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Non Beta Is Out Now Click Here 

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Help With Installing, Updating And Transferring Save's

If you have any problems with saves or any bugs or any problems with the links please let me know :)

Bugs Im Aware Of

- Piza Infront Basement

- Charlie Scaling (Tried Something New In Reception But For Thinner Screens It Looks A Bit Off)

- Charlie Icon Overlap On Scroll

Hey, so quickly with the new still images im going to make a post that will hold all the high quality versions of them for you to look at, i did add a full screen option to them in the game but for 4K quality i need to put them here :)

Two New Character's (Kind Of)

So the main thing i have been working on for this is adding Roxy and then also having to add the new receptionist Charlie, she is kind of a new character as in having been added to all the scene's but then we did lose Gloria so i don't know if that really counts.

For Roxy i have added a pretty long quest line with some sound effects, a bit of animation stuff to feel more interactive, this is cool but it could lead to a few buggy things happening. I played through it a few time and it works but theres bound to be something that could go wrong and mess it up so let me know if you run into anything.

Charlie, now Charlie is going to take over as the new receptionist but with some cooler feature's that give you more of an ability to customise her. We'll start of small just with the ability to change her Hair colour and Skin tone to make sure thats all working well but then if thats all good ill add the Hair types and accessories. You can edit her appearance by talking to her in reception and it should change it for all the places you see her, i know there is a glitch with her icon at the moment where it clips through stuff but i'll try and get that fixed for the main release.


For this beta i only managed to get the winner added as it was a very big outfit as you might see, a lot of different moving parts. My plan is for the non beta to have the armour one done which came in second and then i think Moxxi won the character specific part so i'll try and do that too. Let me know if there are any glitches with this outfit as that scene has the new overlap checker so this will be a good test of how well it has worked.


The main thing for backgrounds i wanted to get done this month was to have all of the themes added to the Double D*ldo scene which i have managed to do. I also got the rods to fit their theme and also made it so they look like they are actually going in and out of a hole in the box which is quite cool. If there are any scale issues with the background though let me know as i had to work around with some things.

Still Images

This was the other main thing i wanted to focus on this update, as im planning on updating all the still images to the new style i thought it would be best to get them done as quickly as possible so i have i think 5 poses and each one should have 3 or 4 different variations. I also added a full screen mode for viewing them however due to scaling this might cause some bugs. The way i have set it up is it will always fill your screen size without stretching the image, this could cause problems for mobile users on thinner screens but ill try and figure out the best way to do it

Other Stuff

While i was working on everything else i didn't have as much time to add characters to scene's but in any free time i have between now and the non beta ill try and add some more, mainly to both of the B*SM scene's as i want to try and fill them up, then we can move onto the Double D*ldo scene.

Anyway thanks for your support if theres any ideas or feedback you have please let me know and if you find any major bugs please let me know :D



ivanhunter- johnson

what about that scene Raven suggested once you recruit starfire? what about that?

Matthew Joberns

ahhh yeh that has been wanted for a while, just need to figure out a good way to add a scene like that, could do a still image though in the mean time