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Hi, everyone!

I'm sorry to say that there will be no report and no new build this month. After releasing a few builds back to back, we felt burnt out a little in the middle of this month and decided to take a break.  

We are now back to working on the game, but I feel that the progress isn't enough to warrant a progress report and charge money, so I decided to skip this month. We will release a new build next month, and adjust the project roadmap after that to reflect the current status of the game.

- Punipen 



I still wish to give my part, and still contribute for all your hard work. Please, by all means, take some time to rest.


It's a hard work to create such a large game. Energy is important for a creator so please make a break and don't stress yourself with deadlines. I want a quality game and I can wait :) It's unbelivable how far you already came.


Love your project so much, wish everything goes well, take a good rest, cheers!🎉


I like this story very much.As mentioned above, please have a good rest and don't put too much pressure on yourself. We will support you all the time. :)