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Hey everyone, I hope you’re having a good week. Got a lot of stuff to go through in this one with an update in the exciting feature I’ve been working on. I’ll start first with a couple of bugs and then move on to the new feature and everything else

Quest Bugs (You Can Skip This Part If You Haven’t Noticed The Bug)

Loona And On Side Quest Bug - There are two bugs for completing quests at the moment due to the update to loading scenes, these are Unlocking Loona & Unlocking On Side Scene. A lot of you will have completed this but if you haven't here is an extra potion code that you can use to skip these quests.


Sam Quest Bug - There is also a small glitch where you can’t view Sam’s quests, this was caused by the fixing of the quest lag but I know how to fix it for the next update will just take some time. If you haven’t already completed her quest you need to talk to her in the location app on her phone and cr*ampie charlie the receptionist in any then she should unlock :)

Sorry for the innocence, these will be fixed for the next update :)

Scroll Wheel Scene Select Feature

To Show You This Fully I Have Had To Reduce The GIF Quality A Lot For File Size, Sorry About That, The Quality In Game Is HD Like Normal

This is hopefully what everyone has been looking forward to the most and it was definitely the thing that took the most amount of time to code but I finally think I have it in working order. What this feature is is a way to easily switch between characters and scenes from any other character or scene using a kind of selector wheel.

I have also managed to implement this along side the favourite character system and and unlocking of characters and scenes. The way this should work is if you have the show favourite characters toggled then when you turn on the scroll wheel it will only show your favourited characters and unlocked characters. For the scenes it is a bit different as at the moment here is no way to favourite your scenes but if I can add a way in, possible in the whiteboard scene location viewer, then it will work exactly the same for scenes.

Now on to how it will work for each device


  • Left/Right will change characters

  • Up/Down will change scene

  • Pressing any arrow will turn on the wheel

  • Not pressing anything after the wheel has turned on will turn it off after 5 seconds

  • After switching to a character/scene you can either wait 2 seconds or press enter to go into that scene

  • The wheel will loop back round seamlessly

  • Pressing and holding one of the arrow keys will quickly scroll through


  • Swipe Left/Right will change characters

  • Swipe Up/Down will change scene

  • Swiping will turn on the wheel

  • Not pressing anything after the wheel has turned on will turn it off after 5 seconds

  • After switching to a character/scene you can either wait 2 seconds or press enter to go into that scene

  • The wheel will loop back round seamlessly

  • Swiping and holding will quickly scroll through

There are still a few things I need to do to make these as smooth as possible, mainly with the android stuff, but I should be able to get this all working in time for the beta testing.

One more thing is I’m going to have this as a toggleable so if you don’t want to use it you don’t have to but I was wondering if you’d like it turned on by default or rather have it off and anyone who wants to use it can toggle it on.

Mitsuri Added (2 Hair Designs)

As a thank you for all of the support and everything I have added Mitsuri to the game. As she was a little extra I have only been able to add her as a buy from your phone with coins as there wasn’t much time to get a full quest line done for her but hopefully you enjoy her none the less. 

I also couldn’t decide what hair style I liked for her fringe, I started with a more clean shorter cut fringe but tried doing a more messy longer one to see if that looks better and personally I think it does.

Either way I have added both of them in for you to choose from, I know it’s not a completely different head variation but it should still be a nice little extra to switch between the two. I do think I need to mess around with the long hair parts a bit more to try and get them to sit right in each scene as they are quite long they can cover up important parts you might want to see so I’ll have a see what I can do.

New Shower Scene

This poll has been a really good one from what I can tell, there’s a lot of scenes in it that people really want and even if they didn’t win I can see lots of people really want them. Seeing all that I think it would be nice to do another scene poll with these scenes in soon so that the others can get another chance and maybe have a bit of a mix up of results with people not having the shower scene to vote for anymore.

Anyway what you probably want to see is how the shower scene is coming along.

Seeing as it’s a shower scene I thought it was only right to have there b*obs pressed up against the glass and I have tried to represent how that might work int he sketch.

