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Hello. Is it possible to replay boss battles somehow? I passed 1st chapter and now I'll not be able too see any changes and improvements :c


Not right now, but I'll provide a save file before Aoba's boss battle in the future. - Punipen


> Not right now, but I'll provide a save file before Aoba's boss battle in the future. That's nice! Well, just idea, but maybe you consider this. Would be nice to have ability to replay those battles... you make adult game and sometimes would be nice to play such 'tasty' moments again. Such replays may cost no EXP and no Money, without affecting gameplay. Just to meet those sexy guys again.


Will Volga be getting a Punishment Scene anytime soon? Would love to see! :)


Oh noooo Cyrus lost. Such cruel punishment for my kitty :3

Solitary Hyena

Hey guys, I played the public demo, and I'm really liking it. You really are making progress on the mechanics, such as the cutscenes sounds and other aesthetics. Also the enhanced rage effect is nice and other things...The erotic scenes are impressive too...I really hope we see more Tharsix soon. I love him. The only problem I had in the public build was that right when a cutscenes starts, Volgas sprite would appear in the middle and/or there would be a delay for a second before the sprite appear on the correct side of the screen, and the scene plays out. I remember previously having a problem with some monsters being either way below or way above their labeled levels, but it seems it's mostly fixed for now. I really appreciate the work out in so far, and I do hope volga is finished soon...Tbh it has been alot of time just to get through chapter 1 but this new public build shows that most of the mechanics is fixed now, so I hope that progressing the story is much more smooth and quick now.


Thank you! I've noticed that too about the sprites. I'll definitely do something about it in the future since it bugs me as well. At first I thought it was just me so I'm glad to see someone helps confirms this. - Punipen


Loving the game. Think I found an error though, while fighting the tree the entangle would give an extra move instead of take away.


Paralyze gem takes away 1/2 move so it may looks like it gives you an extra move but it actually reduces the number of moves you can make. - Punipen


I think that's interesting idea! Like a place where you can practice fighting previous bosses without getting any reward, only to test your current character setting/strategy right? - Punipen


I'll need to play that part over to verify but I'm pretty sure it gave me an extra move from the start of my turn. I had 3 turn bars and one was flashing on the end. Facing another enemy when I had paralyze it gave me 2 bars at the start of my turn instead.


Each paralyze gem reduces 1/2 move so perhaps there were 2 paralyze gems on the board, reducing your move icons to 2 icons. If there's only 1 paralyze gem, your move icons should be 2 + a flashing one. - Punipen


Well It's working right now, but I'm sure it wasn't before. It was adding turns rather than taking them away. Sorry I can't reproduce it. But I'm not just going off a visual thing when it did happen. I was counting my turns.


That preview pic seems rather intetesting... Keep up with the good work :D