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Hi, everyone. As it's been a while, and not everyone read the old roadmap, I think it's better to make this clear.

There will be no new build anytime soon. Most likely not until we've finished revising chapter 1 and chapter 2.

As we have stated earlier in the old roadmap, we won't release anything until we finish updating and revising chapter 1 - 4. However, as we want to update the public demo, it's likely that we will release a new build after we finish revising the first two chapters. Once we finish revising chapter 1, it should be easier for us to come up with a more accurate roadmap.

I understand that you want to play the game as soon as possible, but it is time we take time to revise the game instead of rushing and releasing only the main story like we did earlier. Many of you have noticed that the game's world felt empty, since all you could do was just following through the main storyline. We don't want you to replay the game again only to run into a missing content and/or feature. This time, we want players to experience what we imagine the game should be, or as close to it as possible.

As always, you are free to stop supporting the project. You will still gain access to any future update. The progress reports also become publicly available after around 90 days, so you will still have access to them as well.

By supporting us, you will still gain access to the latest report as well as joining the discussion regarding the game. We enjoy reading your comments and we'll do our best to finish the revision as fast as possible.

- Punipen



Yes, it's a good thing to take care of the side quests in the early chapters. May it bring depth to the characters. ❤

Max Freeman

Understood, we want the whole experience, so please take your time so we can get our fill of lust and enjoyment


Take your time polishing the game, it is worth to wait.


We're about to eat Tharsix's burly bear ass and you think I'd STOP SUPPORTING??? Not a chance!


Take your time! :3 Its completely understandable, not to mention that it would be great to have more options in game. Cant wait to explore it more~


take all the time you need! <3




I don't mind if you work on the earlier things first. would be a reason to restart the game :)


Well, I did not expect this that they would review the game, the truth was that I had not noticed that the game felt like how they describe it, for me I feel that it is fine, the updates that they want to add to the game are fine, keep it up guys .. .


Oh, I don't think they meant it in a really bad way but more like they wish they could explore the world more and not just in a linear fashion that the main story forces them to. And I agree, since we didn't have time to add optional or side content. I'm glad to hear that you're already enjoying the game. Hope the new content will make you enjoy it even more! - Punipen


It's good when the sidestorys form wich we have already seen some artworks from finally get implemented in the game. So a good decision!


Love your work! I can wait :)


Well that's unfortunate I was looking forward to the confrontation with Kakula and the possibility of Volga's punishment being implemented but I do like the changes that are being made so it'll be interesting to see what you guys are adding in.

Andrew Whelan

Good things are worth waiting for

Lord Memnar

Would it be possible to implement player choice? as an example if we are going to get scenes with characters + Volga do the fun things and we do either top or bottom?


They could do that but then they would have to get an artist to do both a bottom and top scene and the writer would have to write for both of the scenes which would increase the length of development time.


Take your time yo, good things come with waiting :D


I already understand, is that I meant that the main story is fine, but if you want to add more extra content it would not be bad at all, like the shipeo route that they do on social networks (Twitter) of volga with tharsix everyone loves that bear with husky couple, hopefully they put something like that in the game it would be great. In addition to the interface changes that uff if they are worth seeing because you get confused on what day you are in the game and in which chapter you go, hopefully they add another 10 chapters to the main story hehehe (it's a joke those that you add this well), I hope that more people are encouraged to support this game. I was looking for the button to answer but I did not find it so I comment again in response to the answer of punipen hehehe


英語が苦手なので日本語でごめんなさい 更新内容だけを確認させていただいておりましたが、毎回楽しみにしております 今後も応援しておりますー。


I'd say this is indeed a good decision. I want to see new content badly too (Especially Kakula's punishment in arena😈). But I also saw on itch that many people are struggling with the mechanism of the game quite a bit, so a lot of stuff need to be rebalanced a bit. And as you have mentioned, it's also important to enrich the world with other side quests, side story lines, romance plot, etc. I'll be waiting ;)


i get it and if the wait is to make a better game, we'll wait because everything is really good. i am waiting to see tharsix's route and explore the whole world, so keep the good work. One thing i want to suggest(if its ok to do it) is that it would be interesting to hang out more often with the dateble characters to do side stories and fight against them as practice in the coliseum.


I know it's a bit late but I just want to thanks everyone for being so understanding. It means a lot to us more than you know, especially in these tough times! - Punipen


Thank you! You will definitely get more chances to hang out with them. Fighting the boss again is something we get requested a lot, but it's something we won't consider doing until other higher priorities tasks are done, I think. - Punipen