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Hi, everyone! July 1st report is here. I did lots of writing and planning during these past two weeks. Many things in the game are much clearer now so it makes me enjoy working on this project even more ^ ^

Link to report

For those who pledged $10+ last month and were charged already, I'll send the reward out tomorrow.

- Punipen




I'm drooling imagining the Aoba punishment scene... good report! :D This is getting better and better!


Any new build of the game coming? Last one was back in... March? Looking forward to progressing farther into the story and seeing some more... scenes ;)


I wonder if Kakula is more than he seems or exactly what he seems.


Interesting. As much as I enjoy the puzzle style battles and dungeon delving aspects, story elements will invariably make or break a game for me. This one has well developed characters and a compelling narrative which frankly makes it one of the most well rounded and enjoyable games I've played in quite some time.


Loving Cronus' new design! The colours really give off his magical feel.


We'll release a new build once I finish Aoba's section, which is the end of chapter 1 :) - Punipen


Hello I haven't got a reward


what reward are you talking about? I haven't received anything.


Hi Zachary, I remember replying your message asking you if you have gotten the reward last month and there was no reply from you. I'll take it that you still haven't received the link, so I'll send it to you as soon as possible. - Punipen


Hi, the reward was sent to you since March 13th. Please check your inbox again and see if it's there. - Punipen


The reward you are referring to is the CG images? or is this something else?

Beastly Feastly

Things seem to be moving along just fine. Of all the villager designs I have seen so far, I am quite enamored with the long-horned bull character. (# 0 _ 0 #)


I know what you mean. I can't wait to put him in the game too. He'll be so much sexier in color! *drools* - Punipen


Sorry if I'm asking a silly question, but when you send out these reports. Does it mean you're including these changes into the demo? Or it's just a status update for us? And if it's a status update, does it also mean that you will provide a download link for future new version of the game?


It's a status update for patrons to know what we have been working on. When there is a new build, we will make a new post with a download link. - Punipen


wow! He looks fantastic. Is he gonna be playable in any way (thinking of free mode)?


Unfortunately, he isn't playable! Or at least we don't have a plan to make him playable right now :( His character is too different from the others so we can't really reuse many events in the game like we plan to do with the three main characters. - Punipen