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Thank you all for your kind words! We're currently doing well, with no signs of long COVID so far.

I'll do my best to make up for the lost time during the upcoming month. At the very least, I want to release the new public version in both English and Japanese, but we'll see how it goes.

- Punipen



Max Freeman

Glad you are doing okay; I don't mind playing the waiting game longer cause this strategy/role-playing game is worth it, and this is saying something cause I usually don't like puzzle games, but you guys made it very engaging.

Luke Cai

So happy to know you're doing ok. Also so happy to see Tharsix's erotic scene colored! I was so intrigued when i saw the sketches in a report last year(?), So when i saw tharsix in color, it made my day!


Georgeus and innocent bear <3 Btw, does NullGhost stop to draw CG scene in KC permanently ? And focus in chara design instead :( ?


Glad you are well. Tharsix's, glad to see you have color so you can enjoy it better ;3.


¡Que bueno que estás bien! ¡Recupérate pronto!


how to get game'


I think we all love our Thick huggable and innocent bear. Can’t wait to see what’s in store. Glad to hear everyone is okay we all prefer quality over quantity anyway we love your work. Keep it up we are behind you all the way


Nullghost is still working through his condition. It's been stopping him from finishing his work from start to finish for a while now (Agon's visual novel sprites took 3+ years to finish, for example). I'd love to have him finish CGs in the game, but with the current situation, I don't think it'll work out. The current arrangement of him working on designs, sketches or improving our sketches lets him add his touch to the game while not putting too much workload on him. I believe that this is the best we can do for now. - Punipen


Great to hear you're well! Love seeing the new features being added and I'm really excited to see the public release!


Please follow the instructions here: https://www.dudedlestudio.com/patreon/kemocoliseum/kemocoliseum-patrondownloadinstructions.html For other questions, please check this post first and make sure that the information you're looking for isn't in there alerady: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kemo-coliseum-37580366 - Punipen


Aw, thats too bad. His CGs are impecable *chef's kiss Tharxix's punishment scene is one of the magnum opus for me.

Lord Memnar

Would you consider writing guides?


Good to know you are recovering! And wow I love where that Tharsix scene is going


Commander Bolis art looks amazing!


We've thought about it but it probably has to be after we make sure that we're not going to make any major changes. - Punipen


Oh my god, that zoom out feature looks AMAZING! Thank you so much for continuing to refine the gameplay experience! Also so happy to hear you've recovered well!

Patrick Neil

Glad you're both recovering well. Looking forward to the Chapter 4 content.


Where do I download the newest build?


I would like to ask you 3 questions. Is it the Itaku app now or does it include the report version now? And is 21CRacoon currently participating in this project?.. It would be nice if they continued to participate.. Is it true that Nullghost is still involved in the work?


1.) I'm not sure what you mean by this question, but I assume you meant itch app? Things in the progress report are things we've done on the development side. It does not necessarily mean they're already in the current build, and most of the time, it doesn't. Making content and putting the content together in to a playable build are two different tasks. Whenever we release a new build, we will make a release note with details on what's in that build. 2.) We have always worked with Raccoon21 on a per-work basis, as he has his patreon to focus on. Currently he's busy with his comic work, but if his schedule is available in the future, we might ask him to help us again. 3.) Yes, we ask him to help with stuff in the game from time to time. - Punipen


So the report version is still being made and the fixed post is still 22.09.30 update as it is?


No, the latest build was released in March. Please check posts tagged with #release to see all the build releases. https://www.patreon.com/kemocoliseum?filters[tag]=release - Punipen

Hon Hon

Hi , can u update the CG Gallery for patrons ? it's been a long time no new changes


Could we get the CG or animation of main characters whose in battle?


Yes, although I think they won't be in the gallery anymore, since they're now skeleton animations. Thinking about adding "Combatant Viewer" alongside CG Gallery and Scene Replay in the future. - Punipen