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Ok so there's a lot of stuff to unpack i this one but ill try to explain it all ahaha

New Scene

The new scene has come along very well, i already have the animation's basically done and added to the game along with some basic outfit's that carry over from the other scene's in the room's.

Also as this is a new scene and isn't as complex, code wise, yet as the other's while i'm making the base i'm going to add speed changing to it as a test for this scene and to make sure it all work's, you can see one of the gif's showing you how it might look. I know it didn't win in the last feature poll but i thought this would be a good chance to test it all out and don't worry i'm still going to do the interaction M*aning stuff just finishing adding all the new audio first :)

PS. i don't know where the speed slide bar would look good on the screen, i was thinking to top as that gives a wide range but if you think somewhere else let me know

New Audio

The new audio is coming along very well, as of writing this i have 9 left to do and with 9 day's left of the month hopefully i can them all done by the next update.

Chun Li And Moxxi

Chun Li won the poll and she will be added first to the game, i'm going to try and get a proper quest line for her done where you have to fight her and win to unlock her or something like that which would be cool. For Moxxi as she was the second place one i thought if i have time i will add her as a buy with coins option as that fits her well although this will probably be for the mid month update :)


I have got some sketch's for more outfit's done and included one in this post, i'll try and get a few of these done will i'm working on everything else but i think i'll start with finishing the Hole 2 ones as i think i can get one done for every character which will be nice

New House Design

There's also a new house design coming with the next update which you might be able to guess the theme now as i included quite a few images of it ahah but i hope your going to like it, it should be in every room just need 2 more of the backgrounds done.

Misc Stuff

There's other stuff aswell that is just like small things but i also redesigned Harley's head and have a picture of what that looks like here, i think it looks more like the show but let me know either way as i can always change it back if i need

Thank you and i hope you like all the stuff coming :D



Aiden Wright

Thanks for the hard work dawg making our lives better.

Raizo Kun

Looking awesome!

Endless Mike

I’m so excited for Moxxi

Justin Hartley

Definitely great!! Are you gonna do more scenes for marge?


I really wanted Ashley, we should get Ada from RE as well


Was hoping to get mitsuri or shinobu from DS

ivanhunter- johnson

what about Starfire next? We got Raven on board


Oh, this position looks great!!!!!

RedWon Gaming

there should be an anal option

Matthew Joberns

yeh of course, ill add to some more for this one if i can, wanna try get her head working better aswell

Matthew Joberns

yeh could do, want to try and get some different kind of character's in first but everyone will be added at some point

Kakashi Sensei

yes please please please!!


RWBY characters when?


I would love to see cynder the dragon from Spyro in here.

Whicked (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-12 17:04:46 If it's allowed, I need a hint. I'm stuck on the boob fuck quest. I'm missing something simple. I have taken Samsung Sam up to 2.5 pretty quick and I can't figure out which way she wants it. Edit auto correct.
2023-06-27 17:57:36

Matthew Joberns

is it just the sam part of the quest you are stuck on, if thats the case try it in the rev C*wgirl (Back) scene and just fill the bar as quickly as you can when it loads in and that should work


I’m unable to complete the tsunadae quest for some reason, after talking to Zelda in her room is says I still haven’t done it.

Vigac Vigaca

Solved zeldas riddle for tsunades quest but that quest didn't complete and now i'm stuck and can't unlock her

Matthew Joberns

that quest is glitched at the moment, the riddle one is for a different quest but the one for tsunade cant complete in v1.47 as the button became unlinked, it is fixed for the next update :)

Matthew Joberns

the quest is bugged at the moment, the riddle quest is for one of the scene's but the talking quest for tsunade the next dialogue button unlinked but is fixed for the next update

soul 2431

Genshin characters?


Feature request. Mercy, "The gangs back together". I've lost track of which final toy I need. Could you add a checkbox or other indicator to the toy names to show which we have for a future release?

Paul Britton

Yuna lulu rikku tifa aeris yuffie from ff7 and ffx or quistis selphie from ff8? Just a few ideas


I've noticed a glitch with the hole 1 scene for any girl. If you fill up their squirt bar and make them spray. Then (the glitch) you click the ejaculate button. Instead of getting the ejaculated scene you make them squirt again. If you continue by making them ride again and click the ejaculated button they still squirt. You have to back out to the office and start over to get the ejaculated scene without making them squirt.