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Revised Chapter 2 Part 2 - WIP Build - Windows build 74/OSX build 83


This build includes the rest of chapter 2. You will be able to unlock Tharsix's second heart, as well as seeing more events from various NPCs if you choose to spend time with them. There are also more sidequests as well as optional strong enemies.


This build is released in order to show the current game state to the supporters. Since it's still very WIP, I'd like to ask you to not post a screenshot or a video of the game to public. If possible, I'd like people to see this game when it's ready.

As always, you'll get the new version by updating the game through itch client. You can read a more detailed release note here (requires logging in to your itch account that owns the patreon version of the game to access).

- Punipen



Max Freeman

Every time I see Old saves, don't work” I think added changes in the beginning


What happens when you go to the church during night time? - Punipen


I think I found it. If you lose and return to the map, then the event won't activate again for some reason. I'll update the game with a patch soon. - Punipen


I'll play again when you start Kakula romance till then I hope you make a wonderful game. I will continue to support you, Ps be generous with amount of time between match count downs, please. I'm terrible when I'm on a timer.


Aaaaa its looking great so far! I haven't played in a looong time, but the updates to music and the beginning of the story will make for a smoother story later on. There's some minor wording things here and there, but all in all I'm loving all the updates on the new version! I'm keeping a log of all the bugs I see, and I'll post them when I'm done with the playthrough!


The game is too hard in extreme difficulty. I try for 2 hours to beat the minotaur but it feel impossible for me in lv 15


Yeah even as a casual player the lowest difficulties are too hard to handle


Yeah I’ve found a few bugs and hiccups here and there but nothing that broke the game or made the sentences unreadable. I just worked around them on my last playthrough but this time around I’ll take the time to record them


@George Osborne What seems to be giving you trouble in Relaxed difficulty? - Punipen


@Kingdom150 Thanks for the feedback! We suspect that Extreme might be too difficult right now, but we have to prioritize other stuff first over testing them. We'll look at them again after more important content are added to the game. - Punipen


I agree with the difficulty problems- I was playing on Relaxed difficulty which was completely fine until I got to Cyrus' battle and then it suddenly was REALLY difficult. Why not just get rid of what makes the Coliseum battles difficult for the lower difficulties, namely their abilities? Cyrus' armour bonuses are really a challenge to overcome and I basically play for the story, so dealing with that was a pain.


Did you find him difficult in the previous version as well? His toolkits are the same while his parameters are significantly lowered in this build, especially in Relaxed mode. In any case, I'll consider alternate abilities for different difficulties. Removing it outright will ruin the game for me, as how the character fight is also a part of storytelling, using game mechanics to express each character. I still want people to experience that even in Relaxed difficulty, so I'll try to find a solution for this. - Punipen


Thank you for the reply! I didn't find him anywhere near as difficult in the previous version as far as I can remember, but it was a long time ago. It could be just that I'm not very good at the game, but for people who just want to experience the story it's a bit frustrating to have such a difficult battle. I get that they are meant to be challenging but I really enjoyed the moderate difficulty level of Relaxed mode up until that point, so it stuck out to me as a big difficulty spike. Removing the armour abilities was just a suggestion, but I can't say I was very "relaxed" during that battle 😅. Obviously feel free to do whatever you want but I thought you'd want to hear feedback from a player like me. I should add I really, really enjoyed the game overall and that I can't wait to play more!


Oh, your reply was really helpful! Relaxed difficulty is supposed to be for players who just want to enjoy the story so it's great to hear from players from that group directly. It's possible that the AI was different back then when we just released chapter 2 which made a random match unless a match-4 or more was available. The new AI can now prioritize specific type of gems over other types, which makes Cyrus more likely to match Guard gems and P-Skill gems, which makes him matches his Speed gems or activates his last armor bonus more often. Honestly, seeing that even Extreme difficulty has a problem as well, modifying parameters only might not be the best way to go and I really should start thinking about difficulty-based skills/abilities. I'm really happy to get feedback from players and hear that you enjoy the game. Thank you so much! - Punipen


This is probably an Itch thing and not a you guys thing, but the updates/downloads has been super confusing to me. Itch tells me everything is up to date all the time. I've managed one download when you guys finished the Chapter 1 revision, and none since. Even today, I checked and the system is telling me there's no updates?


Honestly I wouldn't worry about it and spend too much time on it now, I think we all would prefer if the game was completed slightly imperfectly instead of perfect but heavily delayed! You have other things to do with your time. I did defeat him in the end, it was just harder than I thought, so I thought I'd let you know. I hope it helped, and thanks again!


Hello, I have problems with the progress of the game, since when I finish the Alchemists Assistant mission, the only thing that appears on the map is the Inn and when I enter, no option appears


You are not supposed to finish that quest before Protect the Church. The previous version made that quest available by accident. You will have to load the game back to before you start taking that quest in order to continue. - Punipen


Yeah, this does seem to be more of an itch client's issue. Have you tried choosing "switch version" and see what's the latest version that you can choose? I think itch lists the date of each build on that screen. - Punipen

thomas seymour

i think the only thing i dislike about the game's combat system right now is that while damage carries over to fights, which if fine, healing isn't.


Just finished the revised chapter 2 and something I was wondering about when it comes to the quests is monster drops. Now I'm probably just completely blind and/or dumb but is there a way ingame to double check what monster drop what materials and where the monster spawns?


Rio's Monster Notes will be added later into the game and you can check those info from there but it's a pretty big feature and we wanted to test other stuff that are more important first. For now you can use Kemo Coliseum wiki since the drops are still pretty much the same in this version. https://kemocoliseum.fandom.com/wiki/Enemy_Drops - Punipen


I just finished the chapter 2 revised. and it's awesome.. 🤗 This time I take game slowly, and grind a bit more. when I hear music. I stopped about 5m to listen to it xD Really loving in the music especially in the afternoon / night This time have to make 2 save files, 1 to make full tharsix heart, and 1 more is for side quest lambert 🤔 because the intermissio is too short, I cant Date and make mission at the same time 🤣 The "side side" quest, I kinda finished. because there is 1 drop you have 5% chance to drop. and 5 combo gems to get from "chest gems" its SO HARDD! I retry about 20 times, maybe more. and not enough, I just need 1 more for 5 drop to finish the mission. I think the mobs is "crimson ant" it drop the fire egg, and I realise in the round forest, there is anothers mobs drop fire egg with 4 combo chest.. Still waiting for leo book to finish (Do not rush if you got another idea tho) next the main mission in the church. Its good ! love it. another char and he grumpy! LOVE IT I still do not finish it 100% tho, because I try to fight 1 hard boss in the spawn, I got killed from just 6 hits. Rip. about cyrus battle. I LOVE IT, he's harders this time. and "quick" (or you can say good at dodging) because of his passive armor thing. I got defeated first try, and 2nd try his got no chance to run, because I try play strategy. Love this improvement. I hope another boss battle like tharsix, aquilo, and lambert get harders / need strategy to beat, not just random skill / attack. In old version, the funny thing is that I only lost to Aoba so many times. not anybody else. (his wind skill too OP HELP) This is solid update I must say. Revised main story check, the side story check, the dating check, The aspect grinding check, there is even an optional hard battle! Looking forward to update like this again 👏


I'm so happy to hear that! This is what I meant when I said the game felt a bit empty with only main story. It's an RPG game so while all the things beside main story are not required for the game to progress, I feel it makes the game richer like those games I enjoy playing. There will be many more intermissions in the future though so don't feel like you have to rush and completely fill someone's heart right now :D - Punipen