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EDIT: stream is going, there's the link  https://picarto.tv/Marrazan/SpheresCreationProcessing

Incoming Patreon private stream on October 26th, there's the hours :)
If you think you can't be here for the due date, please put your request as a comment, I'll include you in the raffle!

  • France
    2:00pm ~ 3:00pm starting
    8:00pm ~ 9:00pm finishing
  • USA West (San Francisco)
    5:00am ~ 6:00am starting
    11:00am ~ 12:00am finishing
  • USA East (New York)
    8:00am ~ 9:00am starting
    2:00pm ~ 5:00pm finishing
  • Australia (Sydney)
    6:00pm ~ 7:00pm starting
    12:00pm ~ 1:00am finishing 

Requests rules: - One single sketch character, OC or fanart doesn't matter. - Don't forget 1 to 3 refs in a good image size (I'll don't take if your image is below 600px). - Pregnancy, belly expansion and/or breasts expansion, not ass, WG or something else (though, chub is allowed). - If possible, an attitude, emotion, posing. If not, I'll doing as I want according the drawing.  Here we go! Hope that will help you :)



I'd like to request my witch Mathilda. https://sta.sh/038fcze9nhs She's trying a new potion brew and finds effect being bigger boobs! She'd be leaning forward with the sudden weight down. She's surprised while she still has a bottle by the mouth's level.


I'd think some Airbagged Amy might be in order: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/16246933/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/29587390/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/27533166/ She can have a pretty big bust as usual.


I would love to see you try Aki from Ape Escape https://sta.sh/21l7omlrl09h?edit=1 She'd be hyperpregnant to thesr proportions size: https://www.deviantart.com/marrazan/art/Alo-s-Exaggerated-Fertility-762835564 with a few small baby kicks though. And squeezed into the witch outfit seen here: https://sta.sh/01juxepcgfzc https://sta.sh/01qfw6py3tfd and https://sta.sh/01fdbdf73i1c She'd be posed to look shyly at the viewer whilst lactating profusely.


On the off chance I sleep through my alarm to join the stream, I would like to request a picture of a newer character of mine, Jessica Reeves, https://sta.sh/213tlle6djib?edit=1 Shes was bartender who plays bass guitar as hobby but something happened and they were warped to a post-apocalyptic future where playing music was a dying art and people needed it to survive. (Maiesta spin-off game)


I'd possibly like to do Yagyuu from Senran Kagura, featuring a little more of our comic's spin on Peach Beach Splash. Yagyuu has been sprayed with quite a large amount of the magical impregnation water and is swelling full of babies and making her breasts massive. Yagyuu is wearing the white bikini shown, but the girl's top has been blown off due to the rapid swelling of her breasts and belly. Her bikini bottoms are intact though. The shinobi, while usually taciturn is grinning broadly, enjoying the feeling of getting bigger and bigger, all the while her babies kick across her belly. Yagyuu References https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qCCwtilkaEWupPrAE211fpCKgfjEky2Q?usp=sharing Bikini https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PJzOJ07cvQbQY6AeihjkRYb3Ku9glk_Z/view?usp=sharing Belly/Breast size https://sta.sh/0rw005nc6eh


I usually wake up for streams but just in case...I LOVED what you did with that gif of Keerlyna, Viper and Cel, so I was thinking why not mark up my Tiefling gal Nephcar...minus being a gif lol . Markings can be whatever you want, they don't gotta be like in the ref pic REFS Nephcar herself https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/355662192726638603/568731205160402975/Divine_intervention.jpg Oh and shes got a tail too https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/324057269530787842/610263559284326548/Zombs_tiefling_2.png Outfits Honestly what you gave her in the first pic is good Markings https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/591129598293704707/636675931347353617/Screenshot_2019-10-23_at_2.22.27_PM.png Belly size, but if time is a problem going smaller is no problem https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/591129598293704707/636679659823562752/Natalia_in_the_morning_1.gif Pose https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lTnKhq--kTM/maxresdefault.jpg Sorry if this is long!


Lessien https://www.deviantart.com/marrazan/art/Trying-to-crawl-in-798275953 all costumed up for Halloween, I think maybe something like a succubus or vampire-like... if she can squeeze into it.

