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So this is going to be a big one, i'm going to do my best to get through everything without rambling on for too long so here it goes :))

The Next Character Poll

If you have seen the progress report for this month you will have seen i am going to be doing two polls for character this month coming on the 16th. At the moment this is the list i have for both polls

Character Poll


Charlie MorningStar


Tv Head (Ill Design This)



F*rry Poll

Diane foxington



Queen beelzebub


All of these i have heads drawn for already, i am working on some heads for some other characters that i would like to be in the poll and also might take a few from previous polls if i think they will fit well with the characters we have here. Don't worry if your suggestion isn't here i am looking through all of them and seeing how well other people like them on discord and if they do well they'll be added to the poll :)


Adding Characters To Scenes

I have already managed to add quite a few characters to scenes and plan to add a lot more, the ones i have focused on so far are the Hole 3 and H*ndjob scene as both of them did need some characters added to but between now and the next update i would also like to add some to the Double D*ldo scene and get the F*rry characters added to the B*objob scene so theres still quite a lot i would like to do but i hope you like the way things are looking now.


More Background Stuff

This is a bit of a more boring one so you don't need to read it but im getting all the themes of the house added to the Hole 3 scene. Im expecting to have all of these done for the next update so no matter what theme you like Hole 3 with have it for you.

After i have done these the next backgrounds i am going to work on are getting the bedrooms updated for when you are selecting a character, i also have a updated reception and office design done that fits more with how the outside of the house looks. The plan for the future is to get all non scene backgrounds updated to this as these backgrounds take a long time as they are more detailed and i think they would be best suited for non scene backgrounds so you can actually get to look at them properly.


More Audio In D*epthroat V2

Following on from the last update i would like to keep adding more audio for the character's, at the moment in the D*epthraot V2 scene there is still some characters that dont have their own unique audio. What im going to try and do is get as many of those with just the generic audio replaced with their own audio. Once i have done that if i have any free time i can add some more audio tracks to some of the other characters who have a little bit less and try and get them up to a decent amount.

Once every character has a decent amount of tracks i can then start adding different audio for different situations and allow you to toggle between them or depending on the speed or other ways you're interacting with he character different audio will play. This might be a thing for the feature poll but this is the plan going forward with the audio :D


More Outfits Across All Characters

I have been doing quite a lot of unique outfits for the characters recently and wanted to switch it up a bit to outfits that can go across all the characters so that its something everyone can enjoy no matter what character you like viewing. I have already managed to add 3 outfits to the Rev C*wgirl (Back) scene and plan to add a lot more depending what gets voted for in the current outfit poll. Now the Maid outfit is what i consider a big outfit, theres lots of parts and it takes a while to draw, the B*kini and Sk*rt are what i would call small outfits, they don't take as long to draw so i can get more done in a day. At the moment in the outfit poll most of the outfits are big ones as i think they are best done in a poll as if i'm going to spend a lot of time on an outfit i want it to be one everyone wants.

My question for you however is if you have any suggestions for small outfits please let me know what they are and what scene you would like to see them in and i'll see if i have some time to do them :)


N*pple Size Change

I haven't added anymore of this yet but i plan to add some to the M*ssionary V2 scene as i think it will fit very nicely there and will get it so more people see at and can try it out instead of it just being in one scene. If it keeps doing well i'll keep expanding it to the other scenes in time.


Speech Bubbles And Speed Slider

Like with the rest i will be slowly adding this to the rest of the scenes, i think i have added it to all the scenes that got updated to the new performance code so im going to have to spend some time converting the other scenes that still need it before adding any of these feature's. The 3 scenes i could add it to would be the CAM scenes but ill have to check how good it actually looks in those scenes first. Either way it is getting added still i just need to make some updates to some of the other scenes.


F*otjob And New Scenes

All the other scenes that i have done animation sketches for which you might have seen in the last scene poll i am still working on, all of these scenes will get added at some point even if they never win a poll the polls will just get them done sooner. They are all looking very nice though and you will get updates of them next month with the scene poll. If i get a lot of the stuff i wanted to get updated as well we can go back to a scene and character poll every month but i might change it round so character poll is mid month and scene poll is start of the month or something like that.


