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September report is here! The game's coming along nicely and I hope there'll be exciting news in the future. 

- Punipen

*As always, this report will become public after around 90 days*

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Tharsix and Volga are so adorable

Luke Cai

Ahhh Volga and Maximus wrestling looks so hot. I'm starting to think those half thongs are just part Kornelian culture now lol


What species are Kornelian soldiers? They’re extremely hot lol

Mr. wolf

So excited to see the report! how i eager to hear the update for romance with lambert!


Happy to see Tharsix and Volga being wholesome and that wrestling is also a sport or training exercise in Kornelia with special "attire" to boot. Will there be opportunities to engage in the sport with Tharsix (especially since wrestling is his gimmick/combat style) and/or the other gladiators in the future as a potential sidequest, training/sparring/optional battle opportunity (hopefully with matching sprites), or date? If not, then I still can't wait to see the scenario play out regardless ^^.


Will it be possible (in the future) that we can tell to the rest of the characters that we are dating Tharsix? :) i really love that bear


Huh, one of the images in the report was apparently removed by imgur.


How could be get this scene with tarsix 🌝 and the new scene where Volga is bound for him? 😁