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Hi everyone! I finally tracked down the bug and fixed it in Windows version!  Thank you so much to everyone who helped reporting the bug. You all have been a great help!! (人'▽`)☆

- Punipen


Rei Loire

We thank you for repairing it so fast.


That was quick! I'm going to download it and take a look :D THX!


Also, thanks for sending out an email notification for this.


Erk. Looks like you guys still have a few bugs to work out. During the fight with the lizard bandit dude I got a syntax error that froze the game when he attempted to use his Charge Guard skill. Also, another minor bug. I noticed the music randomly likes to cut out during battles. Nothing huge, but something you might want to check into.


I just found that out as well (((;゚д゚))) It's fixed but I'll upload it tomorrow, just in case there are more. As for music, I notice it happen while testing it in Unity as well. Will add that to bug report board! - Punipen


You guys never fail to disappoint, the game is so fun even without any of the "sexy stuff" and whatnot, it's so great! One thing I'd point out though is that some of the English text isn't worded properly, which is understandable but I'm just wondering if you have oeople that proofread that stuff? Because I'd like to offer to help with it if needed ^^.

Solitary Hyena

Wow, this was quite a nice build! The story is pretty hot too, I really am excited to see whats in store for Volga in the future and for the other characters!


I'd love to post bugs on the waffle thing, but it won't let me... Anyhow, I've noticed that the descriptions for the abilities are still in Japanese even though my game is in English. The INI file is also correctly set to English. Also, I don't know if this is a bug or not, but I did get a starting board with no available moves. At least it was my turn so I was able to have the game make a new one by switching gems that didn't match. Would the enemy AI know to do that, though? If I find any more bugs, I'll post them here.


I also tried to suggest under the waffle card about more time to admire a naked body after a loss/victory: when a loss/victory results in a cutscene, such as with Dugan, would it be possible to have a nude sprite rather than a clothed one?


For waffle, I believe you need an account at github. I'll put your comment under that card. - Punipen


Thank you! I'll put these in waffle.io if they aren't already there. I don't think the enemy will know how to do that and it's likely that the game will just freeze as the AI doesn't know what to do... - Punipen


Thank you! Hearing that makes us really happy and really encouraging ^ ^ The writing isn't proofread yet. We have a volunteer proofreader already but if we need more I'll make a post and let you know! I'd need to find a way for people to cooperate easily as well. - Punipen


Thank you! You'll get to see more of Volga and other characters for sure (´>∀<`) - Punipen


YAY! And on my birthday too! Can't wait to play it :D


I think it might be my browser of something but I can't seem to find the D/L link.


You can find it in this post <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/1596090">https://www.patreon.com/posts/1596090</a> - Punipen

Husky Lee

I'm done! I really love so much this game!


Ahhh man I was playing this with a smile on my face the whole time! The difficulty was improved, I'm terrible at puzzle games, the levelling up seems to be faster, so I basically just outlevelled Dugan and was able to win him that way. Gimdin is really awesome, the whole scene that takes place really fits the tone of the story and is pretty funny/hot, I really like this addon :D The new BGMs are a nice touch as well. I was also happy to see the scene with Rio having a little more detail, really enjoyed it So far this is amazing, you guys have come a loooong way Also Tharsix &lt;3


Thank you so much! I'm very happy to hear that you like all the new contents and adjustment we added. Glad to hear that you like Gimdin's scenes as well. You'll get to see more of him in future ^ ^ And Tharsix is coming in the next build. So please look forward to that! - Punipen


A question. The game is really good, but I have a question. is it a bug that in the cave dungeon I get a lot of red squeres instead of events / monters?


Could you please send me a screenshot of that? I'm not really sure what you mean so I can't tell if it's a bug or not. - Punipen


I remember that your comment was saying you needed help with something before. What happened? - Punipen


Anyone else having the graphics not showing up? like right from boot up white screen? Music plays but no visual


I found a bug with the bats in the new cave area. When volga has a skill warmed up, and the bat's soundwave skill pushes it back, the icon for volga's skill is still lit up as if it was ready. Using another skill dims the skill icon. Here are some screenshots if my description is unclear <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/c6982ca00vcpd81/Screenshots.zip?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/c6982ca00vcpd81/Screenshots.zip?dl=0</a>