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Hey, so a lot has been going on toward's then end of the month and i've actually been able to get a lot done. Firstly i just got the backgrounds for the next room and upstairs for each of the girls room's. There's still a few things that need changing and backgrounds are kinda boring so i'll just put them in the folder links if you wan't to view them but it's coming along now.

Scene 3 ReDone

The main thing i was working on this part of the month was the Scene 3 ReDo which you can see the sketch's etc for and some images from it in the scene. It's come out very nicely and i'm very happy with it. Along with that i managed to get it done for every character that had it before, ReDone a lot of their head's like Peach's, Kim's etc and have also managed to add Android 18 and Mirko to is so i'm very happy with that. My plan is to add an X-Ray view to it toward's the end of the month so hopefully i can get that done.

New Character's Progress

The next thing i was focusing on was the new Character's Frankie and Jessica Rabbit. So far i have done Frankie in the first scene and have added a pretty decent quest line to unlock here with better dialogue again so hopefully you enjoy that, there's some screenshot's in the WIP folder of how she look's when your talking to her.

Quest's Show When Goal Completed 

Another small thing i added which was really complex even though its just small ahaha so i still need to fully test it but its a tab that pops up on the right where when you complete a goal it tells you and tells you what goal it is and how many you need to complete and then when you complete a quest it tells you what you unlock. i think it's pretty cool but you can turn it off on you're phone if they get annoying.

What I'm Doing Now

My plan for now is to get Frankie added to the D*ggy scene, then do the same for Jessica Rabbit with the two scene's for her with a good quest. Then with the remainder of my time im going to add the X-RAy view to Scene 3 and then add as many character's to that scene as i can along with a few still image's i have to draw.

UpStairs Scene's/Room 2

Finally those 3 sketch's you see if Zelda are the positions that the first upstairs watching them in their room's scene is going to be, you'll be able to switch view's which i think will be a pretty cool experience if it all work's out the way i hope it will.



Matthew Joberns

Thank's i'm very excited for this, i think the head's and eye's are looking alot better as well

Paulo França

I think I speak for a lot when I say, you need to add Rebecca from edgerunners.


damn that cowgirl animation is so much better

Matthew Joberns

yeh i had a feeling that show was gonna come up soon, i'm defo gonna do someone from it coz the style just fits so perfectly

Matthew Joberns

thanks, it looks so good fully done so i'm really happy about it and managed to get a lot of character's added so hopefully you enjoy all that :)