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Feature Focus Poll - August

  • Outfits (More Outfits + Unique Outfits Across All Characters In Other Scenes) 1124
  • C*m On Body In Different Places 1186
  • Speed Slider All Scenes + Section Slider 387
  • More Audio + Select Which Audio You’d Like To Hear 686
  • More Head Redesigns 466
  • Blinking Customisation 137
  • Still Images + Animated Still Images + Easier Switching Between Images 376
  • 2024-08-21
  • —2024-08-30
  • 4362 votes
{'title': 'Feature Focus Poll - August', 'choices': [{'text': 'Outfits (More Outfits + Unique Outfits Across All Characters In Other Scenes)', 'votes': 1124}, {'text': 'C*m On Body In Different Places', 'votes': 1186}, {'text': 'Speed Slider All Scenes + Section Slider', 'votes': 387}, {'text': 'More Audio + Select Which Audio You’d Like To Hear', 'votes': 686}, {'text': 'More Head Redesigns', 'votes': 466}, {'text': 'Blinking Customisation', 'votes': 137}, {'text': 'Still Images + Animated Still Images + Easier Switching Between Images', 'votes': 376}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 8, 30, 22, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 8, 21, 11, 47, 12, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 4362}


Hey everyone I hope you’re doing well and are excited for the second feature focus poll. The last one seemed to have been received quite well from what I can see, obviously I might not have heard from everyone though so if you didn’t like it please let me know if there’s something I could do to improve how its done or if you would just rather the updates be how they have previously.

Anyway for this poll I have removed he “Scene Things” option and replaced it with a couple more in order to give some of the others a better chance so hopefully if yours didn’t win last time it could this time. But I wanted to keep this poll relatively similar to the last one as I know there was a lot of options there people wanted to don’t want to change them for this one and have people miss out.

Finally the A*s Slider and Multiple Girls options are still left out of this poll as there is still a lot more stuff I need to trial before I can be confident that I can actually get these added if they do end up winning the poll they’re in.

Outfits (More Outfits + Unique Outfits Across All Characters In Other Scenes)

This one is a two part thing, firstly I will be adding as many unique outfits to characters as possible. The plan is to try and get unique outfits add to the B*objob, Hole 3, D*epthroat & Hole 1 scenes but if there are other scenes you would like me to focus on please let me know. I probably won’t be doing an outfit poll at the start of next month if this wins mainly because I think I will be able to get a decent amount of outfits added anyway the poll won’t really have any effect and also I have the previous polls to go off for which outfits I will focus on.

Here are some sketches though incase you wanted to see.

The next part of this one is something you would have seen, hopefully, I the last update which is allowing you to pick from any of the characters unique outfits with any of the other characters. From what some people have said they think this is a game changer and I hope most of you agree as I too think its a really cool thing and just makes it so everyone can benefit from new outfits even if they aren’t a fan of the character it’s been added for.

The scenes I would like to add this for are either Hole 2 or Hole 1, just because this is still quite a complex bit of code i'm still trying to get perfect and I would like to try it with some less complex scenes first. That’s why the first one was the B*objob as any scene where you can change the Bob size of an outfit i'll need to add some extra code but I want to get the main base for it working before I start on that, hopefully that makes sense and you’re ok with that. If I get time I could try and add it to the Rev C*wgirl (Back) scene as. That’s one of the less complex scenes where you are able to change the B*ob size :)

C*m On Body In Different Places

This is more of a show thing so here is how it will look in the Hole 1 scene.

Some things you will need to know before voting for this. The way it will work is when you enable this feature the animation will fully stop (This has to be done as the way the animations were drawn was never intended for something like this). Then you will be able to select where you want to C*m. You will be able to select multiple places and hopefully do it as much as you like. I might have to set some limit but I think I’ll be able to make it quite high as this shouldn’t use to much processing power.

After you are done you can turn off this feature leaving the C*m there but restarting the animation.

At the moment I only have this sketch done for Hole 1 so let me know what other scenes you would like

PS for some scenes eg Rev C*wgirl (Back) I won’t be able to make the guys body disappear, I can still add the C*mshots however the guys body will have to remain while they are happening. I know this won’t make total scenes but its the best I can do with these scenes due to the way they are drawn, this is just so you know incase this changes your opinion on this feature.

Speed Slider All Scenes + Section Slider

This should be a relatively straight forward one to explain, basically it will be adding the speed slider to every scene it isn’t in and then also trying to get the two new speed slider options added to as many scenes as I can. Those options are.

Speed Range Slider - You may have already seen this in the Rev C*wgirl (Back) and F*ngering scenes

Speed Section Slider - Below is what this looks like and it will basically let you change the speed for 3 sections of the animation giving a whole new feel to the scene.

