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Help With Installing, Updating And Transferring Save's

If you have any problems with saves or any bugs or any problems with the links please let me know :)

Hey, firstly sorry for the day delay, at the start of the month i was trying to fix the pause menu lag which took up a lot of my time and i wanted an extra day to try get some more character's added for the beta. I'll explain the progress on the pause menu just below.

Bugs Im Aware Of

So i was originally going to write for both these bugs i don't really know what is causing the problem but in the time it took for the Beta to build i managed to fix both of them i think, which is good as then i can focus on just adding loads of outfit's for the Non Beta.

Bug 1. Slight Lag On Opening Pause Menu, you probably won't even notice this i only barely notice it when testing on my old windows laptop which doesn't have the best CPU but either way i think i've pretty much fully fixed it for the Non Beta

Bug 2. Audio And Lip Sync In new Scene. This was two part's, firstly yhe sync was off and secondly switching between An*l And Thigh should switch between softer and harder m*aning which it wasn't. Both of these are now fixed for the Non Beta.

Now on to what i need from you.

First thing would be just any bugs you see like texture's or crash's please let me know and i'll try and get them fixed for the No Beta

Secondly this is more of a feedback kind of thing, the first part is for the new scene, id like to hear what you think of two things. Firstly the D*ck curve, i have rigged it up in the game so i can make it curve up more or less as it goes in and out so need to see how you feel about it though then i can make some adjustment's. Secondly the B*ob jiggle, i think for the smallest option it is fine but as they get bigger it looks like they might be moving a bit too much for the amount of back and forth motion going on. If you like it that way though i can leave it how it is but if not let me know and i'll change it.

Next thing is there are some things i don't like about the Double D*ldo scene which i wanted to change and wanted to get some feedback on. The first thing is the B*ob's i feel like they look a bit weird, not really very round and they are moving in a weird way so i think im going to change them but let me know. Secondly the V*g part of it, it kind of looks like just a smooth sticking out thing, this was mainly done to get the depth thing to work but if i can get that to work with some pink lips i will try and get that done as i think it would look better

For all these things though let me know if you have any other ideas or if you like the things the way they are now

PS. One small thing, i don't know if the Th*ghjob quest is too easy, i want to try and amke it easy enough for new people but im assuming most of you already have 15 characters and 5000 coins so probably complete it when you load in

Anyway on to explaining the update

New Scene

The new scene is the th*gh job one and it did end up taking a bit longer than i thought but i managed to get the main things i wanted in.Mainly the speed change and the switch between thigh and "an*l" and i say that because its like implied an*l. Anyway another cool thing which you might have notice is an updated c*mshot, i'm not really the best at doing these but for this one got a very nice sketch done which i think has transferred into some good stuff. I also put it on a random player so the 3 animations should play in a random order each time.

I tried to add as many character's to the scene as i could to this one to start with so i hope you enjoy the selection and i will try and get as many added to it as possible soon.

For the outfit's i added the basic ones that are in the other room but judging by how well the l*tex one did in the M*ssonary V2 scene i want to add that to all the upstairs scene's as well so hopefully that will be coming soon


I only managed to get the winning outfit added to the beta but im going to have the whole day tomorrow to just focus on adding as many outfits from the poll in to the game going from most votes to least so hopefully i can get another few done.

New Background's

I also managed to get two new location backgrounds done which look very nice, even though you probably already have the character's that are there, when new character's from those shows get added you'll be able to go back and enjoy them or if you want you can still look at them using the location app there just wont be any character's there for you to talk to :)

In the picture's in this post i also included some of the new themes for the W*oden Horse. Unfortunately i only got these once i had started building all the versions of the game but i have one for every them now and they should be able to be added pretty quickly tomorrow so im like 99% sure they will be in the Non Beta unless something major happens

Adding Character's To Scene's

The M*ssionary V2 scene was loved a lot so i decided to just focus on adding character's to that one this update, i think i got around another 10 added to it were almost there with having it filled up. I think at this rate we should be able to get all the character's added to all the scene's, that aren't getting redone, pretty soon.

- D*epthroat

- Sh*wer

- P*epHole

- Rev C*wgirl (Front)

These are the ones that are getting redone so thats why you might not see some of the character's getting added to them yet.

The other one i want to add character's to is the Double D*ldo but i want to update a few parts of that first then start adding the rest of the character's.

Another thing i want to do is add the Loona etc to the W*oden Horse scene as that could be a nice one for them to be in but i think these will have to wait until the next update as tomorrow i really want to focus on adding as many outfit's as i can so i hope you're ok with that.

Misc Stuff

There hasn't really been much Misc stuff this time mainly just Bug Fix's and a few QOL stuff and then also 6 more characters have added audio which i hope you get to notice. I think there's around about 10 characters that still need the extra audio lots added then every character will have a decent amount of audio and we can start messing around with some cool feature's to do with it. With 6 every update that should mean it will be done in the next two updates :D

Anyway thank you for your support and i hope you like the new stuff, if there's any ideas you have or things you'd rather i focus on please let me know

