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Hi, everyone. I would like to apologize for the delay. Unfortunately, I got a lower back pain when I was moving the furnitures in my office. It's been about a week, and I'm slowly recovering, but I still cannot be in front of the computer as long as I want to.

While, fortunately, many tasks such as writing, animation and translation had been delegated to other people and thus the development could still progress without me, the progress has certainly been slowed down, since I'm still the one who has to put everything together into the game. e

Frankly, I'm really upset about this since this year it's the year I decided NOT to join Kemoket so that I can completely focus on Kemo Coliseum, and then this happened *sigh*.

In any case, if there's enough progress, there will be only one report this month. I'm still going to do my best and push the last section of chapter 3 out at the end of the month though.

- Punipen




I'm sorry to hear about your injury. Please take good care of yourself Punipen. Delays in updates are normal. Your health comes first.


Take your time!! Health is more important! Try not to stress too much, hope you start feeling better soon!


Get well soon!


Don't worry about the update, we understand completely. We value your and yhe teams health and safety above all else, and you should rest enough sothat your body can recover. So please dont push yourself right now, we will wait for you to get better. That wil be worth much more to us. ❤


I feel your pain. Hope you feel better and if it really hurts and if you haven't already please get that checked to make sure its nothing serious.

Rex Aurum

hey its alright man, we understand if you need a break, take your time and rest up alright? youve been working hard on this project really really hard and we all understand that you need rest and a break. So take it slow ya hear? and thank you for all of your hard work that you do.


Please take care of yourself!


Hope your back gets better.


Please take care of yourself! I hope you will have a quick recovery.


No worries! I hope you feel better soon!


How dare you have productivity issues when your injured, Said no reasonable person ever. Get well soon buddy!!!!


take care! hope u recover soon!


There is nothing to apologize for! Hope u will get better soon~