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Hey Beta Testers :) I hope you’re ready and excited for all the new stuff. The main thing that has been added in this update is the new scene (Rev C*wgirl Front Redo). Firstly with this I wanted to add everything that has been getting added to recent scenes but that the original didn’t have like the speed slider, Zoom and Pan, Head Change for Raven And Kim, Moving Shadow Etc. Secondly as I was making it there was lots of different things I was trying out to make it look good, mainly with the B*ob sizes and bouncing but also with the character head movement. I thought since I have already done the work I might as well add them all in at let you choose what you like, anyway ill explain more about that in the section below but quickly I’ll let you know some of the bugs I found in between building these and writing this up, there’s quite a few XD

  • Speed Slider Only Shows For Velma In New Scene

  • Leggings Are The Wrong Colour For Other Girls

  • Opacity Bars Don’t Work

These and any other bugs I run into will be fixed for the Non Beta so don’t worry about that, also if you find anymore please let me know and I’ll get them fixed. Anyway on to explain the new scene

Rev C*wgirl (Front) ReDo

So like I said earlier I was adding quite a lot of things and messing around with them to try and get them looking the best however I have my own thoughts on if things look good which might be different to you, so what I have done is leave in all the different things for you to switch between.

The main thing i was trying was the B*obs, I wanted to get the bounce and feel to them just right and have added I think 12 different variations. Most of these are spread across the Small, Medium And Big like you are used to with 1 extra Huge Size just added in as a kind of test as well. The fact that there are so many does make it harder for top wear that can be used with different sizes, my plan for this is to have 3 main versions (Small, Medium, Big) that will be used in the case that the character is wearing a top, the rest of the versions will still be left in however turning on a top will toggle it to change to one of the main ones and changing B*ob size to one that isn’t a “Main” will cause the top to be toggled off. I think this is the best way of doing it if we leave all the different sizes and bounce animations in.

Also the menu for selecting the size and version you would like is a bit confusing at the moment, I have grouped them into their Version Numbers but I think for the Non Beta I will make it a drop down just like with the outfits where all the Small options will be grouped together etc. 

Secondly, I was messing around with how the head should animate, at the moment I have two options. One has more of a flick as the character is going up and the second is more leaning forward and has a slight tilt forwards as the character goes up. I think leaving both of these in would be nice either way as some people might prefer one over the other and could open up a new avenue to adding it to more scenes. Only thing at the moment with it is it might glitch some heads out of position, from what I can see it works ok but it might need to be changed a bit so let me know.

The last thing I wanted to say is I added quite a lot of outfits to this scene ahah so I hope you like all of them, mainly focusing on LegWear and Sk*rts, I did try to add the B*ob top in however I still need to work it out a bit with the amount of B*ob options there are but I should get that done in time for the Non Beta.

Anyway let me know what you think of the scene, I’m really liking how it has turned out so hopefully you do too. If there are any things you think should be changed about it to make it look better let me know.

I will also be adding the other things this scene needs like

  • Pr*g

  • F*ta

  • Unique Outfits

  • Etc

One actually last thing, for the An*l Toggle I have it work like it did in the originally but i’m wondering if a slider would be better and more fun to use, this would allow you to move the girl more forward or back to get the effect you want, but yeh just let me know :D

More Unique Outfits

So the unique outfits actually did quite well in the outfit poll which is nice to see, the two that did the best or were doing the best at the time of doing the outfits this update were Frankie and Ahsoka for the M*ssionary V2 scene.

For Ahsoka i have drawn it and added it the way I normally would and i'm really happy with how it came out, there were a lot of parts of her outfit but I’ve managed to get them to work with both leg positions, all the B*ob sizes. For this scene I may also be able to get some outfits to work with the P*rg option but I’ll have to see about that.

Now onto Frankie, for her I have tried a little bit of a different way of animating it and adding it in. The main thing I want you to let me know is if you notice any real different about it to any of the other outfits and if you do do you prefer the way it looks? This was the first time trying this way as well so there’s still a few things I need to learn and get better at but I think if I do it could make it easier to add certain outfits.

Also if there are any bugs with the outfit’s clipping or not toggling etc please let me know

Adding Characters To Scenes

Just like always I have been adding characters that weren’t in scenes to scenes. The main focus for this update was the Double D*ldo scene and also Mrs McPherson.

Firstly the Double D*ldo scene, there were a lot of older characters still missing from this scene which I have now caught up on, I think this scene is getting to the point now were it has all the characters, apart form the newer ones and Loona, Lola Etc. I think either for the Non Beta or Next update I will try and get the newer characters who aren’t in it adde to it and then after that I’ll work on Loona, Lola etc however for them I would like to get them added to the C*wgirl Gr*nding scene first as a few people have asked for that.

Secondly Mrs McPherson, she was added in tot he first batch of scenes last update and like always I have carried on with her this update getting her added to most of the remaining scenes, however I still need to add her to the Double D*ldo and other newer scenes. What i’m thinking now actually is I might do a big focus next update on getting all the newer characters that are also missing the newer scenes added in as if I focus on that I can probably get it done pretty quickly.

Moxxi Still Images

Just quickly I have two more Moxxi images coming in the Non Beta which are being worked on at the moment, here is a quick look at one.

The main one you probably want to look at however is this one.

I tried something a bit different this update, instead of doing some images for different characters I have done or will have done 3 for one. I don’t know if this is a better way of doing it so let me know. Ultimately I would like each character to have a decent few images so this might be a more stream line way of getting there.

