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Sorry for the delay! I'm feeling much better now. And here's the report for this month:

Link to report

I'm still not satisfied with Aoba's battle so going to think more on it.

- Punipen




So Glacial Strikes damage increases with the number of snowflake gems in play? Honestly never had a battle last long enough to use it, but sounds useful. Looks like the Aoba boss fight will be interesting, vortex gems are seriously annoying, have to change up your strategy on the fly sometimes, but should be fun. Darius is looking good too, he and Volga should get along well. K9's love bully sticks after all ;)


like darius clothes, really cool :)


Loving Darius' new outfit! Definitely fits better with the new art style. Can't wait to strip Aoba naked :D


Excellent. I'm glad to check this month's report. And I'm looking forward to see you guys at Kemoket 5. I hope it doesn't rain.


Very nice report! Darius new outfit is amazing. Hope you guys have a good time at Kemoket 5, take care!


My big red bull <3

Andrew Whelan

That's looking great! I love the new Unity UI! Those anchors make life so much better!