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Hey everyone, theres going to be quite a lot to explain in this one so i'll do my best to order it in an easy way to read, i'm going to quickly start of with some bug stuff as there was quite a bit last update

Bug Stuff

So last update had quite a lot of new feature stuff which has lead to there being more bugs than normal, i have a full list of all the ones i've found and have been told about and will have them all fixed by the next update. I know this isn't really like a new feature or anything but hopefully these fixes will allow you to enjoy the features that were meant to work last update just that bit more :)

D*epthroat ReDo

This scene is now fully added into the game and works quite nicely, there are a few texture things i want to change like the fluid around the mouth needs to be clipped and i might change the colour of it a bit but other than that its looking quite nice. Theres also some new things i'm trying this update.


I have added quite a few outfits for this one, theres the basic one from the original but also i thought it would be fun to add some different N*pple stuff and also some fun things for the new A*s view. These are just the first ones i've addd though so if you have any more ideas of what might be good please let me know :)

On this note though for this scene i have done this thing where the N*pples are on their own layer but ill explain fully why thats good in one of the other sections below as theres some stuff i want to do with the C*wgirl Gr*nding scene regarding this.

A*s Move

This is a bit of a new thing an im not sure how much you will like it but i thought i might as well add it in anyway even if it doesn't get used as it was a pretty simple thing to do. From moving it around you can kind of change how the arch looks which can be quite cool but again you don't have to do it if you don't want to and all the other stuff will work fine regardless of what position you have it in :D

Arm Move

This is another thing like the A*s move where i've added in it because the first time i drew the arms they looked to far inwards for where the hands are, now i didn't want this drawing to go to waist so i have added them in as like a crossed arm thing, i plan to add the hands in a different position for that view to make it looks ore like the arms are crossed, but again just another little extra thing.

New Cr*ampie Thing

This is something new i'm trying and will be in the next small feature poll. The start of it is that when you switch back from the Cr*ampie to going back the looping, instead of just going straight to it where it can look a bit sudden, i've done a bit of coding so that it will slowly get going again until it reaches the speed you have had it playing at before. My next plan for this is an option in the setting where you can choose to have it auto go back to looping after the Cr*ampie has finish but like other things this will be an option you can toggle on if you want.

Just look the other recent scenes this scene will have a speed slider, pan and zoom and other stuff like that, but let me know any other things you think would be good.

New Outfits

I've put a few outfit sketches here but the main ones are on the outfit poll for the start of the month and you can check that out now on my feed and vote for the one you want the most ::

New Character Heads

I have done some more character head sketches ready for the poll coming mid month, im hoping having these done for each character will also make it more of an even poll as people wont just vote for the only one they know and will actually be able to see what the final character will look like.

If you're new theres more character heads the the previous couple of WIP posts that will also be in the poll if you want to check them out, i think in total there is about 10 characters so far and i can probably add a couple more by the time the poll is out.

Still Images

I have another still image done for you which is quite a nice looking one and also have 1 more sketch for what future ones could look like. It's a very early sketch though so things could change depending on how things look but i am liking how these painted style still images are coming out.

I am also going to try and do another animated one if i have time but i have got a lot of things to work on for the next update so might not be able to.

More Backgrounds

For the th*ghjob scene i have managed to get all the themes done for the room and i think now that is every room having all the themes apart from the like bedroom full view one but i'll get those done soon. Moving forward with the theme's i'm going to be doing another one soon thats going to be kind of a volcano theme where the outside of the house is a volcano with a lava waterfall door, the inside will all be like volcanic rock stuff which in my head i think looks pretty cool but well have to see.

I think ill be able to get a lot of the new theme stuff done before the end of the month but if not i'll still switch focus to getting a kind of snow effect added to the house, this will mainly be outside but for the reception and office i might get some bits of snow as well just to make it look more festive 

N*pple Stuff

This is carrying on from earlier where i said i have put them on a different layer for the new scene, i did this as a test to see how the animation works and it does work well, i want to leave that scene for now before adding to much complex stuff so instead im going to try the N*pple Size changer thing in the C*wgirl Gr*nding scene as i think it would work well there. This will be something thats in the Small Feature poll towards the end of the month but i think it could be a pretty cool thing, ill explain it all better when i do that but in short it will work just like outfits where you can toggle between different styles and sizes to fit whatever you like :)

New Audio

The main thing about the old D*epthroat scene was the audio was the same across all the character's for this one i have got a lot more recorded for each character and my plan is to have it play a random one from each characters list of audio tracks to try and get a random feel like the other scenes. I'll have to see how this goes as its a bit different for this scene as it has to sync up more with the motion but i have some ideas of how i can make it work


This is the last thing i wanted to talk about i think unless i remember anything else and add it after but the F*otjob scene is coming a long quite nicely, i know theres a lot of people that what it even though it didn't win the poll which is why i'm slowly doing it in the background when i have some free time. I have managed to get the first animation sketch done and its looking very nice, i'll move into the solid line work soon and show you what it looks like when thats done but for now, unless it wins the next scene poll, i don't have an exact date for when this will be done as i need to focus on some of the other stuff at the moment.

But don't worry it is coming :D




Are we getting a prone bone scene? It looks like that from the sketch with Mercy


Yeah Mina 😍

jan małecki

Maybe in future updates could you add pile driving? With anal option. Anyway footjob looks very nice, i appreciate that you did it


Is that Mina I see 👀?


I actually quite like the addition of raising the ass and moving the hands. The new deep throat scene is gonna be great. Are you planning to leave the older versions in as an alternative or will some get scrapped as they get remade.

Astro Zombie

Would preferred Toga over Mina...


Oh yeah the interactivity in the new bj scene is amazing! Would it be possible for the girls to move the hands up along the guy's legs as well?


Goddamn, the new deepthroat animation is intense. Nice work.

Matthew Joberns

thank you because i was actually wondering about them, they were just little extra things i thought of while doing it but not sure if people would be interested.


In addition to just taking the whole damn thing like that, I like how the breasts look like they have real weight and also a realistic, kinda pillowy motion, right? I've been noticing you've been getting better and better at drawing throughout the project, it's cool.

jan małecki

Best s*x game ever :) oh, and maybe one day you could add to the poll Louis from family guy. But her younger version from some episodes. But mostly im waiting for aunt cass from big hero 6. Thank you :)

Wade McWilliams

i like it,i would like a lot more of the other things too if i could increase the speed of the animation

Matthew Joberns

yeh thats the plan, just working through them all slowly as theres other stuff i need to do to each scene to get it to work

Lee Donnelly

Foot job is chef’s Kiss.

Josh Smith

I really love that a foot job is coming to the game I would request an ass job even bc I am an ass man and I think it would just be so hot thanks for this amazing game

Josh Smith

We need an ass job scene I’d pay to get it out in here fr