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Download The Latest Public Demo/公開デモをダウンロードする

Download Patron Only Demo/パトロン用デモをダウンロードする


It seems that many people can't find where to download the game. We put the links on the project description section, but due to Patreon's new layout, that section is hidden by default. You have to click on "Why Dudedle Studio is on Patreon" to expand and see the links in that section.

パトロンはサイトのレイアウトを変えたので、デモのリンクが隠されました。デモをダウンロードしたい方は、プロジェクトのページの「Why Dudedle Studio is On Patreon」と書いてあるところをクリックしてください。

I don't know how to solve this problem yet. There is no way to make a post sticky in Patreon. Perhaps I'll include the link to public and patrons-only builds in the report post in the future for the time being.


- Punipen ぷにペン



I'm still unsure where to find the download, sorry. I'm finding the new layout horrible to navigate :P


I'm having troubles finding the "Why Dudedle Studio is on Patreon" dropdown myself, and I spent several minutes looking for it. Until there's a more reasonable way to distribute the links (such as, as you alluded to, stickied posts), I would be in favor of having the links included in report posts.


Please try accessing the main project page from here :<a href="https://www.patreon.com/kemocoliseum">https://www.patreon.com/kemocoliseum</a> Can you see the project information section? - Punipen


I really hope they do something about it. It's hard to navigate from the project creator's side too :'( Anyway, please try checking out the project's page from this URL <a href="https://www.patreon.com/kemocoliseum">https://www.patreon.com/kemocoliseum</a> You should be able to see the information section with links to each build! - Punipen


Are you editing the project's page by any chance? For the time being, I can't access the home page, whenever I click on the link you've provided, I'm redirected to the Creator Posts thread. Same goes when I'm navigating to Dudedle Studio from my own home page ("currently supported" section).


No, I'm not. It seems that the new layout of Patreon is a disaster :'( - Punipen


Damn - no matter what links I use I'm unable to see the project information




If other people are having the same problem I am, it's that we're automatically being redirected from the home page to 'creator's posts'.


I should say it's more like your home page doesn't exist from our end. It doesn't seem possible to navigate there in the ways I can on other people's patreons


I cannot find the section called 'why Dudedle Studio is on Patreon' and it appears I'm not the only one. Maybe for now you can put download links in the Update posts you make?


I can't find the link to download it. &gt;.&gt;


i cant find this ling anywhere look can you just send me the link of the drop box for game for me to download it thanks


Unfortunately, we tried dropbox last time and it resulted in our account got suspended due to many downloads, so dropbox isn't an option for us. In any case, I updated the post with links to download the game. Please try them. - Punipen


i still need help downloading the patreon when it takes me to the patreon download i dont see anything except this Kemo Coliseum New Build is Here Kemo Coliseum New Build is Here Published Oct 7, 2015


Patreon download is for supporters who has pledge $3 or above only. I'll have to tell Patreon to show a more meaningful message :-( - Punipen




I think I may have figured out the problem for why the links to the current build aren't visible. The "Why Dudedle Studio is on Patreon" section is intended to be for encouraging people to BECOME patrons. If you already are one, you can't see it. When I log out from Patreon, I can see it just fine. That said, the most recent build is still from back in November. Is there one that is more current than that?


Oh my God, you're right! What an oversight on Patreon's part :-/ I hope they implement a sticky post feature soon. Thank you for testing that out! As for the latest build, that's the most recent one( version 0.9.1) We want the next version to be the end of Volga's first chapter so it'll take some time. - Punipen


i had downloaded the public demo version. Then when i played it, i found a problem when i had defeated the croc-looking thief. The next level was still unlocked, how many times i defeated the croc (until i reached lvl 11) the next level was still locked, was that programmed like that or it was a bug ?


It's a bug. It will happen if you choose "Return to Map" on the first time you lose to Dugan. If you want to get pass him, you have to defeat him without returning to map. If you have already save the game after the bug occurs, there is no other way but to restart the game or load the save file before that. This bug has been fixed in the current Patrons only version. It isn't fixed in the public version because the public version is too old and we made many changes since then. The future public version will not contain this bug. - Punipen


I found another trouble -_- When i finished to escort Rio to the village, then what ? In common RPG i should report to the NPC who give me the quest, don`t I ? But when i returned to the city, nothing happen, and Inn icon didn`t appear.


That's where the public demo end. The proper quest reporting system is already implemented in the latest version. - Punipen


H-hehe can't wait until the game comes out


Is there a rough ETA on the next Patron build for the game? I am pretty excited with all the updates coming through :D


Hey is their anyway to get the text to be in English. The fight scenes are in English along with the main menu. but the story and confrontations with the characters are all in another language.

Frank Weber

open the config(.ini) change last two latters from jp to en ;Currently available language ; jp - Japanese ; en - English [Language] lang=en


thanks frank


Is this game even in development?


have they stoped working on it seems like so much time


yes this game is still in development. but a lot of the creators are busy. some time ago punipen made an announcement about progress being slow because of it.


Yeah, I dunno how far along it is. But it's definitely in development. All the updates are patron only it would seem.


You should give people what version we will downloading :) So we know when to download :)


This is going to sound weird, but what font do you use on the conversation buttons? I'm getting no text on those, and I've read it's a thing the Unity engine does when the expected font isn't there.


It's seem like we can find the conversation in KemoColo_Data/output_log.txt.So if you want to translate the conversation in your language,you can try it,but it's still very hard.I'm a Chinese fan so if I have a credit card I will be a patreon at once.There are many Chinese fans want to play a new version!I'm trying to find a guy who can help me to help you!


Thank you! It's great to hear that you'd love to support us. As for translation from the debug log, there is no need to do this since we will provide you all the text files for any one to translate easily later. Also, good news is that we have an official Chinese translator waiting to translate the game already :) Please wait a bit for the Chinese version! - Punipen


Oh, hmm I'll have to check them again. I thought I include all the fonts already. Thanks for letting us know! - Punipen


I‘m glad to receive your reply!Chinese fans are complaining the game's version is very old,and most of them think that you stop editing this game.Actually,we can only play 0.9.2 version.So we are looking forward to updating the game.Besides,Chinese fans very very very like Tharsix!(but I like volga better)And the other problem is we can't find where the game's homepage is.Many Chinese who like furry have played this game,but they even don't konw what this game's name is.Although I try my best to introduce this game,but many Chinese don't think they will support this game(I'm very sad and angry)