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The boss battle is going to take some time, so I probably won't include it in the next release. In any case, hope you enjoy the screenshots in the report!

- Punipen




This looks amaaazzziiiing! :D


Ooo looks like there’s a lot to look forward to j love this game it’s so awesome you and your team are amazing Punipen you guys please keep up the great work I can’t wait till the update is finished so I can play it!!!


Awww can't wait to play the next release! Keep up the good work :)


Excited to see more Tharsix

Solitary Hyena

Wow this is looking great! I hope the build gets released so I can see more tharsix!


when the next release?


excited for that bathhouse party

Luke Cai

Excited to see more thrasiX, that bathouse scene looks amazing hoping to learn more aboutt Cyrus 's royal background


Mmm everyone getting a good look at Tharsix's enormous manhood 😍


ahhhh gonna try to not to look at the spoilers x3 gonna do a big playthrough once this upcoming update launches ahhhh <3 really excited :3


Cant wait looks great


For me, what made the punishment time so appealing was that it was an orgy and the exhibitionism. That you can see the punishers having fun along with the gladiator. I loved chatper 1 and 2 punishments so much. But then in chapter 3, it was only the gladiator shown and the punishers were just hands... I hope the future cgs would also show the punishers, or else the cg will just be half as hot...