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- The latest builds are the ones without a date numbers at the end of the file name.

- The build comes with a save file where you can start from various point in the game

  • After Volga's checked in at the inn. Visit the coliseum to see the opening ceremony and a scene with Cyrus. After that you can visit the inn to start Escort Rio's quest.
  • Right after Escort Rio's quest.
  • Right after clearing Round Forest dungeon. Visit the pub to complete the quest and you can proceed to fight Aoba after that.

- This build ends after you beat Aoba and see his punishment scene. There will be a chapter conclusion scene after that in future builds, but right now it will bring you back to the map and let you continue playing.

- The game's main language is now in English. All the Japanese scripts in visual novel scenes are removed and will be added in future versions. (Some non-vn texts might be in Japanese since I'm still in the process of integrating the new localizaton system to the other part of the game)


Tournament Opening Ceremony

Can be seen by visiting the coliseum after you first visiting the inn.

Aoba the Stalker(?)

Sometime you'll find Aoba somewhere in the city. This will happen after you first met him during Escort Rio quest and before you complete the 3rd main quest.

Tharsix in the Forest

One of the panels in "Round Forest" dungeon is now an event panel with a scene between Volga and Tharsix

Talk with Aoba, Aoba's Punishment

Follow the storyline until you beat Aoba at the coliseum

Other than these, old scenes had been polished by adjusting Volga's expressions and adding sound effects. All erotic scenes now have sound effects along with the sex.

Bug Report

If there's any bug, please check this site before reporting. Thanks!


Sorry for making you wait.

I want to talk more but now I need some sleep (v _ v)zZzZ

- Punipen




Could you explain how to start in one of the various point in the game?


It's basically the save files we've added along with the game. If there were only two options, I might have uploaded the wrong one >_


Played through the build and everything is wonderful! No bugs crashing the game or anything (for me at least) and combat can still be challenging at times! I will say, however, that Aoba's fight was pretty easy at Lv 9. Not sure if I just got lucky with the matches or what. A lot of skill descriptions are still in japanese but it wasn't too hard figuring out what they did. Anyways, awesome job and well worth the wait! Looking forward to the next build! (and hopefully more Tharsix~)


Thank you so much! I'm so happy to hear that. I admit I'm not satisfied with Aoba's boss design yet. I think he can be more interesting with his armor bonuses. I have some ideas already and I'll implement them in the next version. The shikigami probably stays, but his bonus should make stronger Vortex gems so that his Kamaitachi will be more dangerous(or at least not a gamble like it currently is) - Punipen


Wow the punishment scene with Aoba is amazing! I really loved it! I only saw a small bug. Sometimes when the narrator speaks the name of Aoba is still like if he was the one saying it. Besides that... loved it a lot! Totally worth the wait :) Good job!


Oops. I saw one just before I uploaded the file so I fixed it but I guess I overlooked some of them. I worked pretty hard on directing Aoba's punishment scene, so it's really nice to hear that my effort pays off! I didn't have time to put some kind of replay function to replay all the erotic scenes in the game. Maybe I'll add it in as a small update after I polish this build a bit and then release it publicly. Thank you again for your support! - Punipen


thought i'd let you know that when an enemy has their ability ready but unused and you click on it, you use the move against them and you can use it until you run out of moves It also prevents them from using it after you've "taken control" of it


Wow, how did that happen O_O I must have forgotten to disable player's click on enemy's skill slots when I rewrote the whole skill list UI... Thank you! I'll add that to the bug list. - Punipen

Arcane Wuulf

The only thing that bothered me is when I upgrade the armor multiple times, as it takes time using the same sequence of dialog. My friend also gave a feedback the need for more explaination about the rage and cascade mechanics. I really love the progress done on this build can't wait for the next one. Happy Holidays and more power to you :)


I was worried about that. I'm thinking about replacing it with a proper upgrade UI and play the sequence only the first time / something imporatnt happen. Do you think that will be better? Or should there be an option to skip the sequence instead? I personally think the situation where you have to be naked to wait for your amor is kinda hot, haha. But I agree that this might be overdone. Rage and cascade mechanics will definitely be explained more in the game. Probably through talking to villagers who give you random tips :) Thank you again for playing & supporting! I'm glad you like this build! - Punipen


What is the best way to submit bugs to you? I can take screen shots and explain. I just had an older bug but with your release date as of today i wanted to see if you would fix it. I'll be replaying the entire game to check.

