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Hey everyone I hope you’re all doing well. Got quite a lot of cool things to show you so i’ll get right into that starting with the new scene and also the Multiple Girls/Nico Robin choice.

New Scene (+ Update To From Behind Option)

So once again there is a very close battle between the Jack O Pose and the From Behind View which is very nice to see. I know it can be annoying if the one you want comes in a close second but it will 100% be added to the game at some point seeing as its done well and its also just nice to have such a close poll instead of one running off with it.

At the moment the Jack O is currently in the lead however I have made some changes to the From Behind View option to make it look a bit better so i’m going to update it in the poll post as well. There is still 6 days left on the poll so there is plenty of time for it to win and you are still able to change your vote if you voted for one of the other ones.

Now on to the option that is currently in the lead. For the Jack O Pose I have got some sketch animation done in preparation for the scene as I want to try and get some of it done before the end of this month so I have more time to focus on the feature focus stuff at the start of next month. Anyway I have this sketch done now but there are 3 different ways I can have the two bodies sync up, here they are.




There isn’t going to be a real poll with this but just let me know which you feel looks best and I will just be trying to see what the general feeling is :)

Secondly with this scene I thought it might be cool to have it in the basement by the mirror which would lead to in the future added a mirror view that you will be able to enlarge and look at the position from a different angle. I know this doesn’t fully fit with the basement theme but I think it would be a good one to make use of the mirror and I could also add things like chains etc to it in the future. It also just spreads the locations out for the scenes a bit more.

On that note in the future I would like to start doing some outside scenes round the side of the house. These may be a bit annoying to get to though as you will have to leave the house but let me know if you think it would be a cool idea to have some outside :)

Multiple Characters / Nico Robin Choice

Last post I was asking if I should continue on the path of adding multiple characters or spend some time getting Nico Robin in. There was a lot of people from both sides wanting each of these however from what I saw the people wanting Nico Robin do think it would be a better idea to give her a proper quest line and location instead of rushing into adding her just as a character you can buy from your phone, which I would have to do if I was going to get her in for the next update. So I have chosen to keep going with the adding multiple characters path and I hope you are all ok with that. For the next update you probably won’t notice too much difference, there will probably be a slight file size increase of around 30Mb but that’s just to hold the system that’s going to load in full scenes, the main thing that will need to be tested is the Hole 2 scenes, they will all be getting moved over to this new way of loading that will give me the ability, given all of this works, to load multiple of them in at a time. For now though it will just be the one character like how you are used to but this is all to make sure that the system and load and unload the scenes without any problems. Im very excited for this as by this time next month I will know if the system works and then I will be able to have the Multiple Girls in one scene as an option in the Feature Focus Poll.

As for Nico Robin I have her head drawn and I will be trying to get her added in as soon as possible. If you have any ideas for the kind of quest line you think would be good for her please let me know. I think it would be fun to have a kind of mini game for her similar to Chun Li and Vault Girl so if you have any in mind please let me know :D

Outfit Stuff

Following on from the, what it seems like, well received outfit system update, i’m trying to get as many outfits as I can added to the B*objob scene as I feel like with this new system this is where they will have the most impact as now, even if you don’t like a character, you are still able to use their outfit with your favourite character. So instead of adding an outfit to 1 character it kind of feels like i’m adding it to all 50 so of them.

Anyway so far I have got 2 outfits done for this scene.



For some of these I might need to move the head position around a bit to get them looking perfect and or Aqua’s I might raise the Necklace part a bit just to cover up some of the neck and hopefully make it look a bit better.

I hope to get at least 2 more done before the update however they do take a bit longer for this scene just due to how complex the layering is. Its weird because in the Feature Focus poll I was saying the scenes with multiple Bob options are more complex for the new system which is true, basically the outfits are more complex to draw for the Bobjob scene but a lot easier to add in to the new system that allows you to use them across all the characters, although once I improve upon the code for this system the scenes with multiple B*ob options will be just as easy to add in. Hopefully that all makes sense.

Now for the next outfits I would like to do I was looking at what did well in the last outfit poll and the 2 highest voted from the ones that are left are 

Android 18

Judy H

An again don’t worry if you don’t like either of these characters, you can use the outfit with your favourite character instead :)

Adding Characters To Scenes

As the last update didn’t have many characters added to scenes I thought it would be nice to add characters to a wide range of different scenes for this update.

Firstly I wanted to get some more of Android 21’s added as there was still a few missing from the last update.

Next I wanted to add some to the Th*hgjob, F*otjob and Shower Against Glass as there was some here and there missing from those.

Finally between now and the Update I will be adding some more characters to the D*epthroat V2.

I would also like to get Loona, Lola etc added to that scene although I may not be able to do it for the next update I will try and get it done for the update after the feature focus update. There are some other scenes that also need those characters like the Th*ghjob, and Double D*ldo so if you’d rather I add them to those first I can do that, just let me know :)

Still Images + File Size / Quality Improvements

For the still images this update i'm going to continue with Marceline and Roxy as I wanted to start getting two images added for each character now that most of them have one.

For Roxy I have this image which I think you may have seen the sketch for previously but now I have the full colour done for her and her outfit I just need the get the background done.

Next for Madeline I have the base colour done and still need to get the full colour and background done. However this is quite a cool one and you may notice a second version of her in the back, this is because there is going to be a mirror in this image where you will be able to see the reflection of the back view of her, this is just a cool little extra that i’m excited about :)

Now for the improvement stuff for a while now I haven’t been doing and of the still images animations, mainly because they take up so much space and I have to reduce the quality of them to make the smaller which in turn makes them not the best to look at in game. Now as of wiring this I think I may have found a way to increase the quality and also lower the file size. This does seem a bit too good to be true so i’m going to have to do some testing to make sure its all good but hopefully it is and will be a better overall experience for the gallery section.

PS. I also have some sketches for some future images here if you wanted to take a look.

QOL And Bug Fixes

There has been a lot of bugs, which was to be expected, due to the amount of stuff that was added last update but I have been busy getting all the ones i’m aware of fixed. I have also made some improvement to how things run just to make the smoother.

I also made some Qom improvements, just small things like instead of having the Squ*rting button turned off until you fill the bar it will now be displayed from the start but be greyed out until you activate it by filling the bar. This will hopefully make it less confusing trying to figure out which scenes have it.

I also added the toggle UI to the Hole 2 scene which is just a little extra but while I did that it also gave me the idea of adding a full Keyboard / Gesture (For Android) system in that will allow you to assign different actions to do different things in the game. This would be quite a big system so will probably need to be saved for a feature focus poll but its just and idea for now.

Anyway I hope you like all this new stuff, there is also a feature focus poll going on at the moment if you want to vote on that, there a lot of cool options :)

Thank You For Your Support




Can't remove that low shower in against glass scene, android version


People care about story in a porn game?


It's not as much about a compelling storytelling, and more about roleplay and/or presenting a situation.

Ethan Campbell

Any chance of any Star Wars or mass effect characters being introduced?


I really want outside scenes!!!! This zone need some stuffs for real!!!!!

gg man
