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Hi, everyone! 

I've just updated our Patreon page with a new pinned post. The post will be updated from time to time to keep important information in there. With this, hopefully things will be easier to find. 

The pinned post also includes the link to the new Project Roadmap . This is to give you an idea of what will we be working on and when we plan to release the next chapter. As always, things may change depending on the situation, but we will try to stick to the plan as much as possible.

Writing this out really helps, since it's clear that we can finally see the finish line in sight. We'll do our best on the game!

- Punipen


Leo Once3333

Wait there's 6 chapters? I thought it got cut down to 5 per character awhile back. Huh. Well, it's still pretty amazing to think that by the end of next year Volga's route will be 100% done.


It was supposed to be 5 chapters when we planned to make 3 playable characters, but since we changed our plan and make Volga's story the only canon one, his story is extended to 6 chapters. - Punipen


It sounds like things are going to start picking up steam soon. If you don't mind my asking, just in terms of game development, what was your biggest roadblock? Because the schedule makes it seem like you've definitely turned a corner.


mmm after the next update or two, I'll do a complete run through of the game -3- I'm really excited about where this is all going, its amazing content. Also, feel like this is definitely a buyable game that you all are creating... weird to see it be free in the end. Anywho, really cool to see the gameplan, hope its a smooth ride for all of you ^^


Thank you! Since we plan to revise many things from the start, I think playing the game from the start again is something I'd encourage people to do. Hopefully things will go smoothly like you said! - Punipen


It's hard to say as there were and still are many obstacles. If I have to pick one, I think the game being a combination of an RPG game and a match-3 puzzle game is one of the biggest challenges. A traditional turn-based RPG is already a lot to take on, but we're doing something different with the battle system, so much more time were spent on trial & error, trying to make it fun, unique, and make everything work together. There's no way to know until you work on it, and sometimes you spent time on it only to find that it isn't fun. It would have been much faster and easier if we just copy how other puzzle rpg games out there work, but we didn't want to do that as we want to make something our own. It's been difficult but I'm pretty happy with the result! Perhaps after the project is done I can write a full postmortem and what we learned from the project. - Punipen


Hi, I'm always happy to see a developer roadmap about a game I've enjoyed and supported for years. But I must ask, how come you think you can put out two parts of Chapter 4 in June and July when previously it's taken at least 6months between chapter updates? Thanks in advance!


Usually, the time between each release is long because not only we have to work on the assets and actually implementing them in the game, there's planning to do as well. While we know the general direction of our stories, as well as the events we want to show in the game, it can be time consuming when it comes down to deciding the specifics. At first, chapter 4 was planned to be released in 3 parts, with each part ending at a coliseum boss fight and a punishment scene. However, due to the delay from the covid-19 situation, instead of waiting for releasing the whole thing, we believe it might be better to split the second part further into 2 smaller parts. Therefore, the June release will include one main quest with a dungeon and a boss. The rest that will be in the July release are a few story scenes, a coliseum boss and a punishment scene. Since they're actually from the same part, the planning process is mostly done for them and we're down to making assets and implementing them into the game. - Punipen


Thanks for the reply, I was just wondering how you guys were going to do that as traditionally it's been a lot longer between updates (more like the rest of the timeline on your roadmap for Chapters 5 and 6) than just one month. I've been supporting for a while and I made up my mind long ago to support you until completion and I'm really happy to see so much progress despite any delays. Good luck and keep it up!


No problem! I understand, and thank you so much for your kind words ^ ^ Chapter 5 is going to be the hardest to work on on, imo. Chapter 6 is mainly epilogues and optional quests so I'm not as worried as chapter 5. - Punipen


As someone interested in game design, that would be a pretty interesting read. Innovation is always harder than copying someone else. Keep up the good work!