Solitary Hyena

Hey guys, great build. Although, I did have trouble finding the "Aoba the stalker" scene to new hope. Where was I supposed to go for it becasue I went everywhere before I faced the 3rd tree boss.


If you have a github account you can use waffle.io link on the bottom of the post. Otherwise, you can upload the screenshot and send me a message as well. - Punipen


It's supposed to happen at 25% rate when you visit Murvin's store. If nobody else found this yet then there might be a bug regarding the chance this scene will occur. - Punipen

Velactrus Revenent

hmmmm, i think im gonna wait abit longer before playing again xD i want that feeling to build up even more xD


Hi! I love this build, the Aoba scene is really hot. One thing tough: Is itjust me, or he hint during the fight(where some gems with possible move start to pulse hinting youabout the move) is gone? Or it was never included? If i reemmber right, it was included in a previous buld. If not it woudl be nice feaure


Hello! I'm really enjoying the game so far! Thank you for all your hard work! However, there is one thing that I would really like to see. I would love it if you added a "Gallery" where you could see artwork from the game that you have unlocked. It would be nice to be able to see slides of the cut scenes between the characters as well as slides of the naked bosses you have defeated. I figured you have probably thought about this already and are planning to add it in a later build, but just in case I thought I would mention it. Keep up the good work! I can't wait for more!


Thank you for your kind words! I was really worried about Aoba's erotic scene. Not only because English is not my native language, but also the tickle fetish is something new to me. I did my homework by reading many tickling sex stories & some bdsm stuffs, so I hope I did alright. This is a visua novel scene so it isn't just writing, but also the sound, the visual and pacing. I spent a lot of time on the scene, so it's really nice hearing that you like it! About the hint feature, I don't remember removing it so I'll check again and make sure to put it in there in the future updates. - Punipen


Thank you for playing & kind words! I want to work on the gallery feature as well, but since it'd require programming and designing the UI, I can see that it will take some time. Currently, I want to see how the game would flow in one full chapter first. This build really helps make it clear which direction the game should go. So after this I think we'll have time to polish and add more features like replaying erotic cut scenes or in-game gallery ^^ - Punipen


I kind of understand that feeling, I think. Maybe next build would be better since I'm thinking about adjusting dungeons & AI difficulty. Also, I read your comment earlier about the game. Thank you so much! - Punipen


Very enjoyable demo, loved all the new additions, no issues or bugs that I encountered. The battle with Aoba was fun but seemed a little too easy, he seems to have very little physical defense and all of Volga's attacks do a lot of damage, usually just two or three hits per armor state. Not sure how difficult it was supposed to be though so that's just an observation. The punishment scene was well done, should add one for Volga too, maybe that's your plan for the full version though. The scenes with Tharsix and Maximus are Hilarious, hope to see more from both characters in the future. I did enjoy Aoba's side scenes at the shop and at the inn too, a sneak peek at the relationship aspect of the game perhaps? Either way nice to see more of the characters personalities. One other thing I was wondering. I'm sure it's a ways off still but, with the story mode are Tharsix and Cyrus going to follow the same basic route that Volga does, i.e. Escort Rio, explore the cave, defeat the Forest monster, or are they going to each have a unique set of missions leading up the Coliseum battles? Overall really enjoying this game, keep up the good work.


