- 1 to 2 characters max
- Ref pics are a need, text if not more than 5 lines
- Think to situation, attitude, emotions. If you don't, I'll do as I want
- Preg, boobs, thicc, muscles = YAY!!!
- Hentai, sex, sperm, vore = NAY!!!

  • France
    2:00pm ~ 3:00pm starting
    8:00pm ~ 9:00pm finishing
  • USA West (San Francisco)
    5:00am ~ 6:00am starting
    11:00am ~ 12:00am finishing 
  • USA East (New York)
    8:00am ~ 9:00am starting
    2:00pm ~ 5:00pm finishing
  • Australia (Sydney)
    6:00pm ~ 7:00pm starting
    12:00pm ~ 1:00am finishing 

I'm open to DM if you have any question (Marrazan#5412 on Discord, I am way more active there)

Patreon slots
- Roku
- EmperorBassexe
-  Moonlightwarrior 

Post your commission as a comment, I'll take the patreon slots on Friday, chosen persons will be contacted in DM.


Stelard Actek

Oh oh, I need to think up something but would like a slot if that's okay. :0

Amelia Redfern

Commission idea: motherly love Characters: Roxa and Roxanne (https://www.deviantart.com/shadowamelia/art/Well-needed-meeting-801029481) Pregnant: 9 month with triplets for Roxanne (mother) while Roxa is pregnant with one Details: let's have both either belly dancing or something fun for Mayterniry!


I was looking to have you draw my sorceress Isozaki Rei who has agreed to be a "host" to hold Babies for your Keerlyna. Rei has eagerly stripped off her clothes, leaving her nude and i'd like the pic to have Rei who has swelled huge, lying on top of her baby filled belly, enjoying her constant expansion as Keer has agreed to make her HUGE. Rei's expression will be one of pure bliss, her hands and feet trying to rub her stomach which is covered in the kicks of the babies inside her. Keer is probably feeling up Rei's belly, tail probably placed into her stomach as the means of transfer while her hand rubs against Rei''s belly as well. Isozaki Rei References https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ufn619ep22iivwj/AACt43UI9qD5ZWsJlXfoizYha?dl=0 Rei belly and breast size (centre redhead) https://www.dropbox.com/s/1097u7ahfmw3kk1/CM_LL_Wonderful_Rush6.jpg?dl=0 Keerlyna References you should already have them.


I was looking forward to being able to get a picture of my cultist OC from you (I call her cultist-chan). I want to give you mostly free reign to do with her as you please. She must always have the hood on, the rest of her clothes can be removed if you decide to though. :) All I ask is that she is pregnant, everything else will be up to your discretion! Here is her ref: https://sta.sh/0sp0ygdrs4p


My OC Inke, pregnant with a rather large belly. Her expression would be a bit surprised at a couple of small kicks from inside. Character refs: Inke Refs https://imgur.com/a/hrDpeeO Pose concept ref: https://i.imgur.com/tbEKg9a.jpg Belly size ref: https://i.imgur.com/ig5kYgY.jpg


This delicious nameless Spybabe from the 'You Are Agent Double-O Eight' manga: https://sta.sh/011txocyx88k $20 for Two characters: both are her but at different angles, one rear view angle, and one frontal view. She'd be hyperpregnant, with belly/breast/ass curves to the level of https://www.deviantart.com/marrazan/art/Zora-Queens-840875252 but with her ass and thighs being a bit bigger. Some lactation and baby kicks. Her dialogue: "Oof! All the little new agents are getting restless, even though I have months to go..." Her pose she'd have is hefting a breast while rubbing her belly. Her expression should be one of surprise. "I should really see about getting the Q-Department to update the size of my spygear again..." The pose here is her tugging at the tight thong of her outfit. Her expression should be one of mild dicomfort.


I would like a thick pregnant Mai sakurajima (teenage rascal dreams not of bunny girl senpai). Just in a normal outfit. Boobs and hips and booty would be nice. A reference pic..... hmm you know surprise me. I enjoy your art.


I really liked the Eva pic you did for me so I would like another pic of her dressed as Rosa again from Pokemon where she has an even bigger belly that is filled with poke eggs as she walks up to the counter of the day care to pick up her pokemon Eva: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/384677968942989313/709483784151760913/Pokebot_Eva_100.jpg belly size: https://www.deviantart.com/dleagueman/art/Rosa-s-Big-Christmas-preview-823528852 Dialogue: Eva: Hello I'm here to pick up my Pokemon.... "urp" as for pose she is standing with a hand on her back and the other hand rubbing her belly


Just 1 character, with my Vulpix, Thalia: https://imgur.com/a/kCpEu In a pose/size similar to this: https://www.deviantart.com/marrazan/art/Huskimps-Deep-Strike-699747471 (Leaking milk, with a slightly smaller belly and some thicker thighs :) ) Clothing-wise, just some very stretched/ripping simple shorts + shirt She'll be looking a bit confused, since she's not sure how to get up from this position ^^


Here goes: I'd like to commission you a hyper preg pic featuring Selesia Upitiria and Delusion Meteora (an alternative version of Meteora Ostereich from episode 13/recap episode) from Re:creators as mermaids, killings two birds with one stone for mermay and mayternity :p Character ref: - Selesia: https://imgur.com/a/WM6oTbq - Delusion Meteora: https://imgur.com/8ccvT2T Mermaid type: - Selesia: regular mermaid - Meteora: Octomaid https://tinyurl.com/y8pmprqr Size: - Selesia: * belly: https://tinyurl.com/ybfp43v7 * breasts: https://tinyurl.com/y8lcmbwm - Meteora: * belly: https://tinyurl.com/y7xdpynr * breasts: https://tinyurl.com/y9uvujoh Top: - Selesia: shell bra - Meteora: Starfish bra Scene: They're both casually swimming side by side looking at each other. Expression: They both have a warm loving smile on their face.


Could I get my Scarlett https://www.deviantart.com/marrazan/art/Scarlett-b-day-832015927 trying to work out but having a hard time doing it type of look about the same size as ref or maybe bigger or something like this https://www.deviantart.com/n647/art/Punching-bag-burst-837605536 X3


I would like to see a spirit Hyperpregnancy pic with Emilia from Re Zero: https://www.zerochan.net/1985139 She'll be in her bed, on her back as she watch her already enormous belly swelling even more with little kicks as more spirits enter it. Her expression will be slighly blushing as she says:'' There's so much entering. I've lost count!'' I want her suit to be her pyjamas: https://www.zerochan.net/2580826


I shall submit a hyper preg Aiya. There is a oart of her lore where she was pregnant with 12 neko children at one point. I like cute and sweet things so i have this idea of her being worn out from carrying that big belly around, and Shokuro(in his human form) wrapping her in a blanket while she lays on a couch/bed. Her breasts have probably swollen some as her body prepares for so many children (but im not a fan of nudity or milk leakage XD) The refs. Aiya: https://imgur.com/a/o88r3P2 Preg Aiya (this is about my max size i like XD): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/629389707998134272/709121317634310215/5.10.20_MothersDay_Moon.png Human Sho:https://imgur.com/a/87CHZMG


I would like to see something rather simple for myself :D my gal Sooki, giving Deidra hugs. both dark skinned white haired elfs. they would be a cute match. Every elf gal is Sookis sister ( Weather they are or arent) https://www.deviantart.com/celesseshading/gallery/69752577/sooki-wysteria