While adding these I might also have to redesign the speed slider menu so it can work with all 3. My main thought is clicking the speed slider will bring up which ever one you have active and then clicking it again will bring up a menu where you can switch between the 3 different options.

More Audio + Select Which Audio You’d Like To Hear

This will be adding more audio variations to each character and also working on a menu that will allow you to pick which type of audio you would like to hear for each characters. I think to start with I will have the audio type you pick be the same across all scenes for that character but in the future I could also make them scene specific so you can change each character and scene audio to fit your liking.

This will also come with a new customisation menu that you will be able to access from within the scene.

More Head Redesigns

It has been a few months now since I started doing the character head redesigns and I think at the start people didn’t think they were the best thing for the game but from what I’ve heard people are really liking them and I hope that is the same for everyone else. I have a lot more heads that I would like to redesign and I think if I was able to focus on them fully for one of the updates I could maybe get around 10 redone.

Here are a look at some of the ones I would still like to do.

Let me know if there are any more you would like to see.

Blinking Customisation

This is similar to the pick which audio type you would like to hear but instead will focus on the blinking. Just like the audio I will make a new customise menu for it where you will be able to change things like blinking speed. If the eyes open half way only and then close. If you would like they eyes to stay in a certain position. How long they should stay open if you want them to open and stuff like that.

This is a bit more of a smaller one I think, it may take longer than I think to do the code for though, but if it does turn out to be a smaller one and I have some extra time I can do some work on the feature that comes second if this one wins.

Still Images + Animated Still Images + Easier Switching Between Images

This one is going to be a lot of parts all revolving around the still images so i'll split them into sections for you.

Firstly the still images themselves. I think between the first and the month update and the mid month update there is about two weeks. In this time I think I will be able to get around 10 images done along with all the other stuff I want to do.

Secondly I would also like to get some of the image animations done, I think I could probably get around 5 of these done.

Thirdly I want to start adding some options to these like speed sliders and maybe some sound effects.

Finally a lot of people have been asking to make it easier to go through all the images without having to back out of each one so i'm going to add in a system that will let you click or swipe through the images for that character and then also let you switch between the characters the same way it does with the scroll wheel in scenes. I would also like to make a site that will hold all these images so if you would like to view them in 4K HD then you can click a button in the app and it will take you to where you can view that image

In Short

  • 10 New Still Images

  • 5 Image Animations

  • Speed Slider/Sound Effects

  • Switch Between Images Easier/HD Images Stored Online

I hope these are all some good options for you to pick from. Let me know if you have any more suggestions Thank You :D



Y'all sleeping on the audio option

Bowness Pizza

(((HEAD REDESIGNS))) Who wouldn't want a different face sucking on your knob 🍆😂

Drew Moore

I'm looking forward to giving the gals facials

Anonymask 54

Unmasked elastigirl


Outfits cause id love to see more styles or Audio cause different sound of women's or maybe the sound of pussy getting more wet the faster you go🍆💧💧for some reason cum shots is winning. Hey what can ya do. How's it going DotArt hope you're doing well 💙

Sam Prince

did i just vote for all, yes. will we get all this soon, probably not but i’m patient

P Long

Audio options people! We need more, we have enough costumes guys really...


More unique outfits for characters that don’t have them. Roxy 👀 But love all the work regardless, keep it up!

haks world

will we be able to customize the guys skin one?

Matthew Joberns

its actually doing really well which im happy with, probably not well enough to win but will probably win soon

Matthew Joberns

im doing good thank you and yes i would like to add more audio, i was thinking mainly for the girls but some of the other sounds would be really cool to add to now that you mention it, ill see if i can get something like that to actually work then could add it to part of the audio section for the next one

Matthew Joberns

well actually hopefully we will be getting all this soon, if i continue at one of these per month most of these will get done in the next 6 months, which could be considered a long time but there will be a lot of stuff im kind of debating not adding any more options, other than the multiple girls one, until at least 4 more of these have won just so they all get a decent chance but well have to see

Matthew Joberns

audo looks like it will be winning soon don't you worry, in the next couple of months i think from the looks of it

Matthew Joberns

yes i forgot about this, could add this in as an option along with something else and see if it does well, theres just a small problem with getting it to work with the X Ray stuff at the moment but i can see if i can get that fixed

Sam Prince

the speed slider and noise control are honestly my favourites but i doubt they’ll win but that’s why i vote for all

Xbvbxx27 X

more audio would be nice tho just saying lol

Warren Geisler

I dont know if this has been discussed yet, but a radomizer for speed sliders would be awesome

haks world

thank you that would be great can you make size change a option


I did, love it. Admittedly I came here first not the WIP. Though I truly mean more outfits in more scenes as well. Roxy was just one example, a character only having one scene with an outfit. More would definitely be nice. But always keep up the great work, and you take that creative mind wherever you please! 🙏


Marge simpson more scenes