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To Install on these devices please delete any previous version you have installed before installing the newer one, keeping them shouldn't b an issue although some rare cases have happened where the files have become linked and try to load half from one and half from the other


One other issue i know if is if on windows you cant open it try opening the Zip folder on your desktop as for some reason is the name of the place where you are extracting it has too long a directory name to get to it it can glitch it


If you are on Windows and have a _MACOSX folder leave that one alone the Application will be in the Windows Folder





To update the game on these devices all you need to do is install the latest version of the game and when you open it just click the Load Button from the main menu and it should Load your previous version's save


The save is not tied to the folder the game is in and will be saved somewhere on your device





Don't Delete The Previous Version!! To install the game on android click the install button when prompted, if you already have it download it this button will say update. This will start the installing of the game to your device and while say open when done. Don't close this window while it is installing.


Android 64Bit Devices (Newer Devices)


If you have a newer device then this will be the version you need to download. It will have [Android] at the end of the file and and will download the 64Bit version of the game to your device


Android 32Bit Devices (Older Devices)


If you have problems installing or running the other version your device might be 32Bit and you will need to install the version that has [Android 32Bit] at the end of the file name


Chrome OS


To install on chrome OS you need to download the [Chrome OS] and run it how you would a normal app, this will only work on 64Bit Chrome devices.


Sometimes your Chrome device might be running on Window's Or Linux Or Android so please try those versions if the ChromeOS one doesn't work


If you get any errors with not being able to get this pop up to show or it not installing please try installing it on your computer and then transferring it across. You shouldn't need to do this this is more of a las resort to see if that works


"App Not Installed" Problem -


You need to go to Goole Play > Play Protect > Turn It Off    Next Go To Your Phone Setting's > App Management > App List > 3 Buttons In Top Right Corner > Show System (If It Says Hide System You Already Have It Selected) > Find Package Installer > Storage Usage > Clear Data


There Are Video's On Youtube That Show You How To Do This

"Android Cannot Parse The Package"

To fix this you need to delete the APK from your download folder (Not the app from your home screen). After deleting the APK restart your device and then download the file again. Make sure you are downloading it from the browser not the Mega Or GDrive App.



To update the game on these devices while keeping your save DON'T DELETE THE APP, what you need to do is install the newest version and while it's installing it will ask you if you'd like to update. You click Update and it should keep your save so when you load in you can press the Load Button on the Main Menu


Mega And GDrive Problems

In general it is recommend not to use the app for either of these, downloading in the browser is the best option and results in less errors


GDrive Problem (For Some Mobile Users)

1. Use your web browser and hold down on what platform you use 

2. Open in new tab and download 

3. It won't work but if you open the GDrive app, it'll be there and just download it (That should work)


Lucas Wolfe

So before reading this I may have unistalled. The before mentioned App not installed issues arrived so I did the trouble shooting issue and it didn't fix it. Any other way to fix it?

Matthew Joberns

hmm that is weird, so youve been able to download the app before and now that you've uninstalled your having this problem. Do you have discord it might be easier to help fix it there

Jack Raymond

On Mac it says it cant download because it cant be checked for Malicious software? It says it needs to be updated.

Matthew Thomas Terry Ryan

I can't download on the chrome book without activating developer mode. Is there any other way to download the game. Also having trouble on the Iphone.

Anime Manga

i dont know what im doing wrong for window

Rehan Ahmed

When i press download for windows there is no link that opens

Matthew Joberns

what are you using mega or gdrive also if you are using the app its a bit glitchy you need to hold down on links to get them to open


Is finding Shiny Gardevoir possible? Been doing alot of Gardevoir grinding and yet to see it.

joshua fetters

Mine boots up on Mac, but then immediately shuts off.


I used to play the game on android a while ago but I no longer use that phone as it got completely destroyed. Is there a chance that I can get my saved file on my new phone or Windows? Although it has been months since I last played.

Connor Waterman

Does the patreon stuff auto unlock or is it a code, or something?

natedogg 313

I dont know what I'm doing wrong on android I downloaded the file on MEGA and it didn't update the app


Everytime I try installing it says that it lost connection and when I hit retry it says that its forbidden.


hey just download v0.1.56 for the mac and is just flashing open then closing have tried re-download it but still doing it and was wondering if there was anything else I can try?

Matthew Joberns

After unzipping it for the first time when trying to open it should say it won’t open, then you need to go to settings and privacy and an option to allow will be there. This option will only appear after you have tried to open it

Matthew Nite

When I'm trying to download on Mega it says I have to wait 6 hours

alexander reau

ive actully installed it but the my computer says its not safe and wont play it

alexander reau

windows and ive tried making the game file itself exclusive, but the screensafe wont let it work

Matthew Joberns

Ahhh ok, when it says the error is it like a box and it has a more info button or something, if there is a more info clicking that should open the option to run it


Hey im on windows and currently moved to a new windows PC. where is the savefile suppose to located? I copy the _MACOXS to the new PC but is still starting fresh new. on my old PC i can extract the game to any folder and it will alway find the savefile without problems.


1.61 there are problems with change views. Mercy for one

Matthew Joberns

Yeh there’s a lot of bugs with the cameras scenes but you can get to the right character by switching to them in the scene. I’ll fix this next update

Dhanyal Zamir

Which one do I select, to download on apple phone?

John D

Any way to grab the save and import it on android? I'm relatively low on space and have to delete it often between updates.

Christopher Hart

On Linux/Mac/Windows, where is the save file located?


I can't find the 64bit link.

Miguel Cano Gracia

Hi, i havent been here since far, but i has a lot unlocked, how i restore It?


I've got a bug with Sam's quest info not popping up when I click on it in the phone. Also Loona's hole 1 wont work after I've already seen her outside.