Still Images

I have some more still images on the way, at the moment i just have the samus one drawn but im trying out something new for the next one which should also be done for the next update. The plan for it is to work much in the same way as the scenes where it will be a base image and then the characters heads will be put over it, this will only be done for a few of the still images as i like the face each character has their own, but having a few of these ones might also be good so that there is a still image for every character and everyone has something to look at. Let me know how you feel about this.


Misc Stuff And Bug Fixes

I don't think there is anything i really need to put here other than i have fixed a few bugs some people found, if you find any that you think haven't been found yet or just want to check if one you found has been fixed please leave a comment or message me :)


Anyway i hope you like the look of all the new stuff and give a like if you're excited for the next character poll. Thank You All :D



Beast Chiller

Cheelai and toriel for me


If Charlie wins, do we have to pay 50,000 dollars?

Michael Nelson

Charlie for sure and queen

Aurelion Sad

Cheelai and Carrot

Marco Hernani

Taking advantage of the moment, I vote for Charlie MorningStar, she has to win, if I have to buy I will 🔥❤️

Dennis Brenes

How do you access the still photos

Ares God of war

I'm surprised you put Lucifer in the poll post


Charlie and Queen Bee have got to be added. I've been wanting them both in this game for A LONG TIME

Wade McWilliams

All of it seems that seems good


Carrot and either Shantae or Charlie for me.

Anonymous Monkey

TV head...it's practically a literal TV on a mannequin, a machine...I blame silent hill for people's tastes getting bizarre.

matthew jones

i disagree on charlie. i would rather see lilth. but hey. to each there owen.

matthew jones

would,v rather seen lilth. but hey. to each there owen.

Isabella Justice

Good gods I hope Toriel wins the furry poll

jonas reffelt

Could you Maybe someday add a Way where you can Pay to get a character of own choise added that would be a Nice feature

jonas reffelt

Is it lucifer from helltaker


When is Nami coming that’s who I’m waiting for

Matthew Joberns

On your phone if you click next page in the bottom right there should be an app, let me know if you can’t find it :)


Are you planning to add a public hair option to more scenes?


Cheelai over Android 21 is kinda crazy, but I'm all for the rest except for TV head. Also not a f*rry so those picks don't matter to me as I'm not gonna use them

Blue Star

Rivet is a good choice for new furry character


Ok so I’ve seen these posts talking about still images, where do you view them in game? I’ve never figured it out other than the small handful during quests.

Matthew Joberns

Android 21 has been in a few polls and never done too well so thought I might change it up a bit :)


Queen beelzebub (cuz I love kesha) and shantae.


I think she’s from helltaker


So this kinda big youtuber who did beatboxing stuff for fictional characters allegedly paid 50,000 dollars for an animator to animate a softcore porn music video where Charlie basically ties down his OC and nothing really ever happens. Dude got a lot of shit over it LMFAO

Alexius Meireshsaj

I want either Toriel or Beelzabub to win for the furry poll, Id like Toriel more tho, cause we can probably get Beelzabub another day


Ah that's fair, I'm still kinda new to Patreon and the feed. You do great work! Sorry of my comment came off a little strong

Robert Tempest

Shante and Carrot have my votes. Im still surprised by the lack of porn of her given how big one piece is and how she is primo furry bait

Lucas Mauser

I vote for Shantae and Carrot


Queen Bee.

Christoph Brauer

This update/poll will be amazing. So many of my favourite characters... I'm looking forward to seeing them in-game. I don't care how long it takes you because all you released so far took a long time to be perfect...


For potential characters: How about some 'classics' from games? Liara from Mass Effect? Leliana from Dragon Age? Kerrigan from Starcraft?


How about Lady Dimitrescu?


Been waiting for a One Piece character for so long, but having just watched Hazbin and Helluva Boss, I think Charlie and Queen B have my votes.




Anybody else wanna see isabelle from animal crossing get in the game?

Anonymous Monkey

may I recommend carrot for furry vote? It's far more human looking than lola, and frankly between that face and some literal dogs/foxes/whatever the hell they are it's the most non-furry friendly of the options.

jonas reffelt

Could you maybe edit White that beside her name in the nemt post because i think many misunderstand her for lucifer from HB because her name is rigtig over Charlies


Rei Hino/Sailor Mars as a character would also be great

Matthew Joberns

so much has been added to the update and also the poll, took a long time with all the characters heads and everything but two very nice polls will be up soon


Come on lois griffin!