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Hey, heres a quick update with some WIP pictures to show you what i've been up to.

So starting off with the scenes i've added, a lot of people wanted Rias, Lola and Android 18 in the desk scene so i've added all of them. I'm only showing Lola in the desk scene is i want to keep some things secret for the update ;) but they will be in it.

I also decided to redo the V*g and A*s for this scene, i think they both look better but you can let me know what you think as i can always change them back. While i was doing that i decided to do an X-Ray view, at the moment it shows the same animation for both holes but i will change that soon, maybe not for this update as i need to work out how to do it without using too much space but once i figure that out i can.

I also started work on the Zelda Sequence of scene's, i have only done the first one form it but should have the others done soon.

At the moment though my main focus is on the new Peep Hole Scene as that did get a lot of vote's. i have ReDone it and im just adding the Pr*g stuff now so there will be 3 options for that like in the last one. One of the WIP Gif's also shows the new Squ*rt animation ill have playing on it which is a lot better than the old one. The characters that will be available for it this update will be Velma and Zelda and maybe Harley depending if i choose her or to do another one of Zelda's Sequence Scene's

There is also one new bigger feature which is where you'll be able to see still image of all the character's. It's still early day's so not many images added but it will build up

Finally i will be going through and changing the eye's for a lot of the characters as thats something a lot of people they have said they don't like about some of them so hopefully most of the old eye's will become the new ones which people think look better :)

PS - The Update Should be out on the 15th fingers crossed
