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Getting Into the House

  • First you want to click on the Open Sign
  • Then A Door Knob Should appear which you will need to click
  • Then you will also need to click a key to unlock the door
  • Finally click the door knob on the door to open the door

Selecting Your Characters

  • On the desk there is a sheet of paper where you can select your character
  • Clicking the paper once its been clicked will go back to viewing the room
  • Click the paper of the Characters Bio will go back to the Character Select Sheet


DJ Harrison

How do you open the locked doors inside?

Matthew Joberns

The door on the left is the only one you can open at the moment. It will cost you $200. You start earning money after you make one of the girl cum. If you don't there is a glitch at the moment i'm trying to fix where some people don't get the phone and cant earn any money so let me know if that is the case