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Well, this title is a little big but I needed to explain my intentions for peoples who don't read all walls of texts ;P

After 13 months of doing, I finally don't find much more fun than before by doing Suggestion box, it is becoming hard to satisfy all peoples in the same time. This is why I prefer to stop this feature on my Patreon.
I'll delete the pledge as soon this post is uploaded, so take care to adapt your pledge amount too.

In the same time, I plan to open commissions streams, almost 1 to 3 per months, for peoples and supporters, like you. Though, being supporter will grand you some advantages.

What will I gain on commissions stream by keeping supporting you?
Supporters will have two advantages:
- At first, they will benefit of reduced prices on any commissions.
- And in second time, each time I'll plan commission stream, I'll reserve slots for supporters. With that, you can leave your commission in advance and, if I choose yours (because I bet it will have much more requests than slots), I'll do your commission even if you're not here.

What commissions type will you do, and what prices will it be?
I'll do sketches, color sketches and, maybe, one cell shading drawing maximum per stream (I continue this one on next day if I can't finish it), I need to see how I can manage with this one.
- Sketches: $10 and $5 for supporters
- Color sketches: $15 and $10 for supporters
- Cell shading: $40 and $20 for supporters

When these streams will happen?
Generally on Saturday or Sunday, during week if I have something planned for the week-end. I'll prepare the thing and post a message 3 or 4 days before on Patreon for exclusive slots, and on my DeviantArt to advise peoples.

Is there a requirement to reserve a slot? Any particular pledge?
No, just supporting is enough. Everyone can post his commission idea, from the smallest to biggest pledge. Though keep in mind that dedicated slots will be limited and I'll choose myself which one I'll take.

I think that's all, thank you for your attention peoples, and don't hesit to ask me things about in the comments, I'll answer to all °3°



Sounds like this will do well! :D I look forward to it!


Good idea, I am hopeful to get more art from you now!

Viper9000 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 07:38:05 While sad to see the Suggestion Box go, this change does have its perks. ^^ I can't wait to see more of your streams. <3
2018-01-20 19:36:08 While sad to see the Suggestion Box go, this change does have its perks. ^^ I can't wait to see more of your streams. <3

While sad to see the Suggestion Box go, this change does have its perks. ^^ I can't wait to see more of your streams. <3


Soundca good idea but is a shame my most bussy days are Saturdays and Sundays in other words I'll miss your streams T.T


This will let me one more free week that I can spend to work on stuff and game development, this will be a need soon, as we'll launch our crowdfunding this year.


As it's said, you can reserve your commission, so you'll don't have to be present to get it :)