As for the next images I want to do, some people have spoken about Roxy as one or Marceline, both of these would be very fun options but let me know if you have any suggestions for character or positions you’d like to see of the still images

Stuff I Want To Add For The Non Beta

  • More Audio

  • More Characters To Scenes (New Scene Or Double D*ldo)

  • 2 More Moxxi Still Images

  • Save And Load Outfit Preset Updated In Some Scenes (This will be done as a test and if I have time)

I’ll explain these in more detail now, basically for the audio I haven’t added any new stuff to the Beta however I still want to continue with adding new audio to 5-7 characters each update, I think this will be the main thing ill be focusing on between now and when the Non Beta comes out.

Seeing as the Rev C*wgirl (Front) is new I would like to add more than just 5 characters, I mainly did 5 incase there are any major bugs I don’t want to have to go through and redo loads of them, but if there are no bugs and its all looking good I think I can get 5 more characters added to that scene but well have to see :)

As for the Save/Load outfit thing, there is a new way of doing it I want to try out that will hopefully allow you to load in the outfit and other things you have customised when you enter the scene. This will only be done if I have time though but if not I will work on it for the next update instead as its something I really think would help.

QOL/Bug Fixes

This is just a small little note but I have fixed a few bugs which you’ll be able to see in the notes and have also made some performance/size fixes which will hopefully just help the game. For the “Pending” next to scenes that haven’t been added yet, a few people got confused by that so instead of “Pending” it now will say “Soon” as in coming soon but that was too long to fit. Hopefully this is less confusing but let me know if there is a better way that I can show it.

I hope you all like the new stuff though, let me know if you have any feed back or suggestions or if you find any bugs and have fun :)

Update Notes So Far

  • New Features

    • New Scene Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2

      • Unlocked Same Way As Original

      • Velma

        • 10 B*ob Sizes/Variations

        • Outfits (Lots Of Things)

        • Speed Slider

        • Change Head Movement

        • X Ray

        • Vg And Anl

      • Samus

        • 10 B*ob Sizes/Variations

        • Outfits (Lots Of Things)

        • Speed Slider

        • Change Head Movement

        • X Ray

        • Vg And Anl

      • Zeld

        • 10 B*ob Sizes/Variations

        • Outfits (Lots Of Things)

        • Speed Slider

        • Change Head Movement

        • X Ray

        • Vg And Anl

      • Raven

        • 10 B*ob Sizes/Variations

        • Outfits (Lots Of Things)

        • Speed Slider

        • Change Head Movement

        • X Ray

        • Vg And Anl

      • Sam

        • 10 B*ob Sizes/Variations

        • Outfits (Lots Of Things)

        • Speed Slider

        • Change Head Movement

        • X Ray

        • Vg And Anl

    • Mrs McPherson Hole 2

      • Outfits

      • A*s Size

      • B*ob Size

      • An*l

    • Mrs McPherson Wooden Straddle

      • Sp*nk

      • B*ob Play

      • Mask

      • Arm Position

    • Mrs McPherson D*gyy Close Up

      • Change View

      • Outfits

      • 2 B*ob Size

    • Mrs McPherson B*objob

      • C*mshot

      • Soft Audio

      • Outfits

    • Mrs McPherson C*wgirl Gr*nding

      • Leg Position

      • Outfits

      • Speed Changer

      • B*ob Size

      • N*pple Size

    • Mrs McPherson F*ngering (Side)

      • Outfits

      • Soft Audio

      • B*ob Size

    • Mrs McPherson F*ngering (Front)

      • Outfits

      • Soft Audio

      • B*ob Size

    • Mrs McPherson Shower

      • V*g Variations

      • Soft Audio

    • Mirko Double D*ldo

      • Speed Change

      • Depth Change

      • D*ldo Type

      • B*ob Size

      • Squ*rt

    • Ahsoka Double D*ldo

      • Speed Change

      • Depth Change

      • D*ldo Type

      • B*ob Size

      • Squ*rt

    • Yoruichi Double D*ldo

      • Speed Change

      • Depth Change

      • D*ldo Type

      • B*ob Size

      • Squ*rt

    • Starfire Double D*ldo

      • Speed Change

      • Depth Change

      • D*ldo Type

      • B*ob Size

      • Squ*rt

    • Marge Double D*ldo

      • Speed Change

      • Depth Change

      • D*ldo Type

      • B*ob Size

      • Squ*rt

    • New Outfits

      • Ahsoka M*ssionary V2

        • Dress

        • Gloves

        • Belt

        • LegWear

      • Frankie M*ssionary V2

        • Jacket

        • Shirt

        • Sk*rt

    • Still Images

      • Moxxi Arching

        • 4 Variations

  • QOL

    • Scenes Coming Soon Changed From (Pending) To (Soon)

  • Bug Fixes

    • Tutorial Tip doesn’t close when clicking the main box now

    • Whiteboard Scenes Unlocked List Entered Properly

    • Shower Scene loading character fix

    • C*wgirl Gr*nding Scroll bar move the right direction

    • Starfire Colour H*ndjob Fix

    • Starfire Shower Body Position Fix

    • Raven Double D*ldo Mouth Fix

    • Double Tube Fix In Double D*ldo Scene

    • Mrs McPherson Hair Behind Fix C*wgirl Gr*nding

    • Aqua Blinking Fix In Some Scenes



Bowness Pizza

As always, Looks great. Nice features man

Nocturnal Nobody (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-06 16:22:24 Wow, thats a lot. The animation on the new scene looks fantastic.
2024-04-13 19:56:34

Matthew Joberns

thanks, i'm always a bit worried when adding a new scene it could have been better but its nice to hear its good :) there was a lot of stuff added in this one so hopefully it all works well together other than the bugs i found which i will fix


Hey, when on Princess Peach is on her side and you try to remove her sleeves, not everything hides. It can clip with other clothes put on too. Otherwise, really damn nice.