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The new build is uploaded! This build include scenes after the slave auction quest, and the boss battle with Aquilo, which marks the end of the fourth chapter.

Please note that the game is still in development. Many things aren't final and will be changed or improved later after the revision process.

As always, you'll get the new version by updating the game through itch client. You can read a more in detail release note here (requires logging in to your itch account that owns the patreon version of the game to access).

- Punipen



Rex Aurum

Is this the last part of chapter 4?


Yes, this marks the end of chapter 4. I should make it clear in the post. - Punipen


There is a small error at the beginning of the second CG for Aquilo's punishment. A window pops up with "Could not create CG", but it doesn't stop the rest from showing up later. This doesn't show up in the gallery, only the actual scene or scene replay.


I thought KC only have 4 chapter, so it has more than 4 chapters D: ?


This is so good! wonderful work


Originally the plan was 5 chapters, but now that Volga is the only playable character, the story was changed and there are now 6 chapters in total. - Punipen


The system file mentioned in the pinned note doesn't seem to unlock cg and scenes in chapter 4. Is it possible to update the system file?


What can i say, I love this update, Save tharsix quest was really fun and I enjoy a lot the battle and the music in Aquilo Battle , and the punishment scene was really good, Congrats


You're right. I'll update the system file as soon as possible. Thanks you! - Punipen


Thank you for your kind words. I'm really happy to hear that. I love Aquilo's boss battle BGM as well and I'll pass your compliment to the composer :) - Punipen

keith hendri

i click on the link but i cant get the update or game


I...don't do itch.io...how do I get the files to download? Do I have to pay an extra $5?


Sorry, I meant I have an itch.io account but it's asking for $5 to download it from itch.io, unless I'm misunderstanding


Have you connected your patreon account to your itch account? If you have, then you should be able to download the game through itch application without having to pay. - Punipen


What is the CG for the one on the right side of Morvin and Gimdin's CG on the second page in the gallery? I unlocked every scene in the replay but that CG is still locked.


Loving all the story behind Tharsix so far! And all the plot twists regarding him and the new characters! With so little text in some places you really were able to tell a lot of little bits to the story, i really love that! This is really worth the money, excellent game so far!


That sounds like Aoba in the bathhouse scene. You have to choose to spend time with Aoba and Cyrus in the bathhouse in chapter 4. - Punipen


Hey, I figured as a backer you might want some feedback. I've recently finished chapter 4 and while I greatly enjoyed the story I had some thoughts about the battles with Tharsix and Aquilo. Basically I'm not a fan of instant KO's and I thought that needing to destroy 64 gems to break Tharsix's second pin felt sort of too reliant on luck getting the right matches and cascades. Then with Aquilo's fight I don't know if I just had a dream run but it felt too easy, I sort of finished it and was just like "That's it, the fight with Tharsix was way harder." Yeah. Cheers, thanks for all the hard work.


Thank you! I'll take these feedbacks into account when I revise the game. I feel that Aquilo's too easy as well, especially for being a coliseum boss after Tharsix. - Punipen


Also I forgot to mention earlier I think I encountered a bug. In the battle to protect Shuo I used a skill, I think it was bash, that destroyed the gem Shuo was on and I got a game over which doesn't feel right because I destroyed it not the opponent.


64 Gems or an instant KO had me needing to retry the fight over 50 times just to get through it, I like the mechanic but instead of a game over just make it really disabling or something


I love everything and i want so much more. Will there be a second game?


when the next chapter update? i can not wait to paly!!!


Really? I feel the opposite on the two fights. Tharsix is pretty easy while Aquilo is painfully hard. I was basically scrambling for the right gems to deal with the Aerial Aim (the head one is practically a death sentence).


昨日、チャプター4-3まで遊びきることが出来ました。 ありがとうございます。 おそらく、非常に少数(もしかして唯一?)なJpanes Onlyですが戦闘のパズル要素と"punishment scene"を見るために遊んでいました。 多くのボズやダンジョン固有のギミックを解く事は、私がこのゲームの独自の面白さだと思っています。(中にはスキルやステータスの都合上、解法がランダムに頼らないとならない又は、チャレンジが出来る直後のタイミングではあまりにも理不尽だと感じる嫌なギミックもありますが……) さて、私は遊んでて幾つかの"煩わしさ"を感じる場面がありました。 これについては、可能なら改善をして欲しいと思うついでに、ケモコロシアムの根幹の部分の完成を優先して欲しいとも考えてます。 (恐らく、私の感じている"煩わしさ"を解決するためには開発を遅らせないといけないものも含まれていると考えています。) ゲームを作るのに非常に多くの不利があるにも関わらずここまで遊べるゲームを作り続けてくれたことに感謝します。 これからも次のアップデートを楽しみにしています。


最新版まで遊んでくださいまして、ありがとうございます! まずは完成を優先し、その後にシステムを改良していければと思います。 -黒野


Er... I tried to click the link and it keeps giving me the error 404 message and the link for the instructions wouldn't load for me...


The link in this post isn't the link to download the game. Please follow the instructions in this pinned post. https://www.patreon.com/posts/kemo-coliseum-37580366 Otherwise, you have to log in to your itch account that owns the game in your library in order to be able to read the patch notes. - Punipen


i was hoping to date tharsix :( the battle against him was hard (mentally) for me. Can I date tharsix the next update?


Jesus!Why I can't find this game on itch now??


Im having same issue. Went to go download the new version to replay it, but when I do it says 'couldn't find your page'.


must read this info https://www.patreon.com/posts/kemo-coliseum-37580366


I…have connected my patron account to itch account,but it's still asking for $5 to download. D: