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Hey Beta Testers, I hope everything is going well for you. This is going to be the first Feature Focus Update, hopefully of many more to come, so i’m really excited to see how it gets received. If you do have any suggestions for it please do let me know and I can change how things work but hopefully you do like it and I can keep doing these every month. Quickly here before I go into the details about everything, for the things that have been added to scenes across all the characters please look out for colours that don’t match with he characters. I have tried to sync them all up with each character but have had to add a new system in that handles that and there could be some bugs with some of the characters. Secondly i’m going to lay this out like how I did with the WIP where each “Feature” kind of gets split into its own section to talk about. You may have seen a lot of this in the last WIP but hopefully you like actually getting to use the features now :)

Using Any Outfit With Any Character (B*objob Scene)

READ THIS FIRST - I don’t have the icon ready yet for selecting the unique outfit menu so for now it is the clothes icon but the second one down in the list, I should have the actual icon ready for the Non Beta

Now this has been in the talks for a while and i’m very happy that I can finally say it has been added in. Over the past couple of months I have been showing you what it could look like and how it might work with a little test I did however when actually trying to get it to do more than just load in and unload the outfits it got a lot harder than I thought XD. I have managed to get it fully added in though and working from what I can tell.

At the moment when using another character’s unique outfit you will only be able to have it toggled on or off, you won’t be able to use parts form multiple different characters outfits however in the future this will come. I have also made it so if you are in the character’s scene who has a unique outfit this won’t show up in the menu which should help to avoid any loading in problems.

Now that I have this system working hopefully I will be able to get some more outfits added next update and also have a full Feature Focus Update in the next poll where maybe I can fully focus on adding outfits to this scene. I think once most characters in this scene have an outfit it will really show what this feature is capable of giving you the ability to pick from 40+ outfits with all of the characters.

For this things I would like you to look out for. If you notice any lag or any crashes when using this feature please let me know as this system is very complex and could cause some issues if there are any bugs, particularly for older devices. I have done a lot of testing though and everything seems ok but just let me know if you see anything weird. Next I have had to change the way characters unique outfits are loaded in for their own scenes, so now for example if you load Velma’s scene there will be another little loading scene where it loads in the character and it says “Loading Character”. What I have done is when this screen shows up a percentage will appear next to the “Loading Character” to show how much has loaded. This is the way I have gone for now as I think it looks the best but I could change it so that instead of a percentage the loading bar will reset to 0 and go up according to how much of the character has loaded. These two ways do basically the same thing just in a different visual way. In short 1. Loading bar stays full & percentage of character load is show 2. Loading bar resets to 0 after loading the scene and then displays how much of the character is loaded.

Finally if these feature does go smoothly I will probably be able to start switching over the Hole 2 scene into loading this way which then if that all works means maybe next month I will be able to add the “Multiple Characters In Hole 2” option to the Feature Focus Poll.

Anyway that’s all I had to say about this as the main stuff everyone wanted was the Scene Things :D

Bush Stuff

Most of you have probably seen this already in the WIP but if you haven’t you can see it here. I have chosen to add the Bush options to two scenes that haven’t had stuff added for a while, the Th*ghjob & the C*wgirl Gr*nding, both of these having it fit in very well with the view.

To get the colour to match up with the characters I have had to try and add in a whole new system that will hold every characters hair colour in order to match it up with how the bush should look. This is a new system so there could be some bugs, if you do see any colours that aren’t the same as the characters hair please let me know and I’ll get them fixed.

For the Th*ghjob scene I also added something along the lines of the bush as for this scene she has her arms up which is the perfect place to add some Armpit hair. Unlike with the bush you should be able to toggle this on and off on its own without it turning off the bush you have active at the moment.

Going forward for the Non Beta I would like to add some more bush stuff to a scene, I was thinking a good one for it would be either the Straddle or On Side as they both have quite a good view of everything.

Pr*g Stuff

Again this is another thing a lot of people have wanted more of for a while now so I think its quite nice to get a decent amount added in all at once. You may have scene in the WIP I got it added to the same scenes the the Bush Stuff however in between that I also got it added to the D*ggy Close Up.

This scene was quite a hard scene to draw it for due to the angle but I managed to get two options done and I think they both look quite good.

Of course I also got it added to the C*wgirl Gr*nding which you can see here

And the Th*ghjob, both of which should have 3+ options.

Another thing im working on is making it so that any scene you Cr*ampie a girl in will give her the Pr*g ability as now that the D*ggy Close Up and Th*ghjob scene both have it it would be a useful thing to be able to trigger this ability in other scenes as it wouldn’t make much sense for it to be triggered in those two scenes.

This isn’t fully implemented yet but I will try and get it done for the Non Beta. Following on from that I would also like to put a whole new Pr*g System in to one of the future Feature Focus Polls as I think it would be really cool to add in some more mechanics for how the Pr*g stuff works. I don’t have the full details on how a new system would work yet but if there is interest I could start thinking of one

F*ta Stuff

This has been really wanted for a long time so I’ve added quite a decent amount for you all this update. I’ll start with he scenes that now have F*ta and then move onto the Cm stuff.

Just like with the Pr*g Stuff there have been 3 scenes that have got F*ta added to them and those are

D*ggy Close Up

C*wgirl Gr*nding


I think it works really well in all 3 of these scenes so hopefully you like it too.

Now moving on to the F*ta C*m stuff, one of these I have added it to scenes where it hasn’t been before and the other I have redone and old one to make it look a lot better and also update it to the new system of how these work.

For the completely new animation that has been added to the Th*ghjob scene and you can see it here.

As for the updated scene the On Side scene and an old animation that didn’t look quite right and also was still using the old system that didn’t play it very nicely. I have now redrawn the animation to look a lot better and updated it to the system where the animation will slow to a stop before the C*mshot happens. I think this makes it look a lot more natural and hopefully you do too.

F*rry Stuff

You probably saw this in the WIP but ill show this again quickly here. I have added a tail for some of the F*rry characters where it makes sense for some of the scenes as for the scenes I have added it to you wouldn’t be able to see Lola’s Or Judy’s.

These have also been animated to have the same kind of bounce and movement as the hair so hopefully they look good.

What I would like to do following on form this is get them added to some more scenes as I think they add to the overall look of the F*rry characters and just make them look that bit different to the rest. I might not be able to get anymore added for the Non Beta but they could be part of another Feature Focus Poll or when the “Scene Things” option gets added back to the polls it will be a part of that.

Squ*rting Stuff

This is something extra I thought I’d add as I’ve wanted to do more of it for a while and this is a good reason to. One of these will be a completely new animation added to a scene that didn’t have it before and one is a redesign off one that has always been in a scene but really needed an update

On Side


I do have some sketches for more of these but I’ll show you them at the bottom :)

Speech Bubble Stuff

I don’t know if this really counts as “Scene Things” but I thought I’d add it in anyway. A few of the scene still didn’t have the speech bubbles added to them so I thought I might as well get them added in now.

I would still like to do a full update focusing on this. This would mainly be adding more lines and also giving you more options to customise to do with how often they show and what kind of lines are shown from a range of options. This is just and idea for the next Feature Focus Poll thought.

F*ot Stuff

I couldn’t add “Scene Things” without doing a bit of F*ot Stuff could i. This is one of the main F*ot thing that has been requested and that is Nail Polish for the scenes where you can see it.

Like with the Bush Stuff I have fully updated the system that holds the colour and now each character should have it set to the right one, at least for the F*otjob scene, I will work on getting the other ones that have Nail Polish updated.

I would like to add this to some more scenes so I’ll have a check which ones it will work in but hopefully its a nice little extra for you in the F*otjob Scene.

If there is another scene you think could have Nail Polish let me know and if I have some time I might be able to get it added in for the Non Beta

An*l Options

This was actually requested by people after the WIP and I thought it has been a while since any An*l stuff was added.

The scene people seemed to want it for was the C*wgirl Gr*nding scene which although this scene was never intended to have it, which does make it a little more difficult to add, I did play around with some ways for it to look and I think I have it looking quite nice now. if there are any things you think could be made to look better like maybe making the V*g a bit smaller that can be done

My original thought was to have it so you can actually see the as but when trying to get that to work it just looked wrong position wise so what i have gone for is a more implied an*l where you can’t see it actually going in but its kind of implied if that makes sense. I think that’s the best way to get it to work for this scene.

People have been asking for it in Hole 3 as well so I’ll see if I have time to get it added to that scene.

New Characters To Scenes

For this update I was never meant to added characters to scenes as it was meant to be a full focus on “Scene Things” however I did have a bit of time and thought for the people that may not be interested in the new features it would be nice to have some more characters in scenes.

This isn’t anywhere near how many I normally do for an update but I think its a nice little batch for you to enjoy adding more to the F*otjob and getting some more added for Android 21

Still Images

Just like with the adding characters to scenes I was never meant to add any of these this update although I do have one that is almost finished. It won’t be in this Beta but should be in the Non Beta.

So instead of 2 it will be 1 still images this update i just need to finish off the background.

For Non Beta

Like I said above a bit depending how much time I have I will be trying to get some more “Scene Things” from each category added. I have some sketches here to show you some tat could be added.

If you like any of these please do let me know which one :)

Hopefully there is something here for everyone this update. If you do have any feedback or suggestions on this I would love to hear as this is the first time doing it so always good to hear how its gone:D

If you notice any bugs as well please let me know and Thank You for your support :D

PS. Theres still time for me to make edits to these things before the Non Beta so if things do look off or not quite right i can get them fixed/drawn better just let me know.

Update Notes So Far

  • New Features

    • C*wgirl Gr*nding Updates

      • F*ta Added To All Characters

      • Pr*g Added To All Character (3 Options)

      • Bush Added To All Characters (5 Options)

      • An*l Option

    • Th*ghjob Updates

      • F*ta Added To All Characters

      • Ft*a C*m Added To All Characters

      • Pr*g Added To All Character (3 Options)

      • Bush Added To All Characters (5 Options)

      • ArmPit Hair Added To All Characters

    • F*otjob Updates

      • Nail Polish Added

      • Will Select Based Of Characters Colour + Ability To Pick Your Own Colour

    • On Side Updates

      • Squ*rting Added

      • F*ta C*m Updated Animation And How It Plays

    • D*ggy Close Up

      • F*ta Added To All Characters

      • Pr*g Added To All Character (2 Options)

    • Shower Scene (V1) Updates

      • Squ*rting Animation Updated

    • P*ep Hole

      • Speech Bubble Added

    • Th*ghjob

      • Speech Bubble Added

    • F*otjob

      • Speech Bubble Added

    • Shower Against Glass

      • Speech Bubble Added

    • F*rry Stuff

      • Loona & Roxy Tail Added To M*ssionary V2

      • Loona & Roxy Tail Added To D*ggy

      • Loona & Roxy Tail Added To C*wgirl Gr*nding

    • New Outfit System

      • Use Unique Outfit From Any Character With Any Other Character (Only In B*objob Scene For Now)

      • In Test At The Moment So Could Be Problems

    • Android 21 D*ggy Close Up

      • Both Views

      • Speed Slider

      • Outfits

      • B*ob Size

    • Android 21 B*objob

      • Soft Audio

      • C*mshot

      • Outfits

    • Android 21 X B*SM

      • V*g Play

      • C*mshot

      • B*ob Size

    • Android 21 C*wgirl Gr*nding

      • Outfits

      • B*ob Size

      • N*pple Options

      • Speed Slider

    • Mirko F*otjob

      • Speed Slider

      • Outfits

      • C*mshot

      • B*ob Size

    • Marge F*otjob

      • Speed Slider

      • Outfits

      • C*mshot

      • B*ob Size

    • Ahsoka F*otjob

      • Speed Slider

      • Outfits

      • C*mshot

      • B*ob Size

    • Starfire F*otjob

      • Speed Slider

      • Outfits

      • C*mshot

      • B*ob Size

    • Shego F*otjob

      • Speed Slider

      • Outfits

      • C*mshot

      • B*ob Size

    • Yoruichi F*otjob

      • Speed Slider

      • Outfits

      • C*mshot

      • B*ob Size

    • Poison Ivy F*otjob

      • Speed Slider

      • Outfits

      • C*mshot

      • B*ob Size

  • QOL

  • Bug Fixes

    • Android 21 Call/Buy Button Fix

    • Android 21 P*ep Hole Fix

    • All Scenes Scene Select Scroll Bar Fix

    • Bio Sheet Arrows Change Colour When Hover

    • B*objob Clothes Names Clipping Fix

    • Th*ghjob Character Head Doesn’t Close Fix

    • Zeld On Side Sk*rt Overlap Fix

    • Hover Over Cursor Added To Still Image Selection

    • Hover Over Cursor Added To Customise Menu Options

    • Yor Forger M*ssionary V2 Head Position Fix

    • Poison Ivy Hole 2 Colour Fix

    • M*ssionary V2 F*ta C*m Fix For Some Characters

    • Hole 1 B*ob Colour Fix For Some Characters

    • Favourite Characters Not Showing Im Some Places Fix




No problems and my dreams have come true ✨️ and any character is now Gwen Stacey wearing latex and Charlie MorningStar and having a new phone means loading is not a problem 👌 Awesome Work DotArt💙💙💙