Mirrored Knight

I'm doing overtime this weekend so I won't be able to watch period. So if possible, I'd like to request Kyoko Kuremi from Digimon Cyber Sleuth with about a twins sized pregnant belly enjoying a nice cup of her signature coffee : http://pm1.narvii.com/6709/0dbc282fefa8c5ac778c8bebdde8ea8b9215fef3_00.jpg https://www.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/digimonSCHM9_thumb.jpg http://pm1.narvii.com/6709/bbbd99ee8be09bc76397e5af3a3d58972e045f5d_00.jpg


I would like to put in the request Mai from Senran Kagura Hyperpregnant in a ripped dress and eating some cake off the top of her kicking belly. Mai and the Dress: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/316413717157773316/636645011902955531/Ea3efc9ce3391347_1.jpg Face/Emotion: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/316413717157773316/636690363310014517/YKFZAI9.jpg Other refs for Mai: https://senrankagura.fandom.com/wiki/Mai_(cards) have her belly and breast size be somewhere around or bigger than Fate in this pic https://www.deviantart.com/marrazan/art/CM-Nanoha-X-Fate-motherhood-2-664658631


Would love to see Nozomi Tojo in her uniform. https://sta.sh/018yxnaoqa2l. With proportions and posing similar to this https://www.deviantart.com/marrazan/art/Req-Izumi-s-old-uniform-572338470


Keerlyna leaning over forward, standing with arm on arch of back and other toward you. While saying something like are you up for the challenge?


It'd be neat to do a part 2 of this also-Halloween-themed piece https://www.deviantart.com/marrazan/art/Slick-Witch-709577685 , ideally with her belly doubling in size and her freaking out while her broom starts to really lose altitude.


I'd like to request my OC Nora, hyperpregnant with a slightly active belly. I would like her to be wearing panties like in the underclothes reference, with no bra and slightly leaking breasts, but if you would rather draw her with a bra on you may use the one in the reference as well. I hope you like my idea! Character references: https://imgur.com/0PrEEYh https://imgur.com/Cncsdnb https://imgur.com/P97KfiL Size reference: https://imgur.com/qSoQsG2 Pose reference (Rough guide, you can change it as you see fit): https://imgur.com/evK2xcl Expression: https://imgur.com/I1eSvMF Underclothes reference (If needed): https://imgur.com/aSi0LzW


I love to request my oc Scarlett https://sta.sh/21fh54vvnodx?edit=1 in this outfit https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247476002501033985/637328264125349908/image0.jpg with a large belly and breast like this https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-pinup-2-30959085


I'll be working when it starts so here is mine, Could I get a pic of my oc Salla who is dressed up as Nessa from Pokemon Sword and Shield having big boobs ready to do battle Salla: https://www.deviantart.com/dleagueman/art/Salla-ref-740924792 Boob size: https://www.deviantart.com/dleagueman/art/Bar-Maidbots-735657070 Nessa outfit: https://sta.sh/02g42ire8d39 Pose: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/ymc4q3pt--eXqEKKlcu2c-wx5qI=/0x0:1920x1080/1200x800/filters:focal(848x144:1154x450)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/63988489/vlcsnap_2019_06_11_12h26m48s436.0.jpg (Something like this) and if possible to do like a text thing at the bottom saying "Boob Trainer Salla challenges you to a battle"

Stelard Actek

Bleh I have no ideas, but a Stelard, Laurund or Paige would be nice :) Or well, any of them: https://sta.sh/22asqausy2qn


Thalia: https://imgur.com/PDJxY2T https://imgur.com/Hnydaag https://imgur.com/CyELnMJ similar pose and size, but maybe slightly smaller belly and some thicker thighs (leaking milk too ^^)? https://www.deviantart.com/marrazan/art/Huskimps-Deep-Strike-699747471 maybe with a slight concerned look, since she's not sure how to get up from this position :)


Welp, going to throw this here: I would like to see my girl Anni Taylor here: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/600486551264296960/637638330728710146/Anni_Taylor_LV_Edit.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/600486551264296960/637638363582824489/Anni_Taylor_Patreon_Stream_Request_from_SaburoX.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/600486551264296960/637638419203227695/Anni_Taylor_Color_by_Neme303.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/600486551264296960/637638482596069386/Anni_with_Potion_and_Daphne_by_PWCSponson.jpg set up to look like this girl here: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/600486551264296960/637638761441787912/welcome_to_the_haunted_house__by_ydbunny_ddht3b2-pre.png pumpkin painting and all, though I'd like it if her breasts were spread apart so we can see her standing attached to her breasts. If that's not possible, just her laying atop her boobs would be nice. She'd be kind of unimpressed, and if you do dialogue, she'd be saying, "You slipped some of the potion into my dinner, didn't you?" To which her Pixie companion who is only 6 inches tall: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/600486551264296960/637639271531937812/Annis_Companion_Daphne.jpg would respond with: "Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. I guess we'll never know." And the Pixie, Daphne, would have breasts about the size of a regular pumpkin, also painted, but that's only if you feel up to drawing her, if not it's fine.


Sonia: Outfit: https://sta.sh/0ib884oxtkr Colors: https://sta.sh/0vg807s2kmd Belly Ref: Size 2 on this chart: https://www.deviantart.com/cross-crescent/art/Maeista-Size-Chart-583209275 Was thinking it might be cute for her to be buttoning up her top only to remember that the bump is in the way. Additional Ref for what the outfit looks like with the top unbuttoned: https://sta.sh/01kgjhxq8866