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Hey, so i just wanted to do this little WIP post to let you know everything that i've been doing. The main things coming this update are the New scene, New Character's and Quest Sorting Order. 

New Scene

Firstly the new scene has come out very nicely, there are some small tweaks i can do to it, mainly not knowing if one of the scene's looks better in reverse but i can do that quite easily. The way i have set it out is every girl has their room and you select who's room you'd like to visit on the CCTV from your computer, this is in your office. I'm also going to make it so you can visit the girls rooms and talk to them and do some quests with them etc. I have two view's at the moment and will probably add the third through next month as its a bit of a harder scene to do but it is on its way. There was a lot of coding involved in this so could have some bugs and it took a very long time to do ahaha but i managed to also get it so whatever outfit is on will transfer between camera view's. We just have the skirt at the moment but will add more soon.

New Character's

The New Character's on the way are Gardevoir, Judy Hopp's and Loona for Halloween special. I've Started with Gard and already done Two scene's for her but i don't want to spoil to much with two many screenshot's but i like the way the quest has turned out. There's still a few bugs but i can get those fixed.

Quest Sorting Order

This might seem like a small thing, and it is, but it took a long time to do ahaha but i finally made it so when you complete a quest it goes to the bottom of the scroll view thing so you know what ones you still have to do. Im trialing having it so if you have done all the quests for a specific character then it will grey out their button but still need to work that out a bit. I'll put that as an option in the poll as if it gets loads of votes i'll do it for this update but if not i'll do it for the next as it will take some time.


There is going to be more Still Images, Character's in already there scenes and other things coming i have them all in the Update Note's so you'll see that when the update comes out :)
