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This build is really more of a development build, since it contains various mockup files and the writing aren't final. The content of the scenes are revised, but the writing itself will be proofread and edited again later when we work with an editor.

This build only contains the revised version of chapter 1. You cannot date anyone yet but you'll get to test many new systems in the game, such as the new health system, new way to explore the dungeons, various new side quests, a part time job system and an intermission system.

This build is released in order to show the current game state to the supporters. Since it's still very WIP, I'd like to ask you to not post a screenshot or a video of the game to public. If possible, I'd like people to see this game when it's ready.     

As always, you'll get the new version by updating the game through itch client. You can read a more in detail release note here (requires logging in to your itch account that owns the patreon version of the game to access).

And if you don't like restarting the game or repeating the game many times, I highly recommend you to avoid playing this build. Otherwise, please feel free to try the new Kemo Coliseum and let us know what you think about it!

- Punipen




The day has finally come, a new build update. I'm so excited to play it again




There seems to be an issue with this build right now and I'm uploading a patch to fix this. Please wait for a bit! - Punipen


The new patch is now live and should fix this issue. Sorry again for the hiccup! - Punipen


You mentioned for those who don't want to repeat it "many times". I'm A-OK playing through for the new content, but does that mean saves in this version won't carry over to future versions as well?


I'll try my best to make it carry over to future versions. It's likely that there won't be any problem, since all the foundations are there and won't be changed anymore. But there's always a risk. Still, I'll try to make it so that even if you have to start the new game, maybe you can inherit something from the old save files in a newgame+ manner of some sorts. I'm open for ideas and suggestions though. - Punipen

Arcus Caelestis

Sweet! I like the new customisation at the start (though I do like the original build, so I chose that). And Haribon is a nice addition ;) I do have a bit of an issue with the camera. It moves a lot in places where you choose who to talk to or where to go. Because my motion sickness is acting up today this agrevates it. Is there a way to turn of the shaking? I mean the background art is gorgeous enough to just keep watching that ;) Looking forward to re-playing the rest of chapter one and seeing what you've changed.


Thank you so much for this comment! I'm sorry about your motion sickness and I hope it didn't cause you too much trouble. I never knew that the camera effect can cause motion sickness. The way to turn it off isn't implemented yet, but I will work on that soon. - Punipen

Arcus Caelestis

I just have a somewhat strong version at times. It gets aggrevated by some things and as said today is a bad day. Thank you for your work! Weirdly I played a bit before, and saved, but the save file doesn't show. It was slot 25. Is there an issue with that slot? In fact, while playing the game I was able to see that the file was saved, but not from the main menu.


The system so much better, I really love it. You guys really did a good job here. Keep up the good work🔥


I don't think there's anything specific about that save slot. It might be a bug. I'll test it again later. Thanks for your kind words and for letting me know about the bug! - Punipen

Arcus Caelestis

It seems like a bug. I saved my progress in other save slots and they don't show up in the main screen either. At least not when starting the game up as new from the Itch launcher. They only show when I have started the game up as a new game and then go to the saves screen. or if I go back to main menu and then go to continue. But closing the game enirely means the saves are blanked out when restarting, even if they are there later on.


Still very WIP got me laughing lol


I'll have to look into that since it doesn't happen on my end, I think. If you can get the output_log.txt file and send it to me, that would be great! - Punipen


Not sure if a bug, but early on I have a delivery quest to give three screecher feathers to a magician, not to Gruebert, but I have 4 screecher feathers but can't find the magician to turn it in to.


I love the new build and systems. the dungeon crawling is much more tense and engaging. Im excited to replay chapter 2. however until then (no rush :3) is there a way to download an old build so i can replay chapter 2-4 content? replaying the first chapter reminded me how fun the story and progressing thru it is!


Thank you so much! I feel the same way about the dungeon, so I'm glad we could achieve what we wanted to do. Still need some fine-tuning, but this is the direction we want to go with. Chapter 2 will feature dating system so I really want people to try that too. :D As for the old versions, I think Itch allows you to switch versions easily, but this will replace the current game and there might be problems with the save files. I would recommend you to back up the save files first before you switch. Maybe I should make an instruction post on how to do this, since some people might want to play ch 2 - 4 (though honestly I want them to wait and just experience the revised version, if this is their first time playing the game). - Punipen


Does anyone else have an issue where the game isn't launching from itch? I can see it running in the background but the game doesn't actually start. I tried repairing and re-installing but no luck


I don't think this is common. If the game creates an output_log.txt file in the game folder, please send it to us at dudedle.studio(a)gmail.com - Punipen

Max Freeman

I don't like when I had to start over, but I’m glad I did so I can experience this beautiful game again and the new improvements

Arcus Caelestis

I do wish the healing from gems and special moves gave hitpoints you kept even after that particular battle. Having to leave a particular dungeon just to get my health back is bit cumbersome. I can imagine some people like the more challenging aspect this gives, but I prefer to move on with the story. I assume it's a lot of effort to implement, but perhaps multiple difficulty levels could have different game mechanics? I can imagine wanting to change the dungeon menu from a basic list. With the current scroll menu it does mean I have to select the dungeon twice, In that sense I prefer the list. You may also want to invert the list. Right now the menu starts at the lowest and goes up, meaning that the further you get the further you'll have to scroll. Making the highest dungeon you can access first would mean that later in the game you won't need to srol through a lot to get where you'd need to go. Especiialy if you have to leave a number of times for healing ( I dread the dungeon you actually can't leave!) I'm also a bit sad I didn't get to get the cum covered clothes ;)