I really hope there ends up being more save slots so i can have a file for all of the lewd scenes


Yeah, I forgot to note about Volga's punishment scene. As Gruebert hinted in the game, there will be more scenes that let you interact with other contestants in the future chapter. You'll get to learn their backstories that way :) There'll be a mixed set of missions between the three main characters. Some are the same, but from different points of view, some are completely unique to that character. For example, the moaning cave will be featured in all three routes but their reactions to the situation will be different. Thank you for playing & feedbacks! - Punipen


Great content! I did have to restart the game a few times because Aoba would occasionally fail to make a move during the match. Everything else was awesome though.


Super fun! I did have trouble turning in the 3 shells for the present quest. Something about an unknown actor? Is there any chance you could add 3840 x 2160 resolution to the choices?


Great build! I'm still getting through with where I left off. Just curious, where is the panel to activate the scene with Tharsix in the forest? I'm looking all over for it! @.@


Thank you! I'll have to look in to that error. As for higher resolution, I'm not sure since the game native resolution is 1280 x 720. Anything higher than that will be scaled by the engine and I don't think it'll look good at that resolution. - Punipen


Thanks! Someone reported about Aoba's bug already and I think I know what the error is now. I'll fix it and update the fixed version later. - Punipen


Thank you! The event panel with Tharsix is on the second floor of the dungeon. If you play the game starting from save file number 3 or the beginning, you won't miss it. If you use the save file after you clear that quest, you won't be able to see this event since it already happened. - Punipen


Great Build! I've been wondering though, will characters like Aoba still be interactable for like the relationship menu and such? I really like him haha.


best bug yet: you can click on the enemy spells to cast it on them. Unlimited uses... op plz fix. This can only happen if the spell is avaliable for casting.


Thanks so much for keeping this project alive! Keep up the good work :)


I really love this game and its illustration ! I'll waiting for the final version.


Thanks! This bug has been reported and noted. I'll look into it and fix it in the next release. - Punipen


Yes, Aoba will be available in the next chapter. You'll have a chance to get closer to him and learn about his backstory :) - Punipen


Another question I wanted to ask. When the bartender said sometimes people become more than friends, does that mean we'll get romantically involved or just a sex scene?

Kia Welbehenna

I really like the build but I was expecting to also see the Volga punishment scene. Seeing the main character humiliated is also hot, you know? I was kinda disappointed when I played the Sugar Shooter and there were no Satan punishment scenes, so I was hoping to see Volga punished in this build. Maybe you plan to add that in later versions, it would be really hot. Great work overall guys, I can't wait too see more characters and more sex scenes! Keep up the good work :)


It depends on each character's route. Not all characters are available for romantic relationship as they just might not be interested in that kind of thing. However, you'll definitely get to learn more about them and create a stronger & more intimate relationship with them. - Punipen


Love this version! awesome job on aoba punishment! I hope aoba still gets put in the game in other ways cause I really loved him ! and I can't wait for more with Tharsix! Which I loved the scene with him in the forest it had me going ! Ps I got my partner to play and he also loves playing ! The only thing I would say make game great if it had a difficulty option . Cause honestly my partner and I love challenges , so an option to make more difficult or easier would be great. But the game is coming along great ! Can't wait for the next build


Thank you so much! Aoba will still be around and you can get to know him more later :D We have been thinking about adding the difficulty option for a while. I'll probably do it after the chapter 1 is completely finished, so I'll have a better idea of what should the normal difficulty be and start adjusting from there. - Punipen


Thank you! I apologise for not writing it down in the notes about no Volga's punishment scene. We will add it in the future. The game over punishment scene will be a bit shorter than normal punishment scenes you get from winning other contestants though. - Punipen

Brett Smith

Hi :) Just to let you know, the latest build starts with a pink screen background, which continues through the game, making it impossible to play. The previous build of the game works fine. This new version does not. I thought Directx would fix the issue, but it did not. What are the system requirements for the game? Were they changed for this build?


Hi :D Loved the previous build, but this one won't load. It gets to a black screen and stops. There is the "Click to start" screen then nothing. Is something going wrong?


Please send output_log.txt inside Kemocolo_Data folder to our email address. We'll take a look at what went wrong from there. - Punipen