Update Notes

  • New Feature’s
    • New Scene Th*ghJob
      • 2 Part Quest Line
      • Velma
        • Outfit’s
        • Th*gh And A*nl
        • Upgraded C*mShot (Random Animation)
        • 3 B*ob Size
      • Samus
        • Outfit’s
        • Th*gh And A*nl
        • Upgraded C*mShot (Random Animation)
        • 3 B*ob Size
      • Zelda
        • Outfit’s
        • Th*gh And A*nl
        • Upgraded C*mShot (Random Animation)
        • 3 B*ob Size
      • Raven
        • Outfit’s
        • Th*gh And A*nl
        • Upgraded C*mShot (Random Animation)
        • 3 B*ob Size
      • Sam
        • Outfit’s
        • Th*gh And A*nl
        • Upgraded C*mShot (Random Animation)
        • 3 B*ob Size
      • Gloria
        • Outfit’s
        • Th*gh And A*nl
        • Upgraded C*mShot (Random Animation)
        • 3 B*ob Size
      • Gwen S
        • Outfit’s
        • Th*gh And A*nl
        • Upgraded C*mShot (Random Animation)
        • 3 B*ob Size
      • Harley
        • Outfit’s
        • Th*gh And A*nl
        • Upgraded C*mShot (Random Animation)
        • 3 B*ob Size
      • Peach
        • Outfit’s
        • Th*gh And A*nl
        • Upgraded C*mShot (Random Animation)
        • 3 B*ob Size
      • Android 18
        • Outfit’s
        • Th*gh And A*nl
        • Upgraded C*mShot (Random Animation)
        • 3 B*ob Size
      • Rias
        • Outfit’s
        • Th*gh And A*nl
        • Upgraded C*mShot (Random Animation)
        • 3 B*ob Size
      • Jinx
        • Outfit’s
        • Th*gh And A*nl
        • Upgraded C*mShot (Random Animation)
        • 3 B*ob Size
    • Albedo M*ssionary V2
      • Outfit’s
      • 4 B*ob Size
      • 2 Leg Postion’s
      • V*g And An*l
    • Frankie M*ssionary V2
      • Outfit’s
      • 4 B*ob Size
      • 2 Leg Postion’s
      • V*g And An*l
    • Gloria M*ssionary V2
      • Outfit’s
      • 4 B*ob Size
      • 2 Leg Postion’s
      • V*g And An*l
    • Jessica R M*ssionary V2
      • Outfit’s
      • 4 B*ob Size
      • 2 Leg Postion’s
      • V*g And An*l
    • Mercy M*ssionary V2
      • Outfit’s
      • 4 B*ob Size
      • 2 Leg Postion’s
      • V*g And An*l
    • Jinx M*ssionary V2
      • Outfit’s
      • 4 B*ob Size
      • 2 Leg Postion’s
      • V*g And An*l
    • Tsunade M*ssionary V2
      • Outfit’s
      • 4 B*ob Size
      • 2 Leg Postion’s
      • V*g And An*l
    • Yor Forger M*ssionary V2
      • Outfit’s
      • 4 B*ob Size
      • 2 Leg Postion’s
      • V*g And An*l
    • Yorha 2B M*ssionary V2
      • Outfit’s
      • 4 B*ob Size
      • 2 Leg Postion’s
      • V*g And An*l
    • Yoruichi M*ssionary V2
      • Outfit’s
      • 4 B*ob Size
      • 2 Leg Postion’s
      • V*g And An*l
    • New Outfit’s
      • Tatsumaki Dress Rev C*wgirl (Back)
        • All B*ob Size’s
    • New Backgrounds
      • Dragon Ball Location
      • MHA Location
    • Aqua New Audio 4x M*aning, 2x Soft M*aning, 3x Cr*ampie
      • Hole 1
      • Rev C*wgirl (Back)
      • D*ggy
      • P*p Hole
      • H*ndJob
      • Rev C*wgirl (Front)
      • On Side
      • All F*ngering
      • Hole 2
      • All Upstairs Bedroom
    • Loona New Audio 4x M*aning, 2x Soft M*aning, 3x Cr*ampie
      • Hole 1
      • Rev C*wgirl (Back)
      • D*ggy
      • P*p Hole
      • Rev C*wgirl (Front)
      • On Side
      • All F*ngering
      • Hole 2
    • Judy New Audio 4x M*aning, 2x Soft M*aning, 3x Cr*ampie
      • Hole 1
      • Rev C*wgirl (Back)
      • D*ggy
      • P*p Hole
      • Rev C*wgirl (Front)
      • On Side
      • All F*ngering
      • Hole 2
    • Rebecca New Audio 4x M*aning, 2x Soft M*aning, 3x Cr*ampie
      • Hole 1
      • Rev C*wgirl (Back)
      • D*ggy
      • P*p Hole
      • H*ndJob
      • Rev C*wgirl (Front)
      • On Side
      • All F*ngering
      • Hole 2
      • All Upstairs Bedroom
    • Mercy New Audio 4x M*aning, 2x Soft M*aning, 3x Cr*ampie
      • Hole 1
      • Rev C*wgirl (Back)
      • D*ggy
      • P*p Hole
      • H*ndJob
      • Rev C*wgirl (Front)
      • On Side
      • All F*ngering
      • Hole 2
      • All Upstairs Bedroom
    • Tsunade New Audio 4x M*aning, 2x Soft M*aning, 3x Cr*ampie
      • Hole 1
      • Rev C*wgirl (Back)
      • D*ggy
      • P*p Hole
      • H*ndJob
      • Rev C*wgirl (Front)
      • On Side
      • All F*ngering
      • Hole 2
      • All Upstairs Bedroom
  • QOL
    • Less Lag On Opening Pause Menu
    • C*wgirl Front View Speed On Start Changed
  • Bug Fix’s
    • F*ngering (Front) Outfit Load Fix
    • Loona D*ggy Outfit Toggle Fix
    • D*ggy Scroll Bar Postion Fix
    • Marge D*ggy Close Up View Change Fix
    • Cr*ampie Audio Fix




download link takes me to a beta post from 2021

Matthew Joberns

Yeh thats just the post that hold's the update file's i update the links there every beta to the newest ones so they will be the right ones :) Makes it so if you download a beta it will always be the most up to date one