At the moment it’s still quite rough and there’s a lot to add but I’m hoping I could have it done by the mid month update next month just like I normally do with scenes.

New Still Images

So last update I had 3 image sketches to pick 2 from with the left over one being Android 18’s. She has now made it into this update being a redo of one of her previous images. I think now with her we have every character redone and can start work on some newer characters and different positions.

For the second image of next update I have a choice for you between

Yor Forger


Just like with the last ones both of these will be added with the one that it seems less people want coming in the mid month update next month. This isn’t going to be a full poll more like I’ll see what people are saying and then decide which one gets added first :)

Jinx Head Redesign

Last update I did some head updates for both Gwen and Harley and people really seemed to like them which makes me happy as they are something I really want to continue with as I think they improve a lot on stuff that was added to the game a long time ago.

For this update I wanted to redesign Jinx’s head as that was one of the first characters added and a lot of people have been asking for her to get an update.

This is how she’s looking so far, if you see anything that needs to be changed please let me know but I think she looks a lot better than the current one and also bring a a bit of a different vibe.

New Character Head Designs

I have also been working on some new character Head Re-Designs for some of the other characters, these are just some of the ones but let me know what you think and if you like any of them i might be able to get them done soon as well.

There is two more up in the main image section of the post but i don't want to fill it up too much here :)

Background Themes

With the addition of the F*otjob scnee last month I was only able to get the basic theme done in time for the update. Since then I have managed to get all the background themes done and added into the game ready for the next update.

One though I have been having though is how much do you care about the background themes. It’s been a while since I added a new one and just wanted to know if a new theme would be something everyone is interested in. I have some ideas for some and am open to hearing any suggestions if it’s something you want.

Adding Characters To Scenes

This has been a big update so far for getting characters in scenes, the main focus for me has been Hole 3, which I think I have every character in now, and the F*otjob scene as even though that’s new I would like to get that one filled up quite quickly.

For the next week and a bit though before the update I think I will focus a bit more on the Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2 and D*epthroat V2 as there’s still a decent amount of characters needed for them.

Either way I’ll keep working as hard as I can on adding characters to scenes and hopefully soon we’ll be all caught up :)

New Outfits

So far for this update due to having to spend a lot of time on the new feature and also drawing some of the other things I haven’t had time to add any outfits yet. Don’t worry though there will still be the usual amount added and I will be picking which ones from the outfit poll at the start of the month working through them from most votes to least votes.

At the moment that will be Moxxi And Charlie M first as they are almost equal on votes then I will follow in order however as the poll is still going those could change in the next week so if you do want to vote for another outfit you still can :D

I did have another question about the outfits though, I would like to start adding unique outfits to some of the other scenes as at the moment it’s mainly focusing on some of the scenes. The next two I had in mind to start adding outfits to are the B*objob and D*ggy Close Up scenes as I think they will be quite nice to have more outfits in.

One other quick note about outfits, I think I spoke about this in the last post but I’ll say it again here, some of you might have seen I have been trialing out a way to add multiple characters to scenes. If I can get this system to work it should allow me to add outfits from other characters to be used with any character instead of just having them be unique to one character. This is still a bit off and lots of things will need to be tested to make sure it can work smoothly but it is a possibility in the future.


The Quality Of Life stuff this update is mainly going to be carrying on from what was going on last update making sure all the quest and loading of scenes now work smoothly as there were a few bugs.

For the scroll wheel I have had to update some of the quest icons to the V2 of scenes and while I was doing that I thought it would be nice to add some images for some of the older scene quests that are newer




This looks amazing! And mitsuri looks really good.

Mike'L Stoned

Loving the shower scene man

Her mann

Amazing Work keep it Up. I am Glad this shower Scene Made in into the Game. And Mitzuri? Good Work. (Still hoping for Tanya the Evil tho )

José Mijares



Charector specific poses would go so hard


Jinx head redesign looks amazing! I like the Elastic Girl alt head the most of the three and I like the Starfire still image. Really like how the shower scene looks, although now I just want Lois as a character.


