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Hey, this is the next version of the update. I have added a few nice things along with the start of Gwen. She might take a bit longer than expected as i'm trying out a new way of adding the characters but once i've added her it will take me like half the time to add new ones and should barley increase the file size which is good and hopefully the characters look better as ill have more time to work on them, particularly the faces ;)

Update Features

- All Characters Quests

- Gwen Stacy Hole 1

- Raven. Scene 5

- Other characters Scene 2 and 3

- New Reception and Office Background

- Linux Build

If the zips don't work or you cant unzip them i have the uncompressed and .zip files on the google drive





Is there an Android build for this version ?

Matthew Joberns

Hey, i'm just reworking the UI at the moment so that it should work almost perfectly on all size android devices and then once thats done i'll be able to release android versions with every new PC build. Sorry for the wait