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Hey, so hope everyone is doing well, i know its only been a few days since the update but i got a lot of WIP stuff to show you

B*SM Scene

I know this is what your all excited for and i'm happy with how its coming along, i do have parts of it drawn in color now and it is looking very nice, i didn't want to put that here as there are gaps in the image where parts are going to cross over etc but soon it will be good enough to show a nice gif of it hopefully. For now you can see all the options of things youll be able to do in the scene. More will come in the future but these are the things it will launch with and each thing will be able to be activated independent of one another.


So i have added a couple more unique outfits, i have just show ravens here but i'm planning on adding a few more to the character's in this scene depending on the poll results but so far they look very nice and give the character's a more unique feel. I'm also trying to make it so the parts can be toggled by themselves so you can take of the cape and keep both the belt and suit or the other way around. (The Belt Is Also On Its Own So Can Be Taken Off By Itself)

D*epThr*at Scene

Im trying to get a lot of character's added to this scene as it seems there weren't many in it and people do seem to like it. As of writing this i have added 6 but will hopefully add a few more

Albedo Progress

For Albedo i have got her head views done along with her character image and paper image so will be adding her very shortly, for her i'm also going with a dialogue quest to unlock her so need to think up something good for that but hopefully you like the way she is looking

Character Sheet Scroll And Search

So for the character sheet on the desk i have made it so you can now scroll to view the characters and have also added a search bar at the top where you can search for the character by name. In the future i want to make it so you can also search by tags to find characters you want.

There's also a lot of other things that have been added but you'll see them in the Update Note's when its released :)



Nash hitting it

Ok so question for the bdsm boob grab n twist n such, ARe you working on making there be 3 sized boobs

Mr panda

Ohhh bdsm scene is coming along wonderfully !