The reason healing gems and skills don't heal is because I don't want peoeple to camp heal by fighting a weak enemy only to keep on healing to full health and finish the fight. I'll save implementing different difficulty with different game mechanics as a last resort since we want to try balancing and adjusting difficulty levels first. Are you currently playing the game in Casual difficulty? Also, I didn't expect people to leave the dungeon quite often with the healing spot and the amount of healing kits you can bring along with. Do you find them not enough? I'd love to know what seems to be the issue so I can balance the game better. Inverting the list sounds like a great idea! I might change the dungeon to one click, but for now the first click is to focus on the dungeon since I might add an option to choose a checkpoint you've already unlocked to start the dungeon instead of the entrance. Thank you for your comment! And I'm happy to see someone finally discover that item XD - Punipen

Arcus Caelestis

I am very stingy when it comes to healing items. I prefer to keep a large stash just in case. And I tend to be stingy in this game because of the old gold cost of upgrading armor. The new armor upgrade item will probably become a bigger halt to armor upgrades in this build. So maybe I'll have gold to spare on healing kits. I'm playing on Normal. I may have to change that. I actually missed that option. I was running into the issue that I managed to defeat enemies with hald my health left and then when entering a new combat the opponent goes first and manages to get lucky and lower my HP to breaking point. I don't believe healing kits repair armor, am I right? If not maybe adding armor kits is an idea. Maybe some sort of armor buff when not trying to sneak past? But I should probably just switch to casual ;)


For this chapter, I don't think you have to worry much about saving money. From our playtest, even taking into account upgrading armor to the currently possible max level, you still have enough money to stock up yourself to 9 healing kits and more money to spend on equipments. Also, you can only carry a maximum of 9 healing kits, so it's encouraged to use it when you need and stock up before you explore a new dungeon. A healing kit heals both your health and your armor, and it will even fix the broken armor. When it says it heals 20%, it's 20% of your total health (your body + 2 layers of armor) and then apply to your health as if it's one long health bar. You're not the only one who think that it doesn't heal the armor or repair a broken armor though, so I think we need a better tutorial for that. Later we'll add a Surprise Attack option that if succeeded you'll enter the battle with you starting first, giving you a chance to kill the enemy faster or heal yourself if your armor is low on health so you don't get an armor break. If you do switch to Casual, I'd love to hear how it goes. Normal difficulty for Kemo Coliseum will be a bit on a more difficult side, since the game is also influenced by Shin Megami Tensei series which is considered to be a difficult JRPG. Next time I'll let the player choose the game difficulty right from the start along with explanations on differences between each difficulty. Thank you again and I hope you'll enjoy the game! - Punipen


It keeps telling me thanks for playing the public build even tho it's the patreon build, is this a bug or just a short game! Do i have to buy the other chapters too?


For this build, this is as far as you can play. Chapter 2 isn't completely revised yet and if we let players keep playing in the old version, their save files won't work with the revised version. Once we finish revising the 2nd chapter, you'll be able to continue with the current save file. - Punipen


I didn't like the health change at first, but after playing for a bit, I think it's better than the old system. Now, even the small fights pose a threat because you have to make sure you don't lose too much health in one fight. I do think the new health system makes the healing gems a bit less useful, since the health from them can easily be wasted, but it's like a more permanent insurance policy against damage compared to guard, so I think it's still fine. I do think that maybe receiving five kits at the beginning instead of just three would be better, though. I found myself barely scraping through in my first run with just three. Perhaps the name should be changed to reflect that they can repair armor as well? And yeah, if the new tutorial explained that, that would be nice - I just figured it out on my own, though, so it's not a big deal. It's been so long since I played the original opening story that I can't quite remember what all has changed and how much is still mostly the same, but it does seem like a complete rewrite, while keeping the same idea overall, and I liked the fact that the major characters are now introduced in the beginning, which makes sense, since they should all have been at the orientation. Oh, the new progression system is great, too - it'll be interesting to see how the fortune teller and the bath guy interact with the new leveling system.


so the game isn't launching for me. At all. Buuuuut can I have the galleries :D lol you know... since it isn't working ;D


Could you please give us more info? Does the game just crash or refuse to launch? I'm also not sure what you meant by the gallery. - Punipen


It says launching and the window just pops up and goes away in less then a second. I’m guessing it crashes. I deleted everything and redownloaded again itch page and it completes download. Still does the same. I’m on a MacBook that is up to date. For the gallery, I was just asking if you have photos of the characters and all that. Lol when you defeat them and stuff like that.


It's possible that you didn't give permission to the game or to itch client which forces the game to shut down. We would need to take a look at the log file to be sure though. The gallery link should be sent to you already via the private message. It's not updated right now because many of the cgs aren't finalized yet. - Punipen


I love what the new version looks like. It's fresh, beautiful and interesting. The only thing I'll complain is the new dungeon map. I mean, moving among the rooms is so slow that make it a bit annoying.


I'm happy to hear that you like it! Thank you so much for your kind words. As for the movement speed in the dungeon, I'll try adjusting it in the next update. - Punipen


Yoooo it's happening, I've been putting off playing this game again until the revised early chapters were out