Will the character scroll wheel be for favorite characters?

Anonymous Monkey

Say, the shower scene with what looks like tomboy lois lane, are you teasing something or is it just a placeholder...

Anonymous Monkey

On the topic of alternate heads, still kinda wish we could have an option to take elasticgirl's mask off...


Amazing work 😍 Maybe adding Caulifla from DragonBall Super?


Yor forger still image is better!


Yor forger for the winon stull image. Would love if that outfit could be made playable :)


Mitsuri outfit? For next outfit poll?


So characters in others outfits? Like peach in mirkos outfit? Can I say yes any quicker? Yes


I think it would be cool to have unique outfits in the D*epthroat V2 scene.


It was stated that if you have favorites turned on, it will only scroll through the favorite characters

Matthew Joberns

Thank you so much, i was a bit like ehh maybe shes not that good but glad people are liking her, i have made some changes to how her hair flows a bit

Matthew Joberns

not long to wait now, i also have a new head design for her that i might be doing soon, maybe one update i can just focus on new head designs and get loads done

Matthew Joberns

i forgot i left her head in the sketch XD i have had her head sketch drawn for a while now and its quite a good one to use for scenes as there isn't any long hair blocking parts, but yes hopefully she does get in soon

Matthew Joberns

is just a place holder for now XD i had that head sketch for a poll a while back and its quite a good head to use as reference for scenes as there isn't any long hair blocking things, normally i remove it but i forgot to this time, she could be added soon though if people want

Matthew Joberns

for the OG one i can't really without doing a lot of editing as the mask is drawn in with the head but for the new one i could leave the mask on its own layer so you can toggle it

Matthew Joberns

oooo its tough between the two, people want both. Don't worry though they will both be added in the same month, one at the start and one mid month

Matthew Joberns

yeh i could do this as another one of her unique outfit's as the one i've been doing for her at the moment is a kind of jumper

Matthew Joberns

yes this is the plan, a lot of things need to fall into place for this to work, mainly the ability to load things in and out of scenes but even if that works there a lot of code that will need to be updated to check outfit overlapping

Josh Smith

When will u add toe nail polish to foot job scene

Her mann

Your Welcome. The Design for Albedo ist quite good as Well. The Hair is nice


Both i guess, I meant to say scenes, I.e elastagirl stretching, marcy floating, etc, the fetishes that usually come with each charector

malachi mangan

Will this eventually be able to be played on iOS. Maybe add jolyne from jojo, too.


We gonna get marge simpson caught up with all scenes, the woman's been neglected! Hahah also what about or*l while f***ing like a sp**ro**t


Every time I look at Charlie m the eyes just creep me out when they are open in most scenes, also I may be a bit dense but mistsuri isn't out yet right?

Man Sur

Update is really good, but couldnt you add an anal option to On Knees Hole 3 pls?


nmmm I would love pov foot job o. Bc you can see feet close. ALso I wish you can customise feet, bracelet nail shape. It is like pussymon foot. 😭

Matthew Joberns

i really hope it will soon, i know they are starting to allow IOS to work but i think it might take a bit more time for it to be fully implemented

Matthew Joberns

which scenes does marge still need, i know some of the later ones shes needed but i thought i caught up on all her older ones

Matthew Joberns

no mitsuri will be out in the next update and yeh her eyes are quite wide open XD i might try and change that a bit, maybe half closed or make them smaller

Matthew Joberns

yes this will come in the future, i will add it to part of the feature focus update polls when i start doing that :)

Matthew Joberns

i can add more customise options to them soon will depend what does well for the feature poll, i do have a sketch for a kind of POV version i don't know if you've seen that it should be in the previous scene poll

Leo Rojas

Have you considered add Jinx from LoL? Or another fem character from LoL? I'm new:))

jose torres polo

como se desbloquea a mercy ? por favor


You should add maki zenin or nobara from jjk


It just occurred to me. We need tails for the characters who have tails during sex scenes.