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A new patch has been uploaded. You can read the note from here:


- Punipen



When I clicked on the link it says a 404 error that nothing's there.


I think you have to login with the account that has access to the game to see it. - Punipen


There we go, thank you!


Encountering an issue where whenever I load a chapter 4 save, it starts at the beginning of Chapter 4 (title card). Once I skip ahead a bit, the only locations available are the Church and the Castle, even though I'm supposed to go to the Coliseum to check the schedule. I don't know if this caused the issue, but before I found this bug I went back and loaded a Ch 3 file after playing a little of Chapter 4.


May I ask for both save files? Our email is dudedle.studio(a) gmail.com. Alternatively you can also put it on the bug report site. - Punipen


It was sent out recently, but it's possible that we made a mistake and didn't send it to you. I'll send it to you soon. As for the save file, I'm not sure how it happen since it isn't supposed to delete anything. However, it's probably safer to back up your save files before updating. To prevent this, I'll make the game make a backup of your save files somewhere that won't be overwritten when the game is updated, just in case. - Punipen

I Dare Korval

Hi, I just updated and decided to check out Kailano's extended punishment scene from the Extras menu option. It seemed to work fine up to the announcement that it was punishment time and a popup appeared with the following error "Character not found" followed by "Cannot activate character named 'feline_punisher". the text at the bottom on the screen still seems to work fine, but there are no pictures (all black background). Let me know if you need any of my files to help out.


I have a question. If im already a $3 patreon and have acces to the patreon version of the game, do i have to pay $5 again for downloading this last patch? becouse i uptated the game from the itch.io app and i still have missing parts in the gallery.


how do relationships work, sorry its my first day,


Currently only Aoba is available. You can see him at the inn and spend Heart Token to ask him out. After you build up enough relationship points, you'll get to see special events that will allow you to raise relationship points further. - Punipen


The missing parts mean you haven't seen those new scenes yet. There is no need to pay anything more to update the game if you have connected your patreon account to itch.io. - Punipen


Is Aoba not supposed to be available to interact with during certain parts of the story? He's not there anymore at the start of chapter 4.


Hmm, I must have accidentally locked him out. I'll fix it in